
  • 网络RATED LOAD;ton
  1. 应用微机版LISA结构分析程序对F1300型三缸泵机架的强度和刚度进行了静力有限元分析计算,获得了机架在额定载荷作用下各部位的应力和变形的分布规律。

    A static finite element analysis of the strength and rigidity of the drilling pump framework is conducted hy using the LISA computer program , and the distribution pattern of the stress and deformation of every part of the framework under rated load is obtained .

  2. 传统意义上车辆的超载是指车辆当前负荷高于该车型的额定载荷。

    Traditionally , the vehicle overload is defined as the load that exceeds its rated load .

  3. 表中所列基本额定载荷、极限转速和重量,仅供选择参考用。

    These load , speed and mass is reference of choice only .

  4. 所有坠落防止设备皆必须标示有额定载荷的资料。

    All fall arrest equipment shall be labeled with capacity rating information .

  5. 利用电测方法,进行了最大载荷下的静应力测试和额定载荷下的动应力测试,并作了分析。

    Dynamic and static experiments were made by using stress-gauge , and analysis .

  6. 该系列高空作业平台工作高度最大可达16米,额定载荷可达250公斤。

    Reach working height of up to16m , and the load of up to250kg .

  7. 沟曲率半径系数超范围的球轴承额定载荷计算

    Calculation of Ball Bearing Load Rating for Curvature Radius Coefficient of Raceway Grove Going beyond the Scope

  8. 通过理论与实验研究,得到并验证了该鼓形齿联轴器在传递额定载荷的条件下,一啮合区内其实际接触齿对数的数值;

    By theoretical and experimental research , the number of actual contact teeth has been obtained and verified .

  9. 获得了在额定载荷作用下单个螺杆的动态性能、模态、动态位移、动应力等动力学分析结果,为同步式双螺杆泵螺杆的设计制造和应用提供了必要的依据。

    The result provided necessary basis for design , manufacturing and application of the rotor of synchronous twin screw pump .

  10. 计算结果表明该机械车轮和轨道间的接触强度是安全的,车轮的额定载荷有较大的安全裕量。

    The analysis result proved that the contact intensity is adequate , and the rating load of the wheels has enough security redundancy .

  11. 共有额定载荷为130公斤,25公斤的彪悍,暂停后货架,专为高骑三轮车特别强调。

    Total rated load is130 kg , 25 kg on the sturdy , suspended rear rack , designed particularly for the high stresses of trike riding .

  12. 测试了谐波样机的传动精度以及回程差,通过效率温升实验标定了该谐波样机的额定载荷以及极限载荷。

    Test the harmonic prototype transmission precision and return difference , and calibrate the harmonic prototype rated load and ultimate load through the efficiency temperature rise experiment .

  13. 最后通过对安全离合器虚拟样机在额定载荷下和过载保护运动下分别进行仿真,获得了重要参数曲线和参数值。

    Finally , the virtual prototype of security clutch is simulated in the rated load movement and in the overload protection movement , obtain important parameter curves and important parameter .

  14. 设计工程师负责明确采用以下哪种数据作为标准管架的设计依据,即,分析设计,或额定载荷。

    The Design Engineer shall determine whether the design justification of the standard component support is to be by " Design by Analysis " or by " Load Rating " .

  15. 针对网套式连接器的额定载荷目前还不能满足架空输电线路工程施工要求这一问题,为方便张力放线试制了一种专用的牵引管。

    Aiming at the problem of net-shell connector 's rated load not meeting the requirement of overhead transmission line construction , a special traction tube was developed to help with tension stringing .

  16. 由于在焊缝部位存在焊接缺陷,采用传统的建立在构件无缺陷、无裂纹基础上的强度理论进行设计计算时,往往不能确保起重机在额定载荷下使用的安全性。

    Since there are weld defects in welds , using traditional strength theory based on no defect and no crack to design , crane 's security in rating load can 't be insured .

  17. 以基本额定动载荷Cr作为初期优化的目标函数,选取4个设计变量,分别采用复合形法、内点罚函数法和外点罚函数法对牙轮钻头圆柱滚子轴承进行了优化设计。

    By taking the maximum normal dynamic load as the objective function , the rock bit roller bearing is optimized with four variables .

  18. 同时说明安顿极限(shake-downlimit)也可能作为计算直线滚动导轨额定静载荷的许用判据。

    It is shown that the shake-down limit can be used also as a permissible criterion for the rated static load of the linear rolling guide .

  19. 对高速电主轴的支承进行分析,对球轴承的主要参数额定动载荷和预负荷的影响因素进行了优化设计,并通过MATLAB软件优化编程。

    Carries on the analysis to the high speed electricity spindle supporting . Fixed moved the load and the pre-load influence factor to the ball bearing main parameter has carried on the optimized design , and optimizes the programming through the MATLAB software .

  20. 滚动轴承新的额定静载荷的研究

    A Study of New Rated Dead-Load Concept on Ralling Bearing

  21. 任意可靠性下滚动轴承的寿命和额定动载荷计算

    Calculation of the Rolling Bearing 's Lifetime and Rating Dynamic Load in any Reliability

  22. 计算该轴承的基本额定静载荷。

    Elementary rated load is figured out .

  23. 通过有限元模型计算出,在基本额定静载荷作用下,滚动体和滚道的变形量。

    Deformations of the ball and raceway are calculated by finite element method with elementary rated load .

  24. 由基本额定静载荷的定义知道,此变形量也就是钛合金轴承的最大变形量。

    The deformations are the most maximum deformations extent of Ti-alloy ball bearing according to the definition of elementary rated load .

  25. 对中低速组配轴承而言,其最小预紧力可根据轴承组配方式以及承受的额定外载荷确定。

    For the medium and lower speed group match bearings , the minimum preload force is determined by bearing group mode and rating load .

  26. 换句话说,基本额定动载荷提供了一个基于丝杠类型和尺寸来计算寿命的基础。

    In other words , the Basic Dynamic Load Rating provides a basis of Life Calculations based on the size and type of ball screws .

  27. 倾翻载荷是衡量装载机稳定性的一个重要指标,同时也是确定整机额定工作载荷的主要依据之一。

    Tipping load is an important index to evaluate loader 's stability and at the same is one of essential bases to determine rated operating load of the basic machine .

  28. 在进行装载机设计时,有必要对整机倾翻载荷进行计算,以保证整机额定工作载荷达到设计要求。

    The calculation of tipping load is necessary when a loader is in design stage in order to ensure that the basic machine 's rated operating load meet design requirements .

  29. 第三章,本章首先对滚珠丝杠副额定动载荷计算值的材料影响因素进行了分析,之后结合原计算公式对额定动载荷计算的简化提出了滚珠丝杠副额定动载荷的计算修正公式。

    Material factor of the ball screw is analysed at first , afterwards the helix angle to the dynamic load rating , and then the correction formular is given out .

  30. 通过试验研究证明是完全可行的,传动效率可超过85%;承载能力达到相同尺寸铜蜗轮减速器额定输出载荷的214%;

    The transmission efficiency of the steel worm gear can reach more than 85 percent and the load & bearing capacity can attain 214 percent of the rat - ed torque of the copper gear reduction .