
  • 网络RAROC;Risk Costs
  1. 针对目标函数的非线性,设计了通过引入可调圈求解多重解,以得到最大流和给定流的最小风险代价配流算法。

    Based on nonlinear objective function , the minimal risk flow is obtained by calculating the multiple solutions of maximal flow and allotting at specific flow , according to the concept of adjustable loop .

  2. 分别以区间数的上、下限作为路网的容量约束的上限,建立了保守最大流、乐观最大流、最小风险代价乐观最大流和最小风险代价流的定义和数学模型。

    Upper limit and lower limit of interval numbe are used to arc 's upper limit capacity respectively , conservative maximal flow , optimistic maximal flow , minimal risk optimistic maximal flow and minimal risk flow are defined and their mathematic models are constructed .

  3. 在任总统有许多优势,但也有风险与代价。

    Incumbency has its risks and costs , as well as its many advantages .

  4. 藐视着它的风险,代价,却坚信着未来。

    Disdaining its risk , its price , but believing in the prospects , and .

  5. 隔绝风险的代价高昂,且无法保证所有问题都能避免。

    Insulating against the risks is expensive and no guarantee that problems can be avoided .

  6. 破产就是资本主义:让你为自己选择承担的风险付出代价。

    Bankruptcy is capitalism : it makes you bear the costs of the risks you choose to take on .

  7. 在它的强制作用下,承担过度风险的代价将由正确的人选承担&股东与次级债券持有者。

    It forces the costs of excessive risk taking on to the right people – the shareholders and subordinated debt holders .

  8. 尤其是在企业发展的前期,难免会有逃脱法律风险不惜代价求发展的侥幸心理。

    Especially , in the early time of enterprise , there would be lots of fluke mind to escape of law risk .

  9. 由于在真实系统上直接试验的风险和代价太大,所以数字仿真技术成为一种行之有效的手段。

    Because testing directly in real system will take very large risk and price , the technology of digital simulation becomes an effective measure .

  10. 基本面分析派的生活可能会很伤脑筋,但他们可以降低负担风险的代价,只要不过于密切地追踪每日价格波动。

    Fundamentalist life can be nerve-racking , but fundamentalists can reduce the cost of risk-bearing by simply not following day-by-day price fluctuations too closely .

  11. 投资者从事证券投资是为了获得投资回报&预期收益,但这种回报是以承担相应风险为代价的。

    Investors engaged in the securities investment are for acquiring investment repay - expected return . But this kind of return is at the expense of risk .

  12. 最为可贵的是我国古代战略管理思想最早提出了战略的好坏是由战略的制定以及实施造成的直接和间接后果所带来的成本、风险、代价的高低决定的。

    Most importantly , ancient Chinese strategic management thought puts forward the idea that good or bad strategy should be decided upon both the direct and indirect cost which is brought about by the strategy worked and carried out .

  13. 介绍了一种用于PKI系统的安全密钥管理机制,可以让用户以最小的安全风险和管理代价来管理密钥信息的备份和恢复过程。

    This paper introduces a mechanism of key management , which enables users to control the backup and recovery process of subscribed private key with minimal security risks and lowest cost .

  14. 虚构风险的实际代价

    Real Costs for Imaginary Risks

  15. 不过,总体而言,整个组别业绩领先是以风险加大为代价的。

    However , outperformance in this sector has , on the whole , come at the price of elevated risk .

  16. 埃利奥特博士说,即使将胰岛素注射液的用量减半,移植猪细胞也是值得的,因为完全依速胰岛素注射的风险很大,代价很高。

    Dr Elliott said even halving insulin injections made the transplants worthwhile because of the risks and costs of total dependence on injections .

  17. 漕运本身就有高风险、高代价、高剥削的特征,如进行重复性运输则会提高花费和加重剥削。

    Heart itself has high cost and high risk , the characteristic of exploitation , such as repetitive transportation costs and increase will improve exploitation .

  18. 中国的中央托管结算机构是在社会经济为不规范的国债回购所引发的系统性金融风险付出巨大代价的背景下应运而生的。

    China 's CSD has been established against the background of high cost of financial system risks triggered by disorders in bond repo market and paid by the whole economy .

  19. 考虑到现场实验的高风险和高代价,认为加强风洞物理建模及其与数学建模的结合将是未来重气扩散研究的主导研究策略。

    To overcome the high risk and high cost of field testing , it is recommended to take as the main research strategy the combination of wind tunnel physical modeling with that of the numerical one .

  20. 与此同时,美元相对于欧元、英镑和加元汇率大幅下跌,正起到相反的作用降低这些经济体的通胀风险,但代价是造成经济进一步疲弱。

    The sharp decline in the US dollar relative to the euro , sterling and the Canadian dollar , meanwhile , is having the opposite effect reducing the risk of inflation in those economies , but at the price of transmitting additional economic weakness .

  21. 建立了一套完整的Bayes判别分析方法,并提出了明确的衡量综合预测结果所冒风险大小的风险代价比Kdn该方法可用于不同时间尺度的地震综合预测。

    A Bayes discriminant analysis is developed in the paper , in which the threshold of classification can be determined according to the risk level we take . The method is available in earthquake forecast with a variety of time scales .

  22. 风险评估过程中代价高昂的一部分,且理论上只有在必要时才实时执行。

    A costly part of the client risk assessment process , and ideally should be performed just-in-time and only if necessary .

  23. 如果你是型的人,要避免风险,不惜一切代价股市是不适合你。

    If you are the type of person who wishes to avoid risks at all costs , stock market is not the place for you .

  24. 因此,公共风险管理的目标应该是尽量减少与风险相关的代价,而不是彻底消除。

    Therefore , the objective of public risk management should be minimization , not elimination , of risk-related costs .