
  • 网络Not Man Not Woman
  1. 我一直觉得自己非男非女,她说,而是那种11岁孩子的性别:主角。

    I consistently felt myself to be not male or female , she said , but the 11-year-old gender : protagonist .

  2. 这个争论似乎在2014年《心理牙线》杂志作家维吉尔?德克萨斯采访戴维斯时就被提出,戴维斯形容加菲猫为“非男非女、不属于任何特定的种族或民族、没有年龄。”

    The argument appears to have begun when writer Virgil Texas came across a 2014 Mental Floss interview with Davis where he described his tabby creation as ' not really male or female or any particular race or nationality , young or old . '