
  • 网络memories of youth;A Memory of Youth
  1. 青春的记忆对每个人来说都是最刻骨铭心的。

    Memory for each youth is most memorable .

  2. 珍惜这份青春的记忆!

    Treasures this youth the memory !

  3. 在青春的记忆里我风趣幽默,画中的梦魇是一个被阻隔的世界。

    I was humorous in memory of youth , the nightmare in painting was a blocked world .

  4. 在青春的记忆里,即使是微小的退色的残片,都可以触碰到野孩子那懵懂的忧郁。

    In memory of youth , even tiny faded fragments can touch the muddled depression of wild child .

  5. 我总有一种担心,若干年后回顾过去的时候,这些青春的记忆是否让我们觉得羞愧。

    I 'm always afraid that whether we will feel ashamed by the memory of youth when we recall the past .

  6. 她说:我现在的身体正值黄金时段,我想把这段青春的记忆保存起来。

    She said : I wanted to preserve the memory of my youth , when my body is at its physical peak .

  7. 忘不了您的笑脸,遗忘不了青春厚重的记忆。

    Never forget your smiling face , can not be forgotten memories of their youth heavy .

  8. 80后文学中有许多关于死亡细腻唯美的书写,唯美的笔调表达了自己对美好青春的留恋和记忆的执着。

    There are many delicate aesthetic writing about death , which reflects the expression of nostalgia for the good youth and memory .

  9. 青春的激情燃烧着记忆的碎片,温暖的心跳清除着感动的泪水。

    Memories of youthful passion burning debris removal with a warm heart touched by the tears .