
yùn jiǎo
  • rhyme;the rhyming word that ends a line of verse
韵脚 [yùn jiǎo]
  • [rhyming word that ends a line of verse] 成韵的诗文中押韵的句末字

韵脚[yùn jiǎo]
  1. 所有的诗都按传统的韵律和韵脚而作。

    All of the poems are written in traditional metres and rhyme schemes .

  2. 它以朗朗上口的韵脚来帮助他们记起月份。

    It helps them memorize the months with a catchy rhyme .

  3. 国外研究对韵脚意识的事件相关电位(ERP)中的负向偏转(CNV)成分存在不同看法,但对N400成分看法较为一致;

    The foreign researches have different viewpoints about the CNV composition in ERPs of rhythm awareness , but have more consistence about the N400 composition .

  4. 研究采用了Swan&Goswami(1997)和Hulmeetal(2002)的工具测试语音意识的三个语言单位:音节意识,首音-韵脚意识和音位意识。

    Swan & Goswami ( 1997 ) and Hulme et al ( 2002 )' s instruments are used to measure three linguistic units of phonological awareness : syllable awareness , onset-rime awareness and phoneme awareness .

  5. 很有趣的一点就是,当威廉三世统治英国的时候,他的臣民就开玩笑叫他“KingBilly”(实际应该是KingWilliam)在十三世纪,人们通过韵脚来取昵称。

    Interestingly , when William III ruled over in England in the late 17th century , his subjects mockingly referred to him as " King Billy . " In the 13th century people used to name people based on how their nickname rhymes . Will = Bill Rick = Dick Rob = Bob

  6. 一首诗包括三小节和一个韵脚。

    A poem consisting of 3 stanzas and an envoy .

  7. 我得说什么,我写下的每一个韵脚都是完美的

    What I 've got to say every rhyme I lay , perfect

  8. 听觉韵脚意识与视觉韵脚意识之间存在差异;

    There is difference between visual rhythm awareness and auditory rhythm awareness .

  9. 以有韵律的韵脚写成的构成韵律行的作品。

    A composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines .

  10. 初中二年级学生的英语韵脚意识的发展好于音位意识。

    The grade two student 's rhythm awareness is better than their phonemic awareness .

  11. 论杜甫的入声韵脚诗

    On Entering Rhyme of Du Fu 's Poems

  12. 不是所有韵脚都有那么重要。

    Not that rhyming 's all that important .

  13. 而且他说话的韵脚也很讨厌。

    Also , he speaks in obnoxious rhymes .

  14. 让这个系统给我充电&为了谋杀掉那些韵脚!

    Charged by the system-for murdering the rhythm !

  15. 我几乎都要跟上它的韵脚了。

    I have nearly caught the rhymes myself .

  16. 韵脚就像网球的网,没有它可谈不上作诗。

    No fair tennis without a net .

  17. 未来对儿童韵脚意识的研究年龄再早一些是十分必要的,而对个体进行发展性的研究应该成为今后韵脚意识研究的重点。

    It is very necessary to study the rhythm awareness of children at earlier age .

  18. 通过系联诗歌韵脚字,考求诗文韵部系统是音韵学研究当中的一种重要方法。

    Unite the poem rhyming word is an important method in the study of Chinese phonology .

  19. 这些诗的韵脚硬绑绑的,象两人各把一条腿绑在一起参加三腿竞走那样笨拙。

    The poems rhyme too determinedly , ungainly as pairs tied together in a three-legged race .

  20. (诗歌)韵律上不完整;特别是在最后一个韵脚缺少一个或多个音节。

    ( verse ) metrically incomplete ; especially lacking one or more syllables in the final metrical foot .

  21. 诗人得集中表现自己的向往,注意音节而不是注意韵律或韵脚。

    The poet is to concentrate on his own breathing , on the syllable rather than on metre or rhyme .

  22. (诗歌)在韵律完整的诗歌的结束部分或者一个韵脚的结束部分有额外的一个或多个音节。

    ( verse ) having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a metrically complete verse or in a metrical foot .

  23. 二百五十三个韵脚字分布于古韵十八部中,这为一系列的重要研究提供了基础。

    The 253 rhyming words are distributed to eighteen ancient rhyme sections , offering a basis on which to issue a series of important researches .

  24. 朗读这首诗,第一个感受可能是感到它的韵律特别,继之会在韵脚变化时警觉地注意到那里的意味。

    Reading aloud , one can first feel the rhythm distinctively , then this reader will be alerted to the message while the rhythm changes .

  25. 请根据每一首诗的结构、上下文及韵脚,选一个最适当的答案填入诗中空格中。

    Please choose " the most appropriate answer " to complete the poem based on the " structure , context , and rhymes " of each poem .

  26. 本研究通过音节意识和首音-韵脚意识的问卷测试了聋校二、四、六、八年级共103名听障学生的语音意识。

    103 hearing-impaired students of Grade 2,4,6 and 8 from a School for the Deaf were tested in this study , through questionnaire of syllable awareness and onset rime awareness .

  27. 俄罗斯汉学家对中国古典诗歌的翻译进行了长期的尝试探索,特别重视对韵脚、节奏、重复等诗歌要素的再现。

    Russian sinologists made perennial experiment and exploration on translation of the classical Chinese poetry , especially pay more attention on poetry elements such as feet , rhythm and repetition .

  28. 文章运用韵脚字归纳法研究了明中叶苏州传奇作家张凤翼五部传世戏曲作品的用韵。

    This paper studies the rhymes of the5 dramas by Zhang Fengyi , a dramatist in Suzhou in the mid-Ming dynasty , by examing the rhymes demonstrated in his dramas .

  29. 除了农事,和乡村谁还有资格谈论春天春雨来与不来,毫不影响我们诗歌的平仄和韵脚。

    Except husbandry and rurality , what else is conversed in the prerequisite of the content ; the meter or rhymes of poem is not subject to the coming spring rain .

  30. 后来,夜曲之间的对比变得微妙起来,韵脚背景的转换常常越是令人不安,过程中产生的噪音就越是不明显。

    In the later Nocturnes the contrasts themselves become subtler , the shifting of the ground under our feet often the more disquieting the less noise it makes in the process .