
  • 网络non-contact
  1. 射频识别技术(RFID)作为自动识别技术的主流技术之一,其特有的非接触性及信息存储的性能,能够满足汽车制造企业对生产过程的监控需求。

    Radio frequency identification ( RFID ) is the main technology in the automatic identification field , and its non-contact and information storage performance can meet the monitoring needs of the production process of auto manufacturers .

  2. 由于EMAT具有非接触性、无需耦合剂等优点,受到广大无损检测与评估工作者的广泛关注。

    The EMAT is characteristic of non-contact and being needing no coupling medium , so it is specially concerned by researchers on nondestructive testing and evaluation .

  3. RFID系统所具有的非接触性优点使其在当前常用的自动识别系统中占据主导地位。

    RFID system has become the dominant in the current automatically identify systems for its advantage of non-contact .

  4. LASIK前后非接触性眼压测定值的分析

    Analysis of intraocular pressure measurement before and after LASIK

  5. 设计了一种基于FBG并带有温度补偿的非接触性磁耦合传感器。

    Devise a non-contact magnetic coupling displacement sensor based on optical fiber Bragg grating with temperature compensation . 3 .

  6. 单纯性近视80例PRK后非接触性眼压测定值分析

    Analysis of IOP readings after PRK in 80 cases

  7. 无线射频识别(RFID)技术因其特有的非接触性以及可对多目标同时快速识别的特性,正逐渐被广泛应用于供应链、物流、交通和防伪等多个领域。

    Because of its unique non-contact and ability to identify multiple characteristics of the object , Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) technology is being increasingly used in supply chain , logistics , transportation , security and other fields .

  8. 它是基于光学全息理论,以CCD成像器件作记录介质获取全息图,然后通过计算机用数字方法对数字化的全息图进行再现,它具有非接触性、非破坏性和高分辨率的特点。

    It is based on the theory of optical holography . And it utilizes CCD device to record holograms and fulfills the numerical reconstruction of the object wavefront by computer . Digital holography has the characteristic of non-contact , non-breakage and high precision .

  9. 作为一种非接触性的标记和识别手段,RFID在技术性能和功能手段上比图书馆传统标记有明显的优势,运用于图书馆将会极大地提高工作效率。

    As the mark of being intangible and distinguishing means , RFID obviously gains an advantage over the traditional library mark in terms of technological performance and functional means , which its application to libraries will largely improve work efficiency . By means of M .

  10. 图像处理和识别技术以其高效率、非接触性、高可靠性、低成本的优点,已经被广泛应用于现代贴片机系统中的贴片元件检测、吸嘴检测和PCB基准点检测等方面。

    Having the advantages of high efficiency , non-contact , high reliability and low cost , imaging processing and recognition technology ( IPRT ) has been widely used in the aspects of SMD components detection , nozzle detection and PCB mark detection in modern chip mounter systems .

  11. 方法用非接触性眼压计(NIDC)检测学生做健眼操前后眼压的变化。

    MethodsThe students ocular tension changes were detected with noncontact tonometer ( NIDC ) before and after ocular exercise done .

  12. 与传统的干涉仪如Twyman-Green干涉仪相比较,剪切干涉仪不但具有灵敏度高、精度高、测量非接触性等共同优点,而且还具有其独特的优势。

    And compared with the traditional interferometer , such as Twyman-Green interferometer , the shearing interferometer not only high has sensitivity and high precision and non-contact , but also has unique advantages .

  13. 结论应用IOL-Master测量人工晶状体度数,具有准确性、非接触性、操作简便、安全而且病人易于接受的特点,但也有一定局限性,不能完全替代A超。

    Conclusion IOL-Master is an accurate , non-contact , safe and reliable tool for calculating the power of artificial IOLs , however , IOL-Master can 't take the place of A-scan because of some limitations .

  14. 由于EMAT工作时具有非接触性、无需耦合剂、不需要对工件进行预处理等诸多优点,受到了广大无损检测与评估工作者的广泛关注,并有效扩展了超声无损检测技术的应用领域。

    EMAT is non-contact and without coupling agent . it does not require pre-treatment of the work piece and has many other advantages . It has been used in non-destructive testing and evaluation of the broad masses , and effectively extends the technology of ultrasonic nondestructive testing applications .

  15. 非接触性球囊导管标测系统及其临床应用现状

    A Noncontact Mapping System and Its Clinical Applied Research

  16. 中专学生童年期非接触性体罚经历及其对心理健康的影响

    Childhood Non-contact Corporal Punishment Revealed in the Questionnaire Survey of Technical Secondary School Students

  17. 该方法具有在线、快速,非接触性等特点。

    This method has the characteristics of on-line , fast , non-contact and so on .

  18. 一种非接触性提取微弱振动信号的方法

    A mathod to extract the signal of weakly vibration being out of touch with the vibrator

  19. 红外测温由于它具有测温范围宽和非接触性等优点,使得测温过程简易方便而被普遍采用。

    The method of the infrared temperature surveying is applied in wild-range for it has many merits .

  20. 采用机器视觉的方法进行疲劳检测在国内外是一项研究热点,在实时性、非接触性方面比其他方法更有优势,成为疲劳检测的一个主要方法。

    By using machine vision method to detect fatigue is becoming a research focus both at home and abroad .

  21. 对原有的传感器的传感部分作了改进,使之能用于非接触性温度的测量。

    The author improved on the old sensor and made the new one can be used as a non-contact sensor .

  22. 视觉定位的非接触性和较高的准确度极大地保证了外科手术中的安全性和手术方案实施的准确性。

    Non-contact and high accuracy of vision orientation system ensures safety of neurosurgery and accuracy in the implementation of operation program .

  23. 投影光栅法是一种非接触性快速获取三维物体轮廓的检测方法。

    Grating Projection is a method that captures the 3-D surface profilometry of an object without any contact but high speed .

  24. 机器视觉具有高效性、非接触性等优点,已经被广泛引用到现代工业的各个领域中。

    Machine vision has the advantage of efficient , non-contact , which has been widely quoted in various fields of modern industry .

  25. 旧新闻纸生物酶脱墨浆用于生产涂布白纸板的研究非接触性印刷废纸的酶促脱墨

    Study on the Enzymatic Deinking of the ONP for the Manufacture of Coated White Board The Enzymatic Deinking Action on Non-impact Printed Papers

  26. 由于计算机视觉测量具有非接触性、速度快、精度高等优点,逐渐成为接触轨检测的重要手段。

    Computer vision measurement has gradually become the important means of contact rail detection with non-contact , high speed , and high precision .

  27. 未来的战争主要是爆发在高技术信息化条件下的局部战争,先进的武器装备使战斗的非接触性和高效性大大加强。

    The future war is mainly local war based on high information technology , advanced weaponry enforce the non-contact ability and efficiency greatly .

  28. 磁性齿轮依靠磁场作用传递转矩,其输入与输出之间非接触性传递的特点使得它在特定场合较机械齿轮具有特殊的优势。

    Magnetic gears , whose input sides are physically isolated with the output sides , have special advantages over mechanical gears in some occasions .

  29. 相对于其它生物特征识别技术,采用人脸进行身份识别和认证有着简便、快捷、非接触性等更为突出的优点,但是非约束环境下的人脸识别仍然面临着很多问题。

    Compared with other biometric technologies , face recognition has much more advantages . But in the unconstrained environment there are still many problems .

  30. 激光测距传感器是一种非接触性距离测量仪器,在煤矿、冶金、石化等工矿企业具有良好的应用价值。

    Laser range finder sensor is an untouched distance-measure apparatus . It has a significance in coal mine , metallurgy , petrifaction and other enterprises .