
  • 网络sequence diagram;uml;UML Sequence Diagrams
  1. 用顺序图或协作图描述Agent组织之间的交互;

    Using sequence diagram or collaboration diagram to describe the interaction among Agent organizations .

  2. UML顺序图是广泛使用的场景规约语言。

    UML Sequence Diagram is widely used for specifying software scenario .

  3. 对基于UML的操作剖面开发以及基于UML顺序图的测试用例生成方法进行了研究。

    Methods of operational profiles developing based on UML was discussed .

  4. 对于集成测试用例生成的研究,主要以UML中的通信图或顺序图作为测试模型。

    It is mainly based on Communication Diagram or Consequence Diagram .

  5. UML模型(顺序图、用例、类图)

    UML models ( sequence diagrams , use cases , class diagrams )

  6. 基于Petri网的UML顺序图分析

    Analysis of the UML Sequence Diagram Based on Petri Net

  7. 顺序图至Petri网转化方法的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Transiting Sequence Diagram to Petri Nets

  8. 基于UML顺序图的集成测试用例生成

    Generate Integration Test Case Based on UML Sequence Diagrams

  9. 基于UML用例图与顺序图模型的操作剖面构造

    Operational Profile Development Based on UML Use Case Diagram and Sequence Diagram Model

  10. 该方法通过将UML用例图、活动图和顺序图转换为软件的使用模型,从而可以用传统的统计测试方法对软件进行测试;

    Thus we can use the traditional statistical test to test the software .

  11. UML顺序图的结构化操作语义研究

    Research on structured operational semantics of UML sequence diagram

  12. 运用UML扩展机制,对标准的顺序图进行了扩充。

    Using the UML extension mechanism , the standard sequence diagram is extended .

  13. 本文描述一个在UML顺序图上生成测试用例的方法。

    The paper presents an approach to generate test cases from UML sequence diagrams .

  14. 因此,本文给出了一种基于UML用例图和顺序图对Web应用进行测试的方法。

    Therefore , this paper gives an approach to testing Web applications based on UML use case diagrams and sequence diagrams .

  15. 多态性在UML顺序图测试场景生成中的影响及对策

    Research on affection and countermeasure of polymorphic in generating test scenario based on UML sequence diagram

  16. UML顺序图的自动验证

    Automatic Verification of UML Sequence Diagrams

  17. UML顺序图的形式化描述

    Formal Description of UML Sequence Diagram

  18. 用户可以使用UML顺序图、状态图或流程图,以图形的方式创建测试用例。

    Tests cases can be graphically created using UML sequence diagrams , state charts , or flowcharts .

  19. 基于软件UML顺序图,提出将异构软件结构转换为马尔可夫链的算法。

    An algorithm generating Markov chain from heterogeneous software architecture modeled in UML sequence diagram is proposed .

  20. 最后,化简了UML顺序图和状态图的转换模型。

    In the end , the thesis simples the transformed models of UML sequence diagram and state diagram .

  21. 在这种意义下,所有的数据库活动都能够被收集和显示为UML顺序图。

    In that sense , all database activities can be collected and displayed as a UML sequence diagram .

  22. 在这个基础上,探讨了工作流的执行逻辑的实现,并给出UML的顺序图描述。

    Furthermore , it give an realization of logical operation of workflow and the corresponding sequence diagram of UML .

  23. UML支持多种图,包括用例图、包图、顺序图和活动图。

    UML supports several diagrams , including use case diagrams , package diagrams , sequence diagrams , and activity diagrams .

  24. UML顺序图的形式化描述可用于对软件结构的理解和构造可视化建模工具。

    The formal definition of UML sequence diagram was used in the construction of a software comprehension and modeling tool .

  25. 通过RationalROSE分别绘制出用例图、类图、顺序图、活动图和配置图等。

    Use case diagram , class diagram , sequence diagram , activity diagram and deployment diagram of the system are drew by using rational rose .

  26. 在概念设计阶段,重点探讨需求分析和角色分析,并采用用例视图和顺序图来分析ERP系统;

    In step of conceptual design , requirement analysis and actor analysis are discussed to analyze ERP system using case diagrams and sequence diagrams .

  27. 为了更好地理解appender的生命周期以及一些决定,可以使用UML顺序图(UMLSequenceDiagram)。

    To better understand the lifecycle of an appender and some of the decisions , a UML Sequence Diagram may help .

  28. 他们刚好掌握了足够的统一建模语言(UML)来合理的绘制类图或者顺序图从而传达他们的系统的结构。

    They learn just enough Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) to make reasonable class or sequence diagrams that communicate their system 's structure .

  29. 我们将验证工作与系统设计结合起来,设计和开发了针对UML顺序图的自动验证工具原型。

    To combine the verification with system design , a prototype of automatic verification tool for UML sequence diagrams has been designed and developed .

  30. 利用MSC(MessageSequenceCharts,报文顺序图)对发送者、接收者和网络中间节点的协议行为进行形式化描述。

    Message Sequence Charts ( MSC ) was used as a formal method to subscribe the protocol mechanisms of senders , receivers and intermediate nodes .