
  • 网络risk warning;early warning
  1. 之后选择BP神经网络,针对弘历公司建立营销风险预警管理模型。

    BP nerve network is chosen to establish risk warning management model .

  2. 基于BP神经网络的工程项目知识管理风险预警研究

    The Research of Projects Knowledge Management Risk Warning Based on BP Neural Network

  3. 一种基于BP网的营销风险预警方法

    A method for marketing risk early warning based on BP network

  4. 金融风险预警&基于BP人工神经网络的一种分析

    Financial risk EARLY-WARNING-AN analysis based on BP artificial neural network model

  5. UML在社会保险基金风险预警系统中的建模应用

    Application of UML to Modeling for Warning System of Social Security Funds

  6. 在此分析基础上,结合N工程有限公司财务管理的实际情况,采用综合评分方法构建出N工程有限公司的财务风险预警指标体系。

    Based on the analysis , index system of financial risk warning for the corporation is build up , using comprehensive scoring method .

  7. 玩具行业应对TBT风险预警系统的研究

    Research on the toy industry 's response to TBT Risk Prewarning System

  8. 第四部分,基于J2EE企业级应用架构,采用XML、WEBService等关键技术,设计出了财富证券风险预警与分析专家系统。

    Fourthly The system is based on J2EE enterprise application infrastructure , using XML , Web Service technologies and designed an expert system for securities risk prediction and analysis .

  9. 最后,将地理信息系统(GIS)引入到燃气管道的风险预警中,实现对管道风险的动态管理。

    And Geography Information Systems ( GIS ) is applied to Risk Early Warning System of Gas Pipeline , so as to implement the dynamic risk management .

  10. 构建了供应商风险预警的逻辑模型,并建立了基于SAP环境的供应商风险预警系统。

    Constructed early warning logic model for suppliers risks , and established supplier risk early warning system under SAP environment .

  11. 基于Markowitz和VaR模型的股指期货风险预警

    Stock Index Futures at Risk Monitor Based on Model Markowitz and Model Value at Risk

  12. 基于现存研究成果的局限,开发出一种基于BP网的营销风险预警方法。

    Because of the limitations of the existed achievement , the paper attempts to develop a new method for marketing risk early warning based on BP network .

  13. 并建立了基于相关性分析的MES软件项目风险预警模型,为防范和控制风险提供了行之有效的方法。

    And based on correlation analysis , it also established a risk alarming model for MES software project .

  14. 第三,基于PDCA循环理论构建了企业财务风险预警内部报告。

    Third , based on the PDCA cycle theory , this article builds internal reports of financial risk warning .

  15. 在我国加入WTO、市场需要新秩序、企业需要新规范、管理需要新方法的今天,将企业广告投入风险预警管理系统的建立提上管理议程,具有极为重要的现实意义与理论意义。

    As China 's entry into WTO , the market , corporate and management need new cosmos , new regulation and new methods . Therefore , the study of early-warning management system in advertisement investment has critical reality and theory meaning .

  16. 本文采用统计学中的Logistic回归模型,建立我国网络概念上市公司退市风险预警模型,并通过对模型进行实证检验,证明新模型的有效性。

    This article uses the Logistic Regression Model in statistics to establish a withdrawal risks warning model for Internet concept Public Limited Company ( PLC ) in China , and verifies the applicability and effectiveness of this new model .

  17. 通过Wind金融资讯系统获取上市公司丰富的信息资源,依据上市公司股价的信息,采用多元GARCH&M模型对上市公司股票回报的波动率进行估计,运用违约风险预警模型获得中国股票市场上市公司的违约概率;

    According to information about stock price of listed company from Wind consultative system , volatility of stock return of listed company can be estimated through multivariate GARCH & M model , so the default probability of listed company can be attained by employing the evaluating model in this paper .

  18. 电费审核安全风险预警模型首先通过KMO检验验证了电费审核安全风险适宜作主成分分析,并通过主成分分析方法选择了总贡献率达85%的指标,并以这些指标建立了RBF神经网络预警模型。

    Tariff audit security risk early warning model by KMO test to verify the electricity checking safety risk for principal component analysis , and principal component analysis method to select the total contribution rate of85 % of the index , and the index established a RBF neural network prediction model .

  19. 银行业风险预警系统的构建问题研究

    Research on the Construction of Banking Early-warning System for Financial Risks

  20. 第四,加强风险预警,完善风险治理机制。

    Fourth , to strengthen risk pre-warning , integrate government mechanism .

  21. 我国上市公司财务风险预警的实证分析

    Empirical Research of Financial Risk Early-Warning for Listed Companies in China

  22. 虚拟经济复杂性与风险预警研究

    Research on the Complexity of Fictitious Economy and Its Pre-warning System

  23. 构建输入性登革热风险预警量化指标体系的研究

    Construction of quantified appraisal system of imported risk of dengue fever

  24. 浙江省永嘉县滑坡灾害风险预警研究

    Early warning of landslide risk in Yongjia County , Zhejiang Province

  25. 我国民营企业融资风险预警系统研究

    The Research of Private Enterprises Financing Prediction in Our Country

  26. 债转股后的道德风险预警研究

    Early-warning Research on the Ethical Risks After Swap of Debt to Equity

  27. 国际建筑工程承包的风险预警研究

    A Research on Contractor 's Risk Early Warning of International Construction Project

  28. 高等教育投资风险预警管理评价方法研究

    Study of the Evaluation Approaches of Risk Early-warning for Higher Education Investment

  29. 基于模糊综合评判法的人力资源管理风险预警模型

    Early-warning Model of Human Resource Management Risk Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment

  30. 水产品出口贸易风险预警系统研究

    Study on Early-Warning System for Export Risks of Aquatic Products