
  • 网络Project manager;Project Director;project leader;project supervisor
  1. CDM项目主管工作职责:-业务开发,识别新的《京都议定书》相关投资项目;

    CDM Project Supervisor Key Responsibilities : - Business development : identifying new Kyoto Protocol projects for investment in China ;

  2. “人们纷至沓来,但我们不能全部聘用,”当地一家名为莱斯的非政府组织的项目主管ReneGibson说。

    " People came rushing on us and we could not recruit them all ," says Rene Gibson , project supervisor of a local non-governmental organization called RICE .

  3. 他是ReallySimpleHistory(一个流行的Ajax历史和书签库)的项目主管。

    He is the project lead on Really Simple History , a popular Ajax history and bookmarking library .

  4. James是Domino性能团队的项目主管。

    James is the project leader for the Domino Performance team .

  5. 作者是华盛顿卡内基国际和平基金会(CarnegieEndowmentforInternationalPeace)中国项目主管

    The writer is the director of the China Programme at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington

  6. 工程项目主管EIS的研究与实践

    Research and practice of EIS for engineering project manager

  7. DaveIngs是IBM软件标准工作组的项目主管。

    Dave Ings is a Program Director in the IBM Software Standards group .

  8. 但爱立信管理人员发展部门项目主管史蒂夫纽曼(stevenewman)对此并不感到后悔。

    But Steve Newman , programme director for executive development at Ericsson , is unrepentant .

  9. 与之相反,我会对每个Ruby项目主管最终都必须要做的一些微妙的测试决定详加介绍。

    Instead , I 'll break down some of the more subtle testing decisions that every Ruby project lead must eventually make .

  10. EMBA项目主管凯西哈维(KathyHarvey)表示:我们把学生带到教师做研究的地区。

    We are taking students to areas where faculty do their research , says Kathy Harvey , executive MBA programme director .

  11. 项目主管SebastianBelle表示,学生们在毕业之前必须制定市场和商业计划。

    Program director Sebastian Belle says students have to develop a marketing and business plan before they can graduate .

  12. 这是英国人的专长,是《艺述英国》文化活动的重要内容,大卫埃略特(davidelliott)说,他是北京英国大使馆(britishembassy)艺术项目主管。

    That is a British specialism that is playing a significant role in UK now , says David Elliott , director of Arts at the British Embassy in Beijing .

  13. 项目主管雷切尔施罗德(rachelschroeder)表示,空客专家的参与对赢得学院的加盟十分重要。

    Rachel Schroeder , head of project , says the involvement of Airbus experts was important in winning the commitment of academics .

  14. 该项目主管EricHartman本月初在坦桑尼亚发表的博客中描述了雨水收集系统。

    Eric Hartman , the director , described the water collection systems in blog postings from Tanzania earlier this month .

  15. 美国科学促进会(AmericanAssociationfortheAdvancementofScience)研发预算及政策项目主管KeiKoizumi表示,此次调查的结果“喜忧参半”。

    Kei Koizumi , the director of the R & D budget and policy programme at the American Association for the Advancement of Science , called the survey 's findings " mixed . "

  16. 警察和外交人士说,这两名DHL公司官员来自英国和南非,一人是阿富汗项目主管,另一人是副主管。

    Police and diplomats say the two DHL officials-the country director and deputy director & were from Britain and South Africa .

  17. 谷歌全球招聘项目主管凯尔&12539;尤因(KyleEwing)说,内部研究发现SAT得分与工作表现之间的关联极小。

    Internal studies found ' very little correlation between SAT scores and job performance , ' said Kyle Ewing , head of global staffing programs at Google .

  18. “中国已经取得重大进步,”E3G的项目主管马修•芬德雷(MatthewFindlay)表示。

    " China has made significant headway ," said Matthew Findlay , the programme leader at E3G .

  19. 不过,正如许多emba项目主管们所指出的那样,如果将机会成本计算在内,emba项目比传统的mba项目更便宜,因为emba可以在职攻读。

    But , as programme directors point out , programmes cost less than a traditional MBA when the opportunity cost is factored in EMBA students continue to work while studying .

  20. 国际危机研究组织东北亚项目主管StephanieT.Kleine-Ahlbrandt说:这是我们在近几年看到的(来自中国的)最强烈的回应。

    " This is the strongest reaction we ` ve seen in recent years ," northeast Asia project director for the International Crisis Group , Stephanie T. Kleine-Ahlbrandt said .

  21. 谷歌无人驾驶汽车项目主管克里斯·厄姆森(ChrisUrmson)曾说,他的目标是在2019年使无人驾驶汽车进入市场。

    Chris Urmson , the director of Google 's self-driving-car program , has said his goal is to bring a self-driving car to market by 2019 .

  22. 论文的第一作者芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)经济学教授延斯·路德维格(JensLudwig)是负责MTO最终评审的项目主管。他表示,的确存在一些积极进展。

    There were some positive developments , according to the primary author of the paper , Jens Ludwig , a professor of economics at the University of Chicago and the project director for a final assessment of the M.T.O. program .

  23. 该大纲是由思凡•泰斯科(SvenTeske)领导编写的,他是绿色和平组织可再生能源项目主管,也是相关有争议内容的12个作者之一。

    Its development was led by Sven Teske , director of the group 's renewable-energy campaign . He was also one of the 12 authors of the chapter in question .

  24. 弗罗里达州立大学(FloridaStateUniversity)体育与运动心理学研究生项目主管格森•特南鲍姆(GershonTenenbaum)说:“人们在跑步时听音乐比不借助音乐或者其他工具时感觉省力”。

    When people run with music their rate of perceived exertion is lower than if they don 't use music or other devices , ' says Gershon Tenenbaum , director of the graduate program in sport and exercise psychology at Florida State University .

  25. 萨阿迪亚•扎希迪(SaadiaZahidi)是世界经济论坛性别平等和人力资本项目主管。

    Saadia Zahidi is head of the World Economic Forum 's Gender Parity and Human Capital programmes .

  26. 弗罗里达州立大学(FloridaStateUniversity)体育与运动心理学研究生项目主管格森•特南鲍姆(GershonTenenbaum)说:人们在跑步时听音乐比不借助音乐或者其他工具时感觉省力。

    ' When people run with music their rate of perceived exertion is lower than if they don 't use music or other devices , ' says Gershon Tenenbaum , director of the graduate program in sport and exercise psychology at Florida State University .

  27. 他说他们准备关闭欧洲的6个考点,还说这样做不会影响我们,威尔逊说。12月7日,ETS的项目主管和首席财务官亲自登门,跟我商量这件事。

    He said they were closing six test sites in Europe and it wouldn 't affect me , says Wilson . On Dec. 7 , the head of the program and the CFO would come and talk to me about it .

  28. 斯坦福大学“点燃”项目主管约西•范伯格(YossiFeinberg)表示,纽约是很多媒体初创企业的大本营,硅谷聚集着生物医疗和科技公司,但在中国,各种需求都有。

    Stanford Ignite faculty director Yossi Feinberg says that while New York is the home of media start-ups and Silicon Valley of biomedical and technology companies , there is demand across the board in China .

  29. 同性恋与双性恋人群游说组织“石墙”(Stonewall)的职场项目主管西蒙•菲克(SimonFeeke)建议,不要预判情况,而是列出若干目的地供员工选择,让他们自己决定哪个目的地适合自己。

    Rather than prejudge situations , Simon Feeke , who leads the workplace programme at Stonewall , the lobby group for lesbian , gay and bisexual people , recommends offering a choice of destinations and allowing individuals to decide what is right for them .

  30. 编译器提供一些新的诊断(例如发现死锁),并且每个被报告的问题都附有相应的快速修复以消除问题,项目主管DaniMegert说道。

    The compiler offers several new diagnostics ( finding dead code , for example ), and each reported problem comes with corresponding quick fixes to get rid of the problem , said Dani Megert , project lead .