
fēng sú
  • custom;social custom
风俗 [fēng sú]
  • [social custom] 特定区域、特定人群沿革下来的风气、礼节、习惯等的总和

  • 说书虽小技,然必句性情,习风俗。——清· 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》

  • 近岁风俗尤为侈靡。——宋· 司马光《训俭示康》

风俗[fēng sú]
  1. 这一特殊风俗起源于威尔士。

    This particular custom has its origins in Wales .

  2. 女子早婚是那个国家的风俗。

    It is the custom in that country for women to marry young .

  3. 按照传统风俗,儿童在4月1日捣乱戏弄别人。

    By tradition , children play tricks on 1 April .

  4. 这个节目介绍全国各地的风俗习惯。

    The programme was about customs in different parts of the country .

  5. 有些奇怪的风俗是从早年留存下来的。

    Some strange customs have survived from earlier times .

  6. 社会风俗在代与代之间起到了极其重要的纽带作用。

    Social customs provide a vital link between generations .

  7. 这是当地的风俗习惯。

    It 's a local custom .

  8. 互换爱情信物以庆祝2月14号情人节的风俗

    the custom of exchanging love tokens to celebrate February 14 .

  9. 钟努力去适应当地的风俗习惯。

    Chung has tried to adapt to local customs .

  10. 他们古老部落风俗的丰富遗产

    their rich heritage of ancient tribal customs .

  11. 他一定是刚到镇上来的,明显不了解我们这儿的风俗。

    He must be a newcomer to town and he obviously didn 't understand our local customs

  12. 唱圣诞颂歌的风俗源自异教徒早期的舞蹈仪式。

    The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin

  13. 他们会争取讨回世代相传的土地,并要求尊重土著居民的权利和风俗。

    They will campaign for the return of traditional lands and respect for aboriginal rights and customs .

  14. 荷兰人有一套自己的风俗,孩子们会将鞋子放在外面,圣诞老人到来时便会在里面装满礼品。

    The Dutch developed a custom by which children put out shoes which Saint Nicholas would fill with gifts when he came visiting .

  15. 在去沙特阿拉伯之前我必须先阅读大量材料以了解阿拉伯人的风俗习惯。

    I must read up on Arab customs before I go to Saudi Arabia .

  16. 这些风俗是世世代代传下来的。

    These customs have been handed down through the ages .

  17. 这种风俗由来已久。

    This is a time-honoured custom .

  18. 他们改变了他们的风俗和行为以适应新环境。

    They assimilated their customs and behavior to the new environment .

  19. 这个风俗从18世纪就沿袭下来。

    This custom has been passed down since the18th century .

  20. 各个国家的社会风俗很不相同。

    Social customs are greatly different from country to country .

  21. 这种风俗是旧时留下来的。

    The custom hangs over from the old days .

  22. 少数民族中流传着不同的风俗。

    Various customs are current among the national minorities .

  23. 他们明显奇特的风俗现在可以很容易地得到解释。

    Their apparently strange customs are now easily accountable .

  24. 我们的风俗习惯各不相同。

    Our customs vary from place to place .

  25. 那种风俗已被废弃。

    The custom has gone out of use .

  26. 这一旧风俗在此地已经废弃了。

    This old custom has fallen off here .

  27. 这部落的许多风俗、仪式都极其古老。

    Many of the tribe 's customs and rituals are as old as the hills .

  28. 风俗凌夷。

    The customs are in decline .

  29. 这样,每个地方都有自己的传说,风俗就衍传了下来。

    Each population has its own stories and , in this way , customs are passed on .

  30. 那些通过浏览网络,观看电视、DVD以及阅读书籍来了解不同国家、文化以及风俗的人就叫做“座椅游客”或者“神游族”。

    Someone who stays at home but experiences travel by surfing the Internet , watching TV , DVDs and reading books about different countries , cultures and customs are called armchair tourist .