
jìng xī tòng
  • rest pain
  1. 间歇性跛行患肢膝以下三叉血管系统重度狭窄率41.7%,与静息痛(83.3%)或溃疡(79.5%)患肢相比,差异均有统计学意义(P均0.05)。

    The degree of stenosis in the below-knee section was less severe in patients with intermittent claudication ( 41.7 % ) compared with patients with rest pain ( 83.3 % ) and gangrene patients ( 79.5 % ) ( both P0.05 ) .

  2. 术前多数患肢有轻重不同的静息痛,踝肱指数(ABI)均在0.6以下。随访时检查跛行距离、ABI、双下肢放射性核素扫描等客观指标。

    Most patients suffered from rest pain , and the ankle-brachial indexes ( ABI ) of ischemic limbs were less than 0.6.The rest pain , pain-free walking distance , ABI , and radioisotope scanning of lower extremities were determined during follow-up .

  3. ABI值患者组虽明显低于正常对照,但静息痛组与坏疽组差异无显著性(P>0.1)。

    Although the ABI in the rest pain group was significantly higher than that in the gangrene group , there was no significance ( P > 0.1 ) .

  4. 单纯球囊扩张治疗对糖尿病膝以下动脉病变患肢有良好疗效,下肢动脉血供、ABI、足背皮温、间歇跛行以及静息痛均有所好转,半年病残率为0%。

    The treatment of Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty on diabetic patients with below-knee arterial disease was effective . The blood serving , degree of ABI , foot temperature , intermitten claudication and rest pain were all mending well . The low-limb deformity rate was 0 % .

  5. 手术指征是间歇性跛行,静息痛和趾端坏疽。

    The indication for surgery was disabling claudication , rest pain and gangrene .

  6. 国外报道服药后能减轻静息痛和间歇性跛行,促进溃疡愈合。

    Foreign reports medication could reduce rest pain and intermittent claudication , and promote ulcer healing .

  7. 足部坏疽6例,静息痛或/和间歇性跛行11例。

    There were 6 cases of feet necrosis and 11 cases of rest pain or intermittent limp .

  8. 静息痛、冷感等主观指标的改善率达到100%;

    Furthermore , the improvement rate of rest pain and coldness in the study group was 100 % .

  9. 结果:①患者治疗后下肢发凉、麻木、疼痛、间歇性跛行、静息痛症状明显改善。

    RESULTS : ① The symptoms of cool , numbness , pain , anintermittent claudication and rest pain were improved significantly after treatment .

  10. 发展后可出现静息痛及组织坏疽、缺血性神经病变、皮肤色泽改变、皮肤附属器营养障碍、废用性肌萎缩及关节僵硬等症状。

    Following symptoms : rest pain and tissue necrosis , ischemic neuropathy , skin color changes , skin adnexal dystrophy , disuse muscle atrophy and joint stiffness etc.

  11. 观察治疗前后下肢临床症状(间歇性跛行、静息痛、缺血发生溃疡等)、肢体创面、步行速度等变化。

    The clinical symptoms were observed before and after treatment of lower extremity ( intermittent claudication , rest pain , ischemia occurring ulcers ), limb wound , limb peripheral blood circulation and flow chart , walking speed change .

  12. 结果:采用骨髓动员外周血干细胞分离并移植治疗临床上严重肢体缺血的患者能明显减轻静息痛,促进溃疡愈合,增加步行距离。

    Results : Patients with critical limb ischemia can be treated by bone marrow mobilization , peripheral blood stem cell separation and transplantation , which can significantly reduce rest pain , promote ulcer healing , and increase walk distance .

  13. 结果44例出院时静息痛消失,19例患者间歇跛行消失,平均踝肱比从术前的018(0~049)提高到068(029~104)。

    Result On discharge , rest pain disappeared in 44 cases and intermittent claudication in 19 cases , with average ankle / brachial index changing from preoperative 0.18 ( 0 ~ 0.49 ) to postoperative 0.68 ( 0.29 ~ 1.04 ) .