
  • 网络simla;Shimla
  1. 西姆拉协定、拉合尔宣言必是前进的基石他说。

    The Simla Agreement and Lahore Declaration have to be the basis for going forward , he said .

  2. 从西姆拉到喀什米尔,一路上我们看到了湖上的船屋,拥有咖喱香味的窗帘以及上发条的留声机。

    From Simla to Kashmir and a houseboat on the lakes , with curry-scented curtains and a wind-up gramophone .

  3. 而所谓的西姆拉条约其根本未正式签订,并且该条约确定的主题根本与中印的边界无关。

    However , the Simla Treaty had never been officially signed , moreover , the subject of this treaty had no connection to the boundary of China and India .