
  • Korean Cuisine;Korean Food;Korean Restaurant
  1. 在韩国料理中,所有的菜都是同时上齐的。

    In Korean cuisine all the dishes are served at the same time .

  2. 如今的韩国料理还包含了各种配着野菜和蔬菜的肉类和鱼类菜肴。

    Nowadays Korean cuisine also contains a large variety of meat and fish dishes along with wild greens and vegetables .

  3. 有些中国餐馆甚至假装成韩国料理。

    Some Chinese restaurants pretend to be Korean .

  4. 它的非常好的,这是一个我最喜欢的韩国料理。

    It 's very nice and it is one of my favorite Korean food .

  5. 你们有韩国料理吗?

    Do you have Korean food ?

  6. 非洲烧烤、港式火锅,韩国料理,一应俱全。

    African roast , Hongkong-flavour casserole , Korean food , everything is from soup to nuts .

  7. 韩国料理,烤肉一般,不过正餐之前的小盘菜味道还是可以的,不错。

    Korean food , barbecue in general , but before dinner or a small dish can taste , good !

  8. 有耐火材料衬里的火室锅炉非洲烧烤、港式火锅,韩国料理,一应俱全。

    Refractory-lined firebox boiler african roast , Hongkong-flavour casserole , Korean food , everything is from soup to nuts .

  9. 酒店大堂的“阳光酒廊”,更是商谈小聚,独酌小憩之佳选;“绿谷咖啡厅”环境优美,恬静舒适;“大长今”餐厅,提供正宗韩国料理;

    Green Valley Cafe offers more than 200 Chinese and Western dishes in a comfortable and elegant setting . " Dae Jang Geum " Korean Restaurant provides authentic Korean cuisine ;

  10. 在美国中西部,她带领大家寻找日本或中国餐馆(她说,那时候,整个地区没有一家韩国料理餐馆)。

    In the Midwest , she led expeditions in search of Japanese or Chinese restaurants ( at that time , she said , she did not know of any Korean restaurants in the entire region ) .

  11. 我想到韩国尝试韩国料理(食物)。

    I think South Korea try Korean food ( food ) .