
  • 网络Xiji;xiji county
  1. 基于RS与GIS技术的西吉县土地利用/覆盖变化分析

    Analysis on variation of land utilization and land cover in Xiji County based on RS and GIS

  2. 西吉县80年代土地利用变化驱动机制研究

    Driving Mechanism to Land Use Change of Xiji County in 1980s

  3. USLE在西吉县黄土丘陵沟壑区的应用

    Application of USLE in Loessial Gully Hill Area

  4. 宁夏西吉县马铃薯资源优势合理利用与改良初探

    Rational Utilization and Improvement of Potato Resources in Xiji County of Ningxia

  5. 贫困山村扶贫开发模式的统计分析与对策建议&以宁夏西吉县酸刺村为例

    Suggestions and statistics analysis on antipoverty and development model in poverty villages

  6. 地下害虫是西吉县粮食作物的重要害虫,近年来相继严重发生。

    Underground pest insects are serious insects in Xiji county , Ningxia .

  7. 宁夏西吉县木本药用植物资源调查研究

    Investigation on the Medicinal Resource of Woody Plant in Xiji County of Ningxia

  8. 宁夏西吉县农田作物生产潜力的研究

    Study on Crop Productivity in Xiji County of Ningxia

  9. 宁夏西吉县农村能源工程的选择与评价

    Selection and evaluation of engineering of rural energy resources of Xiji County in Ningxia

  10. 西吉县已被批准退出贫困县名单。

    Xiji County has been approved for removal from the list of poverty-stricken counties .

  11. 西吉县农村72月龄以下儿童营养监测与改善研究

    Malnutrition of Children under 72 months in Rural Xiji County and The Way to Improve

  12. 宁夏西吉县两自然村人群包虫病/泡球蚴病血清检测的分析

    Serum examination analysis of hydatid disease / alveolar hydatid disease in two villages of Xiji county

  13. 西吉县苏家河镇在一次滑坡中整体被埋。

    Sujiahe , a town in in Xiji County , was completely buried under a landslide .

  14. 农村劳动力转移及市场开发&以宁夏西吉县为例

    Rural Labor Forces Mobility and Market Development & Taking Xiji County , Ningxia as an Example

  15. 从西吉县梯田建设看山坡地资源的更新

    On Renewal of Slope-Land Resources in the View of Construction of land Terracing at Xiji County

  16. 在实施退耕还林还草过程中,研究西吉县80年代的土地利用变化具有重要的现实意义。

    It has great practical significance in the process of returning farmland to forest and pasture .

  17. 西吉县城镇土地资源市场配置初探

    A primary exploitation on disposition of land resource market in towns of Xiji county , ningxia

  18. 西吉县葫芦河是渭河主要的一条支流,在西吉县人民吃水用水中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Hulu River is a tributary of the Weihe River and plays an important role in Xiji County .

  19. 介绍了宁夏西吉县聂家河流域实施的“坝窖池田”联网补灌模式及其效益。

    Supplementary irrigation patterns and benefits of dam-cistern-pond-field system in Niejiahe watershed in Xiji county were presented in this paper .

  20. 根据建立的作物生产潜力模型,对宁夏西吉县主要作物的生产潜力序列进行了计算,并分析了影响作物现实生产力的主导因子。

    Based on crop productivity models established , main crop productivities are calculated and key factors impacted on crop productivities are analyzed .

  21. 第六章将西吉县的单家集作为宁南山区生态经济建设的一个典型案例进行研究。

    Chapter VI of the county will be mostly single family sets Prefecture mountain ecological economic construction as a typical case study .

  22. 黄土丘陵区宁夏西吉县土地利用动态与坡耕地生产力变化

    Dynamics of Land Use and Changes of Sloping Field Productivity in Hilly and Gully Area of Loess Plateau in Xiji County , Ningxia

  23. 目的开展宁夏回族自治区西吉县、海原县鼠疫疫源调查,掌握鼠疫疫源状况,制订预防鼠疫的措施。

    Objective To develop investigation and master situation of plague foci in Xiji County and Haiyuan County of Ningxia , and formulate the prevention measures .

  24. 采用表土人工堆积小区试验方法,研究了半干旱黄土丘陵区西吉县的坡耕地径流损失对土地生产力的影响。

    Based on plot test of piling up top soil , the impacts of runoff on land productivity of sloping field is researched in Xiji county , semi arid hilly and gully region of the loess plateau .

  25. 本文就西吉县土地市场现状,培育县级地产市场原则及其措施作了全面的论述,对土地市场的正常健康运作具有重要的参考作用。

    This paper overall discussed the present state of the land market in Xiji county , and principle and measures of developing land market of county , it has an important reference value for normal and healthy operation .

  26. 在宁夏西吉县的研究和生产实践证明,在黄土丘陵区的新修水平梯田上,配套实施加深耕层、农机化播种;增施农家肥料、培肥地力;

    Research and practical production proved that the new technical pack-ages implemented on the newly-built level terraces in the loessal Hilly regions of Xiji County , Ningxia accelerated the yield increase in farm crops effectively in the terraces on a large area .

  27. 因此,如何对葫芦河流域水资源进行深入研究,快速有效寻找地下水,合理安排使用地下水,解决缺水地区人畜吃水难,用水难的问题,成为西吉县政府和人民亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to carry out an in-depth study of the Hulu River Basin Water Resources , quickly and efficiently search for groundwater , reasonable arrangements for the use of groundwater to address the difficulty of drinking water of dryland people and livestock .

  28. 通过资料分析、野外调查和定位试验等方法,对半干旱黄土丘陵区宁夏西吉县15年的土地利用动态及坡耕地生产力变化进行了研究。

    Based on the methods of data analysis , outside investigation and posited test , dynamics of land use and changes of land productivity in sloping field during 15 years are studied in the semi arid hilly gully area of Loess Plateau in Xiji county , Ningxia .

  29. 本文针对西吉县耕地资源的现状及存在的问题,对耕地的保护范围从时间和空间上加以界定,并提出相应的保护对策,具有实践意义。

    This paper , according to the present situation of Xiji county 's resource of farmland and existing problems , drew a clear line of demarcation of area , time and space of farmland protection , and put forward corresponding countermeasure of protection , which has a practical meaning .