
Thirdly , the defects of illegal mining are analyzed .
The illegal mining is guilty of indefinite legislation and lacking operability .
Research on Perfecting Legislation of the Crime of Illegal Mining
Attestation for Crime of Illegal Mining
This text analyses these defects one by one , and puts forward the corresponding perfection measures .
Difference between the Crime of Mining Mineral Resources Illegally and the Crime of Mining Mineral Resources Destructively
Discussion on the 343 Article of Criminal Law of China & Suggestion for revising the legislation of illegal mining crime and damaging mining crime
Firstly , point out two modifications of illegal mining in the Criminal Law Amendment Eight : the abolition of administration and the change of crime accomplishment standard .
And with the comparison of the bootleg felling forest crime , we can find there is lack of a series of corresponding counts that are marched with illegal mining . The systematic protection is needed .
By empirical analysis , normative analysis , comparative law , literature research methods , this thesis points out the defects of illegal mining from the legislative view , at the same time , it puts forward the conception of the improvement .
In terms of administratively enforcing laws and investigating responsibilities for crimes , some issues on laws are discussed , and the usual behavior of covert sand dredge in the Yangtze river is regarded as a criminal case similar to the illegal mining defined in the 《 Criminal Law 》 .
Through adding general provisions of illegal mining behaviors , clearing out the intervention boundary between administrative behavior and the judicial behavior , constructing mineral resources protection system of criminal law , adjusting the legal punishment setting , these problems can be solved .