
  • 网络Nonviolent resistance;non-violent resistance;Civil Disobedience
  1. 马丁·路德·金为纠正这种状况展开了长期的非暴力抵抗活动。

    King had begun a long campaign of nonviolent resistance to rectify these wrongs .

  2. 尽管受警察的殴打,被投入监牢,甘地却首创了非暴力抵抗的原则。

    Beaten by the police , sent to jail , Gandhi inverted the principle of nonviolent resistance .

  3. 他们声明一旦发生军事接管,他们只会采取非暴力抵抗。

    They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover .

  4. 有些人认为“保持勇气,保持善良”这句箴言让灰姑娘显得像个反对女权主义的胆小鬼,布拉纳把这句话和小马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKingJr.)、纳尔逊·曼德拉(NelsonMandela)与圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)的非暴力抵抗相提并论。

    As for " have courage and be kind , " the mantra that some have suggested reduces Cinderella to an anti-feminist milquetoast , Mr. Branagh likened it to the nonviolent resistance of Martin Luther King Jr. , Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi .

  5. 而寻找直接对抗的另一种选择,正是非暴力抵抗的核心。

    And finding alternatives to direct confrontation is at the core of nonviolent resistance .

  6. 甘地激励了上百万印度人民以非暴力抵抗运动反对英国的殖民统治。

    Gandhi quotes inspired millions of Indians to act in non-violent protest against British oppression .

  7. 圣雄甘地为世人所熟知的是非暴力抵抗的信念和他热爱和平的天性。

    Mahatma Gandhi is well known for his belief in non-violence resistance and his pacifist nature .

  8. 对于那些表示非暴力抵抗不可能击败恶性武装对手的人,她似乎在说:“只要看着就好。”

    To those who said nonviolent resistance could not defeat a vicious armed opponent , she seemed to say " just watch . "

  9. 只要所选的人名为读者所熟悉,任何拥护非暴力抵抗的人名都可以达到同样的效果。

    An allusion to any advocate would have accomplished the same so long as the name of the selected person was familiar to the reader .

  10. 虽然甘地因尊重各个种族而著名——也正是因为这种尊重使得他被夺走生命,但是毕竟——他对当时正遭受迫害的犹太人却少了份同情和尊重,按照他非暴力抵抗的信念,甘地认为当时犹太人自杀是更好的选择。

    Although Gandhi was famous for respecting all races - it was this respect that got him killed , after all - he was less than sympathetic towards the Jews who were being persecuted at the time . Following his belief in non-violent resistance , Gandhi claimed that the Jews would be better off killing themselves .

  11. 印度对南非的此种“非暴力”抵抗政策,对于聚集世界反对种族政权的舆论,支持人民的解放斗争具有一定的意义。

    Such " non-violent " resistance policy has significant meaning for gathering world public opinion against racial system and in support of the liberation struggle .

  12. 马丁侧重的是非暴力性的抵抗运动,这一做法也促成了新法的出台,该法律结束了美国的种族歧视问题。

    His focus on non-violent protests led to new laws that ended racial discrimination in America .

  13. 我们到这里来帮助他们,以和平和非暴力的方式来抵抗,来保护他们自己的土地。

    We are here to help them in a peaceful , non-violent resistance to maintain their land .

  14. GRETABERLIN:“我们想说,我们是非暴力的,坦率采取行动的积极分子。这意味着有不公平存在的时候,我们将进行非暴力的抵抗。”

    GRETA BERLIN : " We like to say we are non-violent , direct-action activists . And that simply means that when there is an injustice we will non-violently resist . "