
xiàng rèn dài
  • Nuchal ligament;ligamentum nuchae
项韧带[xiàng rèn dài]
  1. 一只猫咬断一只老鼠的项韧带。

    A cat snaps a rat 's pax wax .

  2. 项韧带钙化的X线表现及其临床意义

    X-ray findings and clinical significances of nuchal ligament calcification

  3. 人类项韧带的精细解剖结构

    Fine anatomic structure of the human nuchal ligament

  4. 项韧带硬结与颈椎病的关系

    Correlation between nuchal ligament sclerosis and cervical spondylosis

  5. 项韧带骨化相关因素及其组织学变化

    The correlative factors and the histological changes of the ossification of the nuchal ligament

  6. 目的:观察人类项韧带的精细解剖结构及形态。

    AIM : To observe the fine anatomic structure and the structural status of the human nuchal ligament .

  7. 结论:项韧带骨化与颈椎退行性改变及颈椎椎间关节不稳定具有相关性,组织学改变以软骨内化骨为主。

    Conclusion : The ossification of the nuchal ligament is related to the degeneration of cervical intervertebral joints which contribute to the instability of cervical spine .

  8. 结果横断层标本上,颈椎棘突至皮肤间自上而下可见项韧带由窄到宽,再由宽到窄的形态学改变;

    Results At transverse sections , the distance of the cervical vertebra spinous process to skin shows that the morphological of nuchae ligament is from narrow to wide , then wide to narrow .

  9. 项韧带骨化与颈椎生理曲度减小的无相关性。骨化程度与相应节段椎间盘退变程度不存在线性相关。结论:项韧带骨化与颈椎间盘退变相关,可作为早期颈椎病诊断的重要指标。

    No significant correlation were detected between nuchal ligament ossification and curvature , degree of ossification and degree and related intervertebral disc . Conclusion : Nuchal ligament ossification may be an important predictor for cervical spondylosis in early stage .

  10. 结果:统计分析表明,项韧带骨化和颈椎椎间退行性改变及颈椎不稳定之间具有相关性(P<0.05);同时还与患者年龄、性别组成有相关性(P<0.05)。

    Result : The statistic results showed that the ossification of nuchal ligament related to the degeneration of cervical intervertebral joints and the instability of cervical spine ( P < 0.05 ), age and sex also contribute to the ossification of nuchal ligament ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 项部肌肉及韧带劳损的病因和治疗

    Etiology and treatment of the sprain of muscles and ligaments of the nucha