
  • 网络Impersonality;impersonal;depersonalization
  1. 银行由于引进了电子计算机应用系统后而变得更为非人格化了。

    Banking has become increasingly impersonal due to the introduction of computerized systems .

  2. 国家作为非人格化主体,具有多重的管理目标,不是直接管理国有资产,而是通过一个多层次的委托代理链,最终由国企经营者来管理国有资产。

    Government as an impersonal subject manages state-owned assets through a multi-level principal-agent chain and finally by state-owned operators .

  3. 在一定程度上讲,他有着我们今天所谓的CEO的,一些义务和特性,也就是说,君主兼有一种非人格化的特性。

    He has much the same function and to some degree much of the same personality as what we would call a modern day CEO , that is to say there is a kind of anonymity and impersonality about the sovereign .

  4. 非人格化:犯罪实施与犯罪控制

    Impersonalization : commission of a crime and crime controlling

  5. 与经济体制相匹配,关系契约存在人格化和非人格化两种类型。

    Matched with the economic system , there are two types of relational contract : personification and non_personification .

  6. 从犯罪控制角度而言,国家与社会对罪犯也有一个非人格化过程。

    From the angle of criminal control , the state and the society have carried out a non-personification to the criminals .

  7. 对非人格化过程的阻却,提供了一个潜在被害人避免犯罪侵害、国家与社会控制犯罪、矫治犯罪人的新视角。

    The abolition of non-humanism provides a new approach to avoid potential victims from being hurt , control crimes and remold the criminals .

  8. 不同的产权结构决定人格化交易与非人格化交易的存在方式和作用范围;

    And different property right structures indicate the ways of personification , the existence of non-personification transactions ' and the scope of their impaction .

  9. 第二项是经济增长取决于稳定的政治/济制度,它将为非人格化的政治和经济市场提供低交易费用。

    Second that economic growth is dependent on stable political / economic institutions that will provide low costs of transacting in impersonal political and economic markets .

  10. 从传统的人格化交易转变为现代的非人格化交易。第三,国资藏富于民。

    That is to say from the traditional " personal transaction " into modern " impersonal transaction . " Third , distract state-owned wealth to the people .

  11. 但是,相对于传统的市场而言,在线交易的非人格化特性和信息的不对称性使买卖双方更难建立信任。

    However , the impersonal nature of online transaction and information asymmetry make it more difficult to build trust between sellers and buyers than in traditional market .

  12. 家族企业在成长过程中必须融合金融资本,通过非人格化的资本市场向公众融资。

    During its growth , the family business has to get integrated with the financial capital for raising funds from the general public in the impersonalized capital market .

  13. 我国现行产权交易市场的基本特征表明,国有资产所有者非人格化缺陷是我国产权交易市场失灵的最主要原因。

    The basic features of our property trade market shows that the absence of state-owned property owner is the main reason of being out-of-order of our property trade market .

  14. 强关系之间存在的是人格化的家族信任,而弱关系的基础是非人格化的社会信任。

    In the light of the trust of society , the clan trusts exit in strong connections , and the foundation of weak connection is impersonal trust of society .

  15. 国家和社会在犯罪控制中也有对犯罪人的非人格化过程,但这种对犯罪人的非人格化随着人类社会的发展进步,在今天已经变得不应该、不必要也不明智。

    Between the Control of Criminals and Protection of the Human Rights However , this kind of non-humanism to criminals is neither necessary nor wise with the development of society .

  16. 在官僚制体系下,理想行政人格的设计汲取了工具理性的假设,随后又不得不面临着非人格化带来的伦理困境。

    Under the bureaucracy organization , the design of ideal administration personality adopted the assumption of instrumental rationality , and then , has to face the ethical dilemma of impersonalization .

  17. 在线交易由于信息的不对称和非人格化特性使得交易双方信任更难建立,信用问题已经成为阻碍电子商务发展的瓶颈之一。

    The parties are dealing more difficult to build trust Because of information asymmetries and non-personalized features ; Trust problem has become one of the bottlenecks impeding the development of e-commerce .

  18. 理性官僚制是在自由资本主义时期产生,是和传统工业化相适应的一种行政管理模式。它具有专业化、层级制、法治化、非人格化、职业化、效果的可预见性等特征。

    The rational Bureaucracy management mode is the product of non-monopoly capitalism , which is suitable for traditional industrialization period . On the one hand , capitalism transited from liberal capitalism to monopoly capitalism .

  19. 在非人格化交易中没有什么约束双方相互利用。利用固液相互作用方程,求取吸附剂吸附质相互作用能。

    In impersonal exchange there is nothing to constrain the parties from taking advantage of each other . The interaction energy between the adsorbent and the adsorbate was obtained by the Solid-Liquid interaction equation .

  20. 本文在肯定其历史进步意义的同时,对其实践中的偏差提出救治的方案,从而揭示这种非人格化特征对我国的行政体制改革的启示作用。

    This article puts forward the scheme to the deviations of Weber 's bureaucratic hierarchy in practice while affirming its history progressive meaning , thus announces the enlightenment for our country 's administrative system reform .

  21. 与其它类型的企业相比,科层制国有企业具有其特殊性:明确的劳动分工、严密的等级制度、严格的规章体系、理性且非人格化、契约式的职业制度。

    Compared with other types of enterprise , bureaucracy in NOE has its own unique qualities . The qualities are the clear labor division , the strict hierarchy , the strict regulation system , and rational and impersonal contractual career system .

  22. 随着产权交易域不断扩展,交易形式和合约越来越复杂,潜在的交易者已经无法事先识别潜在的交易对手,因此必须用非人格化交易代替人情式交易。

    Going with the width of property transaction territory , the transaction forms and contracts are more and more complex , potential traders can not identify his potential counterpart , as a result , it is necessary to substitute personalized exchange by impersonal exchange .

  23. 虽然对非人类思维进行人格化具有诱惑,但是可能产生出严重的问题。

    Anthropomorphizing nonhuman minds is tempting but likely to lead to serious errors .