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  • temples
  1. 耳-颞部高分辨率CT检查技术的价值

    The value of high resolution CT in ear and temporal bone

  2. 螺旋CT三维成像在颞部及颜面部的应用

    Three dimensional helical CT imaging of temporal facial region

  3. 高分辨率CT对颞部疾病的检查价值

    Diagnostic Value of HRCT for Temporal Diseases

  4. CT、三维CT、X线在颌面部及颞部疾病的应用

    Applications of CT , 3D-CT and Routine X-Ray Film in the Diagnosis of Maxillary Facial and Temporal Diseases

  5. 使用高分辨率CT对耳-颞部疾病的检查给临床提供更多、更准确的诊断信息。

    HRCT can provide diagnostic information of ear and temporal bone diseases more and accurately than routine CT .

  6. 液化石油气的堆埋贮存U字埋线法颞部除皱术

    The mounding type LPG storage tank Temporal rhytidectomy by U-shaped buried sutures

  7. U字埋线法颞部除皱术埋弧法精炼技术的应用

    Temporal rhytidectomy by U-shaped buried sutures Application of Technology for Submerged Arc Foaming Slag

  8. 目的探讨高分辨率CT(HRCT)对颞部疾病的检查价值。

    Objectives : To assess the high resolution CT ( HRCT ) for temporal disease .

  9. 颞部W形小切口除皱术对中下面部提升及瘢痕脱发的影响

    The effect of rhytidectomy of temple with W-shape incisions on the outcomes of lifting flabby skin on middle and lower face

  10. 脉络膜裂是位于侧脑室内穹窿和丘脑之间的一条呈C字形的自然裂隙,分为体部、房部和颞部。

    The choroidal fissure is the C-shaped natural cleft between the fornix and the thalamus in the lateral ventricle , and is divided into body , atrial , and temporal parts .

  11. 然后他们会转换到另一个叫做颞部顶骨连接部位的系统,在那里他们会在他们的整个大脑电路里展开google式搜索,来寻找解决问题的方法。

    Then they switch into another system called the temporal parietal junction system , which allows them to start Google-searching their entire brain circuit for ways to fix the problem .

  12. 方法对43例颞部疾病患者行常规CT和高分辨率CT(HRCT)检查所获图像对比分析;并讨论HRCT的检查技术和图像后处理。

    Methods : We analyzed comparatively the HRCT and routine CT images of 43 patients suffering from temporal disease and talk some of our experiences about HRCT technique and the post-treatment of its images .

  13. 目的探讨具有中央-颞部棘波的良性儿童期癫痫(BECT)的临床特点。

    Objective To investigate clinical characteristics of benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes ( BECT ) .

  14. 目的:探讨颞部发际前缘切口在颧骨复合体骨折(ZCF)内固定术中的应用方法、优势和效果。

    PURPOSE : To investigate the methods , merits and effects of temporal anterior hairline incision in internal fixation of zygomatic complex fracture ( ZCF ) .

  15. 皮肤科检查:右侧颞部见一2.5cm×2.5cm大、深约1cm的溃疡,中央表面结深黑色痂,周围有脓性分泌物。

    Physical examination showed an ulcer on the right temple about 2.5 × 2.5 cm in width , 1 cm in depth , covered with black scab , and purulent secretion around the border .

  16. 当他们刺激靠近后脑颞部联合区(TPJ)的一块时,妇女说她感到自己飘出体外,俯视自己。

    When they stimulated a region near the back of the brain called the temporoparietal junction ( TPJ ), the woman reported that she was floating above her own body and looking down on herself .

  17. 磨除部分乳突后联合颞部开颅,形成一3.5cm×3cm大小的骨窗,暴露并剪开乙状窦前和颞部硬脑膜,牵开颞叶和小脑半球,显微镜下观察所显露的解剖结构。

    After stripping partial mastoid process , a 3.5cm × 3cm bone window at the temporal part was made to expose the anterior part of the sigmoid sinus and temporal dura mater . Many anatomic structures can be observed under microscope when cerebellar hemisphere and temporal lobe were drawn away .

  18. 额颞部提紧除皱术32例。

    32 with frontotemporal lifting with mini incision by embedding suturing .

  19. 肿胀麻醉法额颞部除皱术25例分析

    Analysis of tumefaction anesthesia therapy in 25 cases of frontal-temporal rhytidectomy

  20. 颞部发际缘保留毛囊锯齿形切口除皱术

    The rhytidectomy of W incisions preserving follicles in temporal hair line

  21. 折叠眼轮匝肌的颞部除皱术

    Folding eyes rounds of temple department of muscle reduce wrinkle surgery

  22. 小切口额颞部皮肤提紧骨膜固定除皱术

    Frontotemporal skin lifting rhytidectomy with small incisions of the periosteum fixation

  23. 严重双侧额颞部对冲伤手术方法的探讨

    Investigation of a modifying operative method of severe bilateral frontotemporal brain contusion

  24. 多层次颞部除皱术不同颞部除皱术式对秃发影响的比较

    Pedicled multi-layer temporal rhytidectomy Comparison on alopecia severity in different temporal rhytidectomy

  25. 额颞部充填术的临床解剖和应用

    Fronto - temporal anatomy and its application for augmentation plasty

  26. 应用眼轮匝肌蒂颞部皮瓣矫正睑外翻

    Repairing of Eyelid Ectropion Using Temporal Flap Pedicled with Orbicularis Oculi Muscle

  27. 手术治疗对冲性额颞部脑损伤112例分析

    Analysis of surgical treatment of frontotemporal contrecoup craniocerebral injury in 112 cases

  28. 颞部发际前缘切口在颧骨复合体骨折内固定术中的应用

    Application of temporal anterior hairline incision in internal fixation of zygomatic complex fracture

  29. 多层次颞部除皱术带参数的多结点样条

    Pedicled multi-layer temporal rhytidectomy Many-Knot Spline with A Parameter

  30. 儿童颞部蛛网膜囊肿不同术式的疗效分析

    Curative Effects of Different Surgical Methods on Intracranial Temporal Arachnoid Cysts in Children