
  • 网络Music devices;musical equipment;Music Equipment
  1. 我们卖电脑音乐设备而且有一线上拍卖。

    We sell computer music equipment and have an online auction .

  2. 涉及的商品从飞机部件、机床到医用化学品,从微处理器到音乐设备,不一而足。

    The affected items range from aircraft parts and machine tools to medical chemicals , from microprocessors to music equipment .

  3. 音乐设备数字接口,或称MIDI,实际上是为目前制造的各种合成器提供的一种通信接口。

    Musical Instrument Digital Interface , or MIDI , is a communication interface provided on virtually every synthesizer made today .

  4. 近年来,随着信息隐藏技术的发展,出现了以音乐设备数字接口(MIDI)音频为载体的隐写和隐写分析方法。

    In recent years , with the development of information hiding technology , MIDI audio is being the carrier hidden secret message .

  5. 除了那些千篇一律的电视机以外,为什么很少有酒店提供瑜伽垫、音乐设备或ipod基座呢?

    Why do so few hotels offer yoga mats or a music system or iPod docking station and speakers , in addition to those ubiquitous TV sets ?

  6. MIDI不同于WAV或者MP3之类数字音频,它是一组用于控制例如合成器这样的电子音乐设备命令。

    Unlike digital audio , such as WAV or MP3 , MIDI is a set of commands that are used to control electronic music instruments such as synthesizers .

  7. 为了增加音乐设备支持(如吉它或贝司),在边链电路里使用一个EQ,并且在设备占有优势频率的范围内提升EQ。

    To increase the sustain of a musical instrument ( e.g. , a guitar or bass ), use an equalizer in the Sidechain circuit and boost the EQ in the dominant frequency range of the instrument .

  8. MIDI是音乐设备和计算机之间传输音乐信息的协议标准,MIDI文件存储的是如何播放音乐的指令,具有容量小,便于编辑等优点,在手机及互联网领域有广泛应用。

    MIDI file with the advantage of small size and editing easy is stored on the instructions of how to play music . MIDI is a music information transmission protocol standard between Music equipment and computers , which is widely used in the field of mobile phones and the internet .

  9. 通用音乐设备数字化接口的乐器预置值映射

    Instrument Patch Map of General Musical Instrument Digital interface

  10. 如,调音台,音乐设备,插线架和其它信号处理器。

    Some common examples include : mixing consoles , musical instruments , patch bays , and other signal processors .

  11. 该工具,我们在本文是注定的提供了一种新的面向计算机的音乐家音乐设备使用的电子琴微处置器。

    The tool we present in this paper is destined to provide musicians a new kind of computer oriented musical device using an electronic organ and microprocessors .

  12. 所以,当然,青少年正在使用耳机,使用便携式音乐设备,这些设备他们以前从来没有使用过,这当然也是一种可能性。

    And so , of course , teenages are using headphones , are using music devices now that they have not been using previously . And so , that 's certainly one possibility .

  13. 计算机科学家们正希望将GPS卫星导航技术添加到手持音乐播放设备,如MP3上面,以帮助给路人在城市中指导方向。

    Computer scientists are hoping to add GPS satellite navigation technology to hand-held music devices like MP3s , to help guide pedestrians around cities .

  14. 智能手机是继PC和HiFi之后第三大音乐播放设备。

    Smartphones are the third most popular device on which to listen to music , after personal computers and hi-fi systems .

  15. 上世纪90年代中期,金宝曾任音乐工作室设备制造商AMSNeve的营销高管,他经常到亚洲参加贸易展,亚洲的强大活力令他感到鼓舞:我卖掉了房子,搬到了新加坡。

    As a marketing executive for AMS Neve , which makes music studio equipment , in the mid-1990s Mr James travelled to Asia regularly for trade shows and was inspired by the sheer energy he saw : I sold the house and moved to Singapore .

  16. 人们带着自己的随身音乐播放设备到达伦敦各个地铁站,然后在一个事先定好的时间,所有人开始跟着音乐起舞。

    At various London Underground stations , people gathered with their portable music devices , and at a set time began dancing to their music .

  17. 虽然该疗法在我国兴起已有十几年的历史,但音乐治疗设备的发展远远没有达到时代要求,技术水平与世界同类产品有着相当的差距。

    Although this therapy in our country has over ten years ' history , the development of Music electrotherapy Instruments is still much far behind the time request and world advanced level .

  18. 除了最低水准A级认证的常规要求,厕所设施还需满足最高评级——3A级的更高标准,比如提供能播放音乐的厕所设备,以及轮椅租赁等额外服务。

    In addition to the general requirements required for A-certification , the minimum level , restroom facilities would need to meet broader criteria for the highest rating , AAA , such as providing toilet facilities that broadcast music as well as additional services such as wheelchair rentals .

  19. 此专业让你为组织和管理音乐商业,设备,人事部门方面做准备。

    A degree in this field prepares you to organize and manage music businesses , facilities , or personnel .

  20. 用户只需通过使用触屏、操作多功能方向盘或使用语音控制就可以使用导航、听音乐或激活安全设备。

    Cue will allow the driver to navigate , listen to music and activate safety devices using touch screen icons , steering wheel controls or voice commands .

  21. Wirecutter还发现了很多有用的做法,可以更经济地使用电池,比如把音乐直接存储在设备里(不要用流媒体收听)或优化邮件设置。

    The Wirecutter also found plenty of helpful practices to get more use out of your battery , like playing music stored directly on the device ( instead of streaming it ) or tweaking email configurations .

  22. 由于音乐教学的开展对音乐设备和音乐器材的依赖性使得音乐教学在特定场合难以普及与推广。

    Because of limitation on music equipment , teaching music is hard to carry on and improve in traditional ways .

  23. 有史记载以来,人类一直痴迷于音乐,痴迷于复制音乐的音响设备。

    From recorded time , man has been fascinated with music and the hardware of sound reproduction .

  24. 吕梁市幼儿音乐教育资源相对匮乏,除极个别省级示范幼儿园的音乐教学设备配备较齐全以外,绝大多数幼儿园都存在配备不全或者几乎没有音乐教学设备。

    Luliang relative lack of early childhood music education resources , except a very few provincial demonstration kindergarten music teaching facilities with more than complete , with most kindergartens are incomplete or there is almost no music teaching facilities .

  25. 诺基亚还在其它30个国家提供音乐服务。与这些国家情况不同的是,在中国,用户将可以把音乐下载到多种设备上,并与他人分享下载下来的MP3文件。

    Unlike in the other 30 countries where Nokia offers music , Chinese users will be allowed to download to multiple devices and share the mp3 files .