
  • 网络wind-cold-dampness
  1. 风寒湿痹证用蠲痹汤加减。

    Rheumatism caused by wind-cold-dampness : using Juan Bi Decoction modification . 6 .

  2. 中医学为膝骨关节炎主要是由于风寒湿邪侵袭,痹阻关节所致。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that knee osteoarthritis is mainly caused by wind-cold-dampness evil invasion and blockage of joints .

  3. 辨证论治是中医临床治疗RA的主要手段。观察32例病人,从病人来源看,风寒湿痹者更为多见;

    Differentiation of syndromes and treatment is the mostly measure in TCM clinical treating , in the clinical research , we observed 32 patients ;

  4. 风寒湿刺激对家兔颈椎间盘MMP-1、MMP-3活性的影响香樟风寒熨剂的薄层色谱鉴别

    Effect on activity change of MMP-1 , MMP-3 of cervical intervertebral discs of rabbits by irritancy of Wind-Cold-Dampness factors

  5. 目的探讨人工风寒湿与风湿热环境影响大鼠胶原诱导性关节炎(CIA)发病的机理。

    Objective : To probe the mechanism that artifical environments wind cold dampness ( WCD ) and wind dampness hot ( WDH ) affect the development of collagen induced arthritis ( CIA ) in rats .

  6. 结论IL-1β的异常表达可能是风寒湿致颈椎病的重要机理之一。

    Conclusion The results showed that il - 1 β appeared to be the coupling factor / between the exopathic factors and the degradation of cervical intervertebral discs , which may show some insight on the mechanism of wind cold dampness action on cervical spondylosis .

  7. 药物熏蒸治疗风寒湿痹疗效分析

    Effective Analysis on Treating Chill Arthritis with steam Generated by Boiling Medicinal Herbs

  8. 风寒湿等外邪侵袭亦是主要诱发因素。

    Invasion of wind cold dampness and other evils is the main predisposing factors .

  9. 松解肩前为主治疗风寒湿型肩周炎临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Scapulohumeral Periarthritis of Wind-Cold-Damp Type Treated Mainly With Scapuloanterior Relaxing Manipulation

  10. 兔风寒湿痹证型颈椎病模型的建立

    A rabbit model of cervical spondylosis established by stimulation of wind , cold and dampness

  11. 中药熏治风寒湿痹120例临床报告

    Treatment of 120 Cases of Arthralgia Syndrome Caused by Wind , Cold and Damp with Fumigation of Chinese Herbs

  12. 滞针法治疗风寒湿阻型类风湿性关节炎临床观察

    Clinical observation on needle - sticking method for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of wind - cold - damp retention type

  13. 目的:探讨颈部风寒湿刺激对机体氧自由基的影响。

    Aim : To probe into wind cold dampness effect of the cervical part on oxygen free radical metabolism in experimental rabbits .

  14. 桂芍知母汤加味治疗早期类风湿性关节炎临床疗效桂枝芍药知母汤治疗类风湿性关节炎(风寒湿痹型)的临床研究

    Clinical Research on the Effect of Cinnamon Twig , Peony , Anemarrhena Decoction on Rheumatoid Arthritis ( RA ) with Anemofrigid-damp Arthralgia

  15. 絮刺火罐对实验性风寒湿痹神经传导速度及兴奋阈的影响

    Influence of Multiple Tapping and Cupping Therapy on Nerve Conduction Velocity and Excitatory Threshold in Experimental Wind Cold Damp Bi Obstruction Syndrome

  16. 目的观察风湿痛消丸治疗风寒湿痹病的临床疗效。

    Aim To research the clinical efficacy of Fengtongning Pill FTN on treatment of Bi syndrome induced by wind , cold and dampness .

  17. 其主要病机为肝肾亏虚,风寒湿邪痹阻,痰瘀阻络。据此确立补肾蠲痹通络为膝骨关节炎肾虚络痹证的治疗大法。

    And The main pathogenesis for the liver and kidney deficiency , evil wind cold dampness , collaterals clogged with phlegm and blood stasis .

  18. 本病的特点是肝肾亏虚为基础,感受风寒湿邪。

    The characteristic is that it 's based on deficiency of both liver and kidney and onset of pathogen wind , cold and damp .

  19. 风寒湿刺激对家兔颈部肌肉及血液组织中氧自由基和前列腺素代谢的影响

    Effects of Stimulation of Wind , Cold and Dampness on Metabolism of Oxygen Free Radical and Prostaglandin in Cervical Muscle and Blood in Rabbits

  20. 结论:钩针配合桂枝加葛根汤加味治疗神经根型颈椎病(风寒湿型)能明显改善患者的临床症状、体征,缓解疼痛。

    Hooked Needle therapy can improve the Clinical symptoms 、 signs and the quality of life of Nerve Root Cervical Spondylosis ( wind-cold-dampness syndrome ) patients .

  21. 陈伤一般肿胀不明显,常以风寒湿邪侵袭而反复发作。损伤部位发生于肩、肘、腕、腰、膝、髀、踝等处。

    An old injury has not marked swelling but has the repeated recurrence in case of the invasion by exogenous pathogenic wind , cold and dampness .

  22. 其主要病机为肾虚督寒,风寒湿痰瘀互结。

    And the main pathogenesis is the deficiency of spleen , liver and kidney , the pathogenic factors are wind-cold - dampness and interlocked phlegm and blood stasis .

  23. 病至晚期,肝肾不足,气血两虚,风寒湿邪侵袭人体日久,稽留筋骨而成痹证。

    Disease to late , liver and kidney deficiency , blood deficiency , the wind cold dampness evil invasion of the body a long time , missed bones become Arthralgia .

  24. 结果:①按中医肩周炎可分为风寒湿型,治疗原则为祛风散寒,通络止痛;

    RESULTS : ① In traditional Chinese medicine , periarthritis of shoulder was divided into wind-cold-damp type , which was cured by expelling wind and removing cold , and activating meridians to stop pain ;

  25. 风寒湿痹和痰瘀进一步阻滞经络,造成经络闭阻,患者多出现四肢末端麻木、迟钝、疼痛,并且以疼痛为主要表现。

    Cold and dampness and phlegm and blood stasis further block the meridians , resulting in the meridians closed block , the patients extremities , numbness , dull pain , and pain as the main performance .

  26. 两组中医证型变化及其与疗效的关系相比风寒湿型、气滞血瘀型较其它症型具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    There was significant difference between two groups ( P < 0.05 ) . Between different TCM diagnosis and effect , Wind-cold-damp Syndrome and Qi-stagnation-blood-stasis Syndrome were clearly better than other syndromes ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 本病的内因为正气虚弱,外因是风寒湿侵袭和创伤及其所引起的肢体力线失衡和负荷过度。

    The internal cause of the disease is the weakness of healthy qi , and the external causes are the invasion of wind , coldness and dampness , trauma , and the obliquity of the line of force caused by them .

  28. 结论:肌腱粘连的机理是血瘀气滞,风寒湿夹杂为病,外科熏洗方有很强的活血祛瘀,祛风湿散寒,舒筋活络的作用,中药熏洗配合传统手法治疗更能有效治疗肌腱粘连。

    The fumigation of Chinese medicine has the strong effects of activating blood and dissipating blood stasis , dispelling wind-dampness and dispersing cold , relaxing tendons and activating collaterals , the treatment of fumigation combined with massage can effectively treat tendon adhesion .

  29. 目的:观察阳和汤治疗肾阳虚型、风寒湿痹型类风湿性关节炎的有效性与安全性。方法:将60例类风湿性关节炎患者随机分为治疗组与对照组各30例。

    Objective : To investigate the efficacy and safety of Yanghe Decoction on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of kidney-Yang deficiency and wind-cold-damp retention type . Method : 60 patients were randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group , each of 30 cases .

  30. 研究结论:1.针刺风池为主配合动法治疗风寒湿型肩周炎,治疗后患者的症状体征均有改善,且针刺风池为主配合动法治疗风寒湿型肩周炎优于对照组。

    Acupuncture with dynamic method mainly wind pool treatment the wind cold dampness type of patients , periarthritis of shoulder treatment are improving signs and symptoms , and mainly wind with acupuncture treatment of dynamic method pool of wind cold dampness type scapulohumeral periarthritis better than control . 2 .