
  • 网络risk attitude;attitudes toward risk
  1. 风险态度与密封招标中的均衡投标策略

    The equilibrium bidding strategy for the bidders with different attitudes toward risk in the first price sealed auctions

  2. 以风险态度区隔市场,得到风险趋避型、平衡型及爱好型三族群。

    Three groups discriminated by risk attitude are risk averter , risk balancer and risk lover .

  3. 基于决策者风险态度的多准则决策的Vague集方法

    Multi-criteria decision-making method based on vague sets and risk attitudes of decision makers

  4. 提出了一种准则权系数和决策者权系数信息都不完全,且决策者存在风险态度的Fuzzy群体多准则决策方法。

    A new method of fuzzy group multiple criteria decision making ( FGMCDM ) with incomplete information of criteria 's weights and decision-maker 's is proposed .

  5. 用实验分析的方法探索不同风险态度时,股东对过度自信CEO的最优薪酬合同设计问题。

    This paper explored how the shareholder should design the optimal compensation contract for overconfident CEO with different risk attitude .

  6. 前者使用CE范式对美国被试进行研究,得出如下几点结论:(1)人们的风险态度呈四分模式;

    The former adopted CE research norm to study American subjects and got such conclusions : ( I ) People 's risk attitudes have four-fold pattern ;

  7. 本文用Bayesian决策理论建立一个模型描述个体风险态度经过群体讨论后将如何变化,包括其变化的方向和变化的数量。

    In this paper , the principle of Bayesian decision theory are used to model how individual attitudes will change after group discussion , including the direction and magnitude of opinion shift .

  8. 在指出传统U-R效用函数不足的基础上,研究了基于期望收益和方差的E-V效用函数,提出并证明了E-V效用函数判定风险态度的充要条件。

    The article points out the weakness of traditional U-R utility function and studies the E-V utility function which is based on the expected profit and variance . We propose the sufficient and necessary conditions to judge the risk attitude by the E-V utility function and give the proof .

  9. 风险态度、概率结构对偏好反转的影响

    The Effects of Risk Attitude and Probability Structure on Preference Reversals

  10. 风险态度可变特征对证券市场投资者博弈的影响

    Effect on Game Behavior with Character of Variable Risk Attitude

  11. 一种基于风险态度因子的区间数信息聚类方法

    A Clustering Method for Interval Number Information Based on Risk Attitude Factor

  12. 个体对股票投资的风险态度研究

    The Reserch About Risk Attitude of Individual Towards Stock Investment

  13. 风险态度与我国企业年金计划类型选择

    Risk Preference and Choices of Types of Corporate Annuity Schemes

  14. 效用无差别定价与投资者风险态度的数量关系

    Quantitative Relation Between Utility Indifference Pricing and the Investor 's Risk Attitude

  15. 考虑管理者风险态度的大型服务运作系统能力应急管理

    Disrupting Capacity Management of Service Operation System under Decision-maker 's Risk Attitude

  16. 隐性知识主体风险态度的经济学分析

    Economics analysis on tacit knowledge mainbody of risk attitude

  17. 人们的风险态度在偏好反转的发生中有重要的意义。

    Risk attitude is of great importance in occurrence of the preference reversals .

  18. 风险态度与教育和职业选择行为&一个实验方法的研究案例

    An Experimental Study on Risk Attitude and Choice Behavior of Education and Career

  19. 基于风险态度的紧急物资保障方案研究

    Scenario of Emergency Material Supply Based on Risk Attitude

  20. 论企业竞争中的先动优势、风险态度和预期收益

    First Move Advantage , Risk Attitude and Expectant Revenue

  21. 探讨了考虑电动汽车用户风险态度的放电电价策略。

    Discusses the discharging price strategy , considering electric vehicle user ' attitude .

  22. 同时对完全信息与风险态度的关系进行了简单的分析。

    The relation between the perfect information and risk attitude is discussed briefly .

  23. 基于决策者风险态度的导流方案多目标决策研究

    Multi-objective decision-making method for diversion schemes based on risk attitudes of decision makers

  24. 基于投资者风险态度的资产定价方法

    Asset pricing methods based on risk attitude of investors

  25. 该研究着重探讨决策任务的各维度特征对风险态度的影响。

    This study focused on the effects of decision task features on risk preference .

  26. 决策任务特征对风险态度的影响

    The Effects of Task Features on Risk Preference

  27. 此外,收入满意度指标并不是个体风险态度量度的一个重复。

    Moreover , our measure of income satisfaction is not a proxy for risk attitude .

  28. 完全信息下的战略联盟企业风险态度与收益的策略博弈

    Risk Manners and Incomes in Strategic Alliance Enterprises Based on Complete Information : Maneuver Game

  29. 基于风险态度可变的投机行为研究

    Opportunism based on variable attitudes toward risks

  30. 基于单侧风险态度的资本资产定价模型及其实证研究

    The Capital Assets Pricing Model Based on Attitude to One-Side Risk and Its Empirical Test