
  • 网络project economic evaluation
  1. 详细阐述了项目经济评价的具体应用,利用Visualc++语言,开发了小型的管材经济评价系统。

    The concrete application of the project economic evaluation is expounded in details , by making use of Visual C ( + + ) language , developing a small scale pipe economic evaluation system .

  2. 按照公路场站建设项目经济评价的方法,运用VB和Access对数值的处理优势,开发了一套实用的公路场站建设项目财务评价软件系统(简称RPCFES)。

    According to the methods of road plaza construction project economic evaluation , making the best use of the superiority that VB and Access treat with numbers , the author has developed a practical software system of road plaza construction project financial evaluation ( abbreviated as RPCFES ) .

  3. Excel在铁路建设项目经济评价中的应用

    Application of Excel to economy appraisal of railway construction project

  4. 用于复混肥料厂投资项目经济评价的Excel应用程序

    A set of Excel application program for economic evaluation of investment projects in compound fertilizer plants

  5. 传统的项目经济评价方法&TOC和ROI法不能有效地分析IT项目的投资价值,还可能导致错误的投资决策。

    Traditional project evaluation approaches-TOC and ROI-cannot effectively analyze the investment value of IT projects and may result in mistaken investment decisions .

  6. 文中探讨应用电子表格软件EXCEL建立工程项目经济评价指标的数学模型,并进行蒙特卡洛模拟试验,达到求解经济评价指标的概率分布或其它特征值的目的。

    This paper discusses the mathematical model and Monte Carlo simulation of a engineering project 's economic evaluation by Excel software to find the probability distribution of the project 's economic evaluation index and other characteristic values .

  7. 介绍了经济评价实现自动计算的前提条件,并通过介绍Excel软件强大功能阐述了实现经济评价自动计算的优势所在,最后详细介绍Excel各函数在项目经济评价自动计算过程中的具体应用。

    The paper introduces the precondition of realization of economic estimate and the superiority of Excel in realization of economic estimate by its powerful functions , and particular application of Excel functions in the auto-calculation of economic estimate are expatiated lastly .

  8. 最后从内资BOT公路项目经济评价的实际出发,建立了经济评价的风险决策模型,并用随机优势法对其进行求解,对投资方案进行了排序。

    Finally , from the reality of economic evaluation of BOT model with folk capital , the risk decision model is built , the method of stochastic dominance is used to resolve it , so the ranking of many programs is obtained .

  9. 在多年肥料建厂经验及经济评价的基础上,运用计算机编制了一套简便的用于复混肥料厂投资项目经济评价的Excel应用程序,为快速进行建设项目的经济评价打下了基础。

    On the basis of experiences of building fertilizer plants and their economic evaluations , a set of Excel application program for economic evaluation of investment project in compound fertilizer plant was compiled . It is simple and rapid for the economic evaluation of construction projects .

  10. 内部报酬率(IRR)法与净现值(NPV)法是贴现方法的代表,也是项目经济评价方法研究的重点。

    IRR and NPV method are the representatives of discounted method . In this way , they are the highlights in project assessment . NPV is a profit index , while IRR is an efficiency index .

  11. 第二章运用经济学原理概述了投资项目经济评价的一般程序和步骤,并介绍了投资收益率法、净现值法(NPV)、内部收益率法(IRR)等经济评价的一般方法;

    The following part briefs the general procedures and steps of the investment evaluation by using engineering economic principle , and indicates some common methods , such as investment revenue rate , net present value ( NPV ), inner revenue rate ( IRR ) and so on .

  12. 按照城市轨道交通投资项目经济评价的方法,运用VBA和Excel对数值的处理优势,开发了一套完整实用的城市轨道交通投资项目经济评价软件系统(简称URTEES)。

    According to the methods of urban rail transit investment project economic evaluation , making the best use of VBA and Excel to treat with numbers , the author has developed an intact and practical software system of urban rail transit investment project economic evaluation ( abbreviated as URTEES ) .

  13. 改、扩建项目经济评价中的几个问题

    Several questions occurred in economic evaluation for renovation and expansion projects

  14. 投资项目经济评价风险概率分析方法及其应用

    Probability analysis of financial evaluation of investment project and its application

  15. 对火电项目经济评价的几点看法

    Several Points of View about Economic Appraisement for Thermal Power Project

  16. 煤矿瓦斯抽采利用项目经济评价模型

    Economic evaluation model for coal mine methane drainage and utilization project

  17. 浅谈投融资体制改革对投资项目经济评价的影响

    Influence of Financial Mechanism Reform on Economic Evaluation of Construction Project

  18. 关于油田开发项目经济评价中的几个问题

    Some problems in economic evaluation for an oil field development project

  19. 高技术产业化项目经济评价问题分析

    Analysis on Economic Evaluation of Hi - tech Industrial Projects

  20. 铀矿开采项目经济评价方法研究

    Research of evaluation method of economics of uranium mining projects

  21. 项目经济评价中收益预测的可靠性及改进方法

    Reliability of Profits Estimate in Project Economic Appraisal and Measures for Improvement

  22. 并由此引入公路项目经济评价的主要内容,即国民经济评价和财务评价以及不确定性分析。

    It contains social economic evaluation , financial evaluation and uncertainty analysis .

  23. 新投资体制下电力建设项目经济评价研究

    Economic Evaluation Research of Electric Construction Project under the New Investment System

  24. 港口建设项目经济评价某些指标的研究

    Study of Some Indexes for Economic Evaluation of Harbour Projects

  25. 盲数在投资项目经济评价中的应用

    Application of Blind Number on Investment Item of Economic Evaluation

  26. 工业投资项目经济评价中概率分析的研究

    Study on the Probability Analysis in Economic Evaluation for Industrial Investment Project

  27. 农业综合开发项目经济评价特点浅析

    Talk about the economy analysis characters of agriculture development projects

  28. 浅谈建设项目经济评价方法不确定性分析

    A Brief Talk On Uncertainty Analysis Of Construction Project Economy Evaluation Method

  29. 区域公路网建设项目经济评价模型

    The economic evaluation model of regional highway network construction program

  30. 场站建设项目经济评价中基础数据的确定

    Determination of the Basic Factors of Economic Evaluation on Station Construction Project