
ɡé mìnɡ liè shì
  • revolutionary martyr;martyr for revolution
革命烈士 [gé mìng liè shì]
  • [revolutionary martyr] 为革命献出生命的人,和平时期指为人民利益而牺牲的人

  • 在抗洪救灾中牺牲的解放军战士被追认为革命烈士。

  1. 王伟被授予“革命烈士”称号。

    Eg : Wang Wei was dubbed revolutionary martyr .

  2. 该文通过浙江革命烈士纪念馆的设计,尝试以忘形、得意为策略,进行了一次传统地域环境下的现代主义实践。

    We through the Zhejiang revolutionary martyr memorial hall design , attempt " unconventionally take , are self-satisfied " as the strategy , has carried on under a traditional region environment modernism practice .

  3. 他们向革命烈士致哀。

    They paid their respects to the revolutionary martyrs .

  4. 革命烈士们就是在那里献出了他们的生命。

    It was there that the revolutionary martyrs laid down their lives .

  5. 我们建立了一座革命烈士纪念碑。

    We set up a monument to the memory of the revolutionary martyrs .

  6. 我们怀着崇敬的心情瞻仰了革命烈士纪念碑。

    We paid a visit to the monument to the revolutionary martyrs with great respect .

  7. 龙华革命烈士纪念地

    Longhua Memorial Place of Revolutionary Martyrs

  8. 革命烈士永垂不朽!

    Life to the revolutionary martyrs !

  9. 经历的艰辛不必多说,那是付出千万革命烈士的牺牲换来的。

    The hardships needless to say , it is the sacrifice of the revolutionary martyrs pay must change .

  10. 系统研究并具体提出革命烈士陵园规划思想的尚且还没有。

    There have no system and specific study on the planning ideas of the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery yet .

  11. 她的祖父是一位革命烈士:他的墓地前耸立着一座六英尺(约合2米)高的石碑。

    Her grandfather is revered as a martyr for the revolution : a six-foot tall obelisk marks his burial place .

  12. 本文的不足之处有:①革命烈士陵园景区化规划思想的理论研究不够;②革命烈士陵园景区化规划思想内涵研究不够深入和全面。

    The inadequacies of this article are : The theoretical study is not enough ; Ideological content was not thorough enough and comprehensive .

  13. 外墙毛面花岗石板镶贴施工工艺改进&浙江省革命烈士纪念馆外墙装饰工程实践

    Improvement of Construction Technology of Rough-Surface Granite Facing on External Wall & An Introduction of External Wall Decoration Works for Zhejiang Revolutionary Martyrs ' Memorial Hall

  14. 本文的创新之处有:①提出革命烈士陵园景区化规划思想;②提出革命烈士陵园的规划策略和方法;③对革命烈士陵园进行了基础研究。

    The innovation of this paper are : Put forward the planning ideology ; Put forward the planning strategies and methods ; Do the basic research on the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery .

  15. 以类似于革命烈士风格雕刻成的中国两名超女女主唱纪念碑,在北京艺术节引起广泛的争论。

    A monument depicting two of china 's " super girl " pop divas , in a style similar to those of revolutionary heroes , at a Beijing Art Festival has caused wide public debate .

  16. 我去了八宝山革命公墓,祭奠那些革命烈士。

    I went to the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery to pay my respect to those revolutionary martyrs .