
  • 网络African Airlines;Air Afrique
  1. 可是随着来自中东和其他地区的市场竞争日益激烈,非洲航空公司可能遇到新的麻烦。

    But it notes intensifying competition from Middle Eastern carriers and others for lucrative business traffic could spell trouble for African airlines .

  2. 国际航空运输协会指出,得益于强劲的经济增长以及跟亚洲地区迅速增加的贸易交往,非洲航空公司得以避免亏损。

    The report says strong economic growth and rapidly growing trade links with Asia are keeping African carriers out of the red .

  3. 非洲航空公司预计今年不亏不赚,不像去年曾盈利1亿美元。

    It says African carriers are expected to break even , down from the $ 100 million profit made by the region last year .

  4. 海外订单大约占据了总订单的10%,其中有来自德国、泰国、亚太地区和非洲的航空公司。

    Overseas orders account for about 10 percent of the total , including airlines from Germany and Thailand and others from the Asia Pacific region and Africa .

  5. 去年建立的非洲廉价航空公司Fastjet将达累斯萨拉姆作为交通枢纽,游客会发现,这座商业之都不仅仅是去往坦桑尼亚其他天然瑰宝的落脚点,还是一座正在形成独有风格的非洲都会。—

    Add in the street food , the beaches and the fact that the year-old African low-cost carrier Fastjet uses Dar as its hub , and it 's easy to see that this commercial capital is more than a stopover on the way to Tanzania 's natural splendor . It is an African metropolis coming into its own . -

  6. 它是中东和非洲地区首家航空公司,也是世界上第七家加入IATA的航空公司,公司的品牌价值得到了极大的提升。

    It was the first airline in the Middle East and Africa and the seventh in the world to join IATA and become a treasured brand .

  7. 南非航空公司(SAA)是非洲的最大最重要的航空公司,多次被各种一流的杂志和国际组织评为“最佳非洲航空公司”。

    South African Airways ( SAA ) is the largest and most important African airline and has received numerous " Best African Airline " awards from different leading magazines and international organizations .