
  1. 基于宏观经济系统仿真实例,根据LMI的可行解,给出满足特定经济指标的最优国家预算内投资策略值。

    Based on the macroeconomic system simulation example , according to the feasible solution of LMI , give the specific value of the optimal state budget investment strategy which meet specific economic indicators .

  2. 调控国家预算内投资和国内信贷对经济增长的直接影响是不显著的,但它具有明显的引导作用。

    The effect of change in the budgeted investment and domestic credit on economic growth is insignificant , but it serves as a leading indicator .

  3. 这篇报道继续称:与前两年相比,今年政府预算内投资下达速度明显加快。

    There is a clear acceleration of the allocation of investment from the government budget this year compared with the last two years , it said .

  4. 国家预算内投资的急剧下降也同样会使得地方政府投资迅速下降,最终导致全社会投资下降。

    Along with the growth of state investment , the investment from local government will also increase quickly , and contribute to the growths of social investment .

  5. 国家投资31414万元,其中国债28000万元,预算内投资3414万元。

    The national investment is 314.14 million yuan , among which , the national bond is 280 million yuan , and the budgetary investment 34.14 million yuan .

  6. 调整财政支出结构,增加预算内投资,商业银行改进金融服务,加大了基础设施在建设工程的进度。

    It has readjusted the financial expenditure structure , increased budgeted investment , urged commercial banks to improve financial service , and expedited the construction of infrastructure projects .

  7. 新增国家预算内投资重点用于农业、水利、城乡基础设施、生态环境、科技、教育和国防等建设。

    Newly increased budgetary investments should be mainly used for the development of agriculture , water conservancy , urban and rural infrastructure , the ecological environment , science and technology , education and national defense .

  8. 中央预算内投资拟增加到4576亿元,重点投向保障性安居工程、农业、重大水利、中西部铁路、节能环保、社会事业等领域,发挥好政府投资四两拨千斤的带动作用。

    Budgetary investment of the central government will rise to 457.6 billion yuan , which will be mainly invested in government-subsidized housing , agriculture , major water conservancy projects , railways in the central and western regions , energy conservation , environmental protection and social programs .

  9. 当支付金额达到暂定包干价格的75%时,业主将停止支付所有工程进度款,这时,合同双方应依据实际的项目预算内投资工程费用及下述调整因素、折扣和百分比进行最终财务结算。

    When paid to75 % of provisional lump sum price , the company will cease any progress payment , both parties shall commence the final financial settlement based on the actual project budgetary investment engineering cost and the factors , discounts , percentage set force here under .

  10. 中央预算内水利基建投资计划编制对策和建议

    Measures and suggestions of making investment plan for basic construction of water sector within central budget

  11. 中央财政预算内技术改造专项投资要覆盖中小企业,地方政府也要加大投入。

    Small and medium-sized enterprises will be eligible to receive money from special funds for technological upgrading in the central budget , and local governments should also increase investment in technological upgrading .

  12. 总的考虑是,经过几年努力,在现有财政赤字规模不扩大的情况下,中央预算内经常性建设投资逐步增加到一定规模,同时逐步减少发行建设国债。

    The general idea is to appropriately increase investment from the central budget for regular construction each year for several years while systematically decreasing the issuance of Treasury bonds , and at the same time ensuring that the size of the deficit remains at the current level .