
  • 网络unstructured data
  1. 同时,XML也能够描述结构化和非结构化数据。

    At the same time , XML is also capable of describing structured and unstructured data .

  2. 在Web应用环境下,如何有效管理大量的非结构化数据(也称内容数据)成为应用的重点。

    In the environment of Web application , it ′ s very important to manage mass unstructured data ( content data ) .

  3. 传统的关系数据库在GIS的应用中主要存在以下问题:除数据类型简单,不能很好地表达非结构化数据外,也难以表示GIS中具有复杂结构的数据;

    There are some problems of RDB in GIS application .

  4. 合并了结构化和非结构化数据的xml表单,如每周状态报告或差旅费报告。

    XML forms that combine structured and unstructured data , such as weekly status reports or travel expense reports .

  5. XML对非结构化数据的管理方式成为非结构化数据管理的一种经济的、简单的、可行的方式。

    As a result , people need to find an economical , simple and feasible way of unstructured data management .

  6. DB2文本搜索能够对存储在DB2数据库中的结构化和非结构化数据进行全文搜索。

    DB2 Text Search enables full-text search on structured and unstructured data stored in a DB2 database .

  7. E-learning非结构化数据管理系统的构建与实现

    The Design of Unstructured Data Management System in e-learning

  8. 由于视频、音频、图形和web应用程序生成天文数量的数据,非结构化数据的数量正在而且会继续呈指数增加。

    Also available in   Chinese The amount of unstructured data is and will continue to increase exponentially due to astronomical data generated from videos , audios , graphics and web applications .

  9. 基于当前流行的hadoop云平台,设计了非结构化数据的云存储平台。

    Based on the popular cloud platform Hadoop , designed unstructured data cloud storage platform .

  10. 基于两种架构的MIS都能比较好的处理结构化的数据信息。但是,在企业中还有大量的非结构化数据信息游离在MIS之外。

    MIS based on both architecture can manage structured data well , but there are large numbers of unstructured data dissociated from MIS .

  11. InformationIntegrationServices提供InformationIntegrityServices、ETL服务和EII服务,支持对分散在不同数据源中的结构化和非结构化数据执行联合查询。

    Information Integration Services provide Information Integrity Services , ETL services , and EII services for federated query access to structured and unstructured data distributed over disparate data sources .

  12. 还有一种方案是运用数据库服务器和虚拟视图方式来到达数据集成的目的,这种方案的不足之处在于对XML数据或者非结构化数据的处理效果不佳。

    An alternative is to integrate heterogeneous data source utilizing the database server and virtual view , however , the inadequacy is the ineffective treatment about XML data or unstructured data .

  13. LotusDomino/Notes能够高效率处理非结构化数据,它的群件、工作流技术,特别适合于开发办公自动化系统。

    Lotus Domino / Notes can handle non-structured data with high efficiency , whose groupware and workflow technologies particularly meet the needs in developing office automation system .

  14. 本文提出通过对因特网上非结构化数据的XML格式进行筛选等处理,然后转化为结构化数据存储在SqlServer数据库中。

    In the paper , the XML formats of non-structural data of the Internet are selected and stored , and then are transformed into structural data and stored in the SQL Server database .

  15. 对于非结构化数据的存储,NXD和RDBMS是同样合适的。

    For the storage of unstructured data , NXDs and RDBMSs are equally suited .

  16. C1数据将在DMZWeb应用服务器中接收并发送给一个加密引擎,后者将对较大的非结构化数据进行加密。

    The C1 data is received in the DMZ web application server and sent to a cryptographic engine capable of encrypting large unstructured data .

  17. 作为非结构化数据中的关键技术,XML数据的广泛应用使得XML数据的有效管理成为数据库领域新的挑战和热点研究问题。

    XML data , which is the primary techniques in unstructured data , has been wildly used and how to manage XML data efficiently has become a challenging and popular research problem in database area .

  18. FileTable的目的是要在SQLServer中存储和管理非结构化数据,并让我们可以通过文件系统访问这些数据。

    FileTable is meant for storing and managing unstructured data in SQL Server , while also making it accessible via the file system .

  19. 如果应用程序未识别数据文件的格式,您可以将AdapterforFlatFiles配置为以通过模式运行,即对非结构化数据执行操作。

    If the application does not know the format of the data files , you can configure the adapter for flat files to run in pass-through mode , operating on unstructured data .

  20. Hadoop是一个Apache软件基金会项目,包含一系列用于存储和处理大量非结构化数据的工具集。

    Hadoop is an Apache Software Foundation project that consists of a set of tools for storing and processing large amounts of unstructured data .

  21. 非结构化数据可以改进现有的BI分析的质量,在某些情况下还有助于实现新的信息探查类型。

    Unstructured data can improve the quality of existing BI analytics , or in some cases , it can be the key enabler for new types of insight .

  22. 结构化数据和非结构化数据的统一管理是工程应用的要求,CORBA是当前分布异构对象计算的事实上的工业标准。

    It is the requirement of engineering , application to manage structured data and non-structured data conformably . CORBA is the current de facto industrial standard of distributed object computing .

  23. 支持事务的非结构化数据聚合存储系统GSL

    GSL : Unstructured Data Aggregation Storage System Supporting Transaction

  24. 除传统文件系统外,GDM还支持对HDFS中的非结构化数据建模和检索。

    In addition to the traditional file system , GDM also supports modeling and retrieval of unstructured data in HDFS .

  25. 由于云和Hadoop的出现,及时处理大量的结构化或非结构化数据目前已成为可能。

    Thanks to the cloud and Hadoop , it is now possible to handle large amounts of structured or unstructured data in a timely manner .

  26. 与InfoSphereStreams相结合,InfoSphereBigInsights可以帮助数据专业人员管理和分析互联网范围内的结构化或非结构化数据的量。

    In conjunction with InfoSphere Streams , InfoSphere BigInsights helps data professionals manage and analyze Internet-scale volumes of structured and unstructured data .

  27. 其余80%的数据是被忽视的,或者说缺乏有效管理的,这些数据被称之为非结构化数据,如office文档、电子邮件、各种表单、视频等,而非结构化数据中存在着大量的重要信息。

    The remaining 80 % of the data which known as unstructured data , such as office documents , e-mails , forms , videos and so on , are being ignored , or be short of effective management , though with important informations .

  28. 如何存储应用系统中需要处理的非结构化数据,包括文本、图像、音频、视频、PDF、电子表格等,是常常困扰系统设计人员的问题。

    How to store unstructured data in applications , including text , images , audio , video , PDF , spreadsheet , etc. , is a question often troubled system designers .

  29. MDM要求在所有企业应用程序中对主数据进行合理化,把主数据当作一种独特的企业资产对待,在结构化和非结构化数据之间建立联系。

    MDM requires capabilities to rationalize master data across enterprise applications , treat master data as a unique corporate asset , and bridge structured as well as unstructured data .

  30. Grover提出的量子搜索算法,可以用O(N1/2)的时间复杂度完成对规模为N的非结构化数据集的搜索,这在经典计算机上需要O(N)的复杂度。

    For a structureless dataset whose module is N , the time complexity of Grover 's quantum searching algorithm is O ( N1 / 2 ), while it is O ( N ) on classical computers .