
dǐng chuī
  • top-blown
顶吹[dǐng chuī]
  1. 浦钢公司30t氧气顶吹转炉冶炼工艺试验研究

    Research on technology of 30t oxygen top-blown converter in Pudong Iron and Steel Company , Ltd

  2. 艾萨熔炼法是芒特艾萨矿业有限公司(MIM)和澳大利亚联邦科学工业研究机构(CSIRO)联合开发的浸没式喷枪顶吹熔炼技术,是一种高强度有色金属冶炼方法。

    The Isa smelting process , a submerged lance top-blown smelting technology jointly developed by MIM and CSIRO is a high-intensity nonferrous smelting process .

  3. PLC抗干扰技术在高炉自动化中的应用氧气顶吹转炉自动刮渣器的设计及应用

    Design and Application of Auto-rid-slag Scraper Used in the Oxygen-top-blowing Converter

  4. RH顶吹喷粉脱硫工艺实践

    Process Practice of Desulphurization by RH Top Blown - Powder Injection

  5. 这就是氧气顶吹转炉炼钢法(LD炼钢法)。这种方法使用氧气来氧化铁水中的杂质。

    This was the LD process , which used oxygen gas for the oxidation of impurities in iron .

  6. 宝钢300t氧气顶吹转炉吹炼终点控制

    End - point control of baoshan 's 300t LD process

  7. 定量分析了顶吹方法对RH环流过程钢包所获得的单位搅拌功率的影响。

    The effect of top blowing on the unit stirring power obtained in the ladle in RH circulating process was analyzed quantitatively by using this model .

  8. 分析了马钢第二钢轧总厂30t复吹转炉和顶吹转炉的冶金效果。

    The metallurgical effects top-blowing and combined blowing of the converter are analyzed .

  9. 15t氧气顶吹转炉除尘系统改造

    Reconstruction of the Capacity of 15t BOF Dedusting System

  10. 20t氧气顶吹转炉死炉帽改为活炉帽的实践

    Practice of transforming the fixed cap of the 20t top blowing BOF into a movable cap

  11. 研究在熔融淬冷法中应用氧气顶吹工艺制备了V2O5溶胶。

    Vanadium pentoxide sol was fabricated by melting and quenching with oxygen top blown technology .

  12. 氧气顶吹转炉冶炼初期二次燃烧流场PIV测试研究易自燃厚煤层π型钢放顶煤工作面注氮防灭火技术初探

    Study on Flow Field of Post Combustion at the Initial Stage on BOF by PIV ; π Inflammable Thick Seam Steel Caving Face Note Fire-fighting Techniques of Nitrogen

  13. 介绍了邢钢30t氧气顶吹转炉烟气净化及煤气回收系统装置及效果。

    The smoke cleaning and gas recovery system for 30-ton LD converter in Xingtai Iron and Steel Company and its effect are introduced .

  14. 本文主要介绍宝钢300t大型氧气顶吹转炉,自1986年10月开始使用含镁碳转炉衬的情况。

    Application of magnesia-carbon bricks to 300t LD converter since October , 1986 is mainly introduced at Baoshan Steel Plant in the paper .

  15. 对比了包头钢铁(集团)公司炼钢厂80t顶底复合吹炼转炉和顶吹氧气转炉的冶金效果。

    The metallurgical effects of 80 t top blowing and combined blowing oxygen converters at Baotou Iron and Steel Co have been investigated .

  16. 为了提高鞍钢300t氧气顶吹平炉非吹氧期的加热能力,在生产条件下研制了外混型炉头氧油枪。

    In order to improve the ability of the heating during the non-blowing period of 300-ton top blown oxygen open-hearth of Anshan Iron and Steel Co.

  17. 180t顶吹转炉溅渣护炉工艺冷态模拟试验

    Cold Model Experimental Study of Slag Splashing Technology in the BOF of 180 Ton

  18. 95t氧气顶吹转炉倾动机构传动系统性能测试与分析

    Performance measurement and analysis of the dumping device of 95t oxygen top-blown converter

  19. 武钢第二炼钢厂在1984年7月进行了50t转炉复吹法和顶吹法炼钢的吹损测试工作。

    Combined top and bottom blowing process has been put into operation at № 2 Steelmaking Plant of WISCO since 1984 . Many favorable results have been obtained .

  20. 采用双变供氧制度和新的渣料加入量计算法,在浦钢公司30t氧气顶吹转炉上进行了新的冶炼工艺试验研究。

    In 30t oxygen top-blown converter of Pudong Iron and Steel Company , Ltd. the new technology experiment has been carried out with double changeable oxygen-supplying system and new calculation methods of slag materials .

  21. 根据15t氧气顶吹转炉炼钢工艺条件,对其除尘系统的热平衡进行计算,为除尘系统设计提供了依据。

    On the basis of steelmaking process conditions of 15 t basic oxygen furnace , heat balance of the furnaces dedusting system is calculated . It provides basis for design of the dedusting system .

  22. 统计分析了涟钢20t氧气顶吹转炉的出钢温度、出钢过程钢水温降、出钢过程钢水温降速率等的分布状况,研究了影响出钢过程钢水温降的因素,建立了出钢过程钢水温度变化数学模型。

    The present paper has analyzed the distribution of molten steel temperature , temperature drop and drop rate during tapping , studied the factors governing the temperature drop and established a mathematical model of molten steel temperature changes during tapping .

  23. 15吨氧气顶吹转炉煤气回收与利用

    Collection and utilization of flue gas from a 15t top-blown converter

  24. 顶吹转炉水模型渣金混合的分形研究

    Fractal study of slag-metal mixing in top-blowing converter with water modeling

  25. 这三座转炉都是纯氧顶吹的。

    These three converters are all pure oxygen top - blow .

  26. 氧气顶吹转炉无氟造渣新工艺

    New Process of Fluorine free Slagging for Oxygen Top Blowing Converter

  27. 顶吹法生产锑白新工艺的研究与应用

    Research and application of a new top-blowing process for producing antimony white

  28. 采用类石墨提高顶吹平炉废钢比

    Raising of scrap rate in top blown open hearth furnace with quasi-graphite

  29. 提高顶吹平炉炉龄的实践

    Practice on increasing service life of top blow open - hearth furnace

  30. 氧气顶吹转炉炼钢加料系统的微机控制

    The Microcomputer Control in Material Feeding System of LD Steeling