
  • 网络out-of-plane bending vibration
  1. 这里的动画图甚至能把诸如环的面外弯曲振动这些难以理解的振动形式解释清楚。

    Animated graphics clarify even vibrations that are difficult to comprehend , such as the out-of-plane ring bend .

  2. 所以,最终确定以面外弯曲振动法作为金属网复合单板层积材的无损检测方法。

    So the out-plane vibration can be as a kind of nondestructive test for the metal net-LVL composite .

  3. 利用面内弯曲振动法测得的动态杨氏模量值小于面外弯曲振动法测得的结果。

    The dynamic Young 's moduli measured by in-plane flexural vibration test were less than those measured by out-plane flexural vibration test .