
  • 网络lehman;Lehman Brothers;Rayman;Lehmann;Lamotte
  1. 雷曼疯狂兔子电视聚会欧版。

    Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party .

  2. 雷曼教授还说,人们每天应该只吃10克巧克力、喝100毫升红葡萄酒或白葡萄酒,这样才能防止对认知功能产生“不利影响”。

    Professor Rayman said people can have only 10g of chocolate and 100ml of red or white wine each day before it begins to have an ' adverse effect ' on cognitive function .

  3. “对于这一发现的解释之一就是,不确定的奖励也许比确定的奖励在情感上更能激发人们的欲望,”雷曼说。

    " One explanation for this finding is that possible awards may be more emotionally provoking than certainty awards , " says Reimann .

  4. “参与者们愿意用获得相对来说较少金钱奖励的可能性来替换掉一部分食物,这一事实也是非常有趣的。”雷曼说。

    " The fact that participants were willing to substitute part of a food item for the mere prospect of a relatively small monetary award is interesting , " says Reimann .

  5. 富尔德承认自己犯过错误,但坚称雷曼“不存在资本漏洞(capitalhole)”。

    He acknowledged that he made mistakes but insisted that " there was no capital hole " at Lehman .

  6. 美国银行(bankofamerica)是传言中正考虑为雷曼兄弟纾困的银行之一。

    Bank of America , the US bank , was among those rumoured to be examining a rescue of Lehman .

  7. 诚然,由于对雷曼的投资,primaryreservefund跌破了面值,不得不接受纾困。

    True , the primary reserve fund broke the buck by investing in Lehman and had to be bailed out .

  8. 雷曼(Lehman)倒闭了,而它的倒闭正是房地产市场恶化造成的。

    Lehman failed and its failure was a result of soured real estate .

  9. 雷曼、贝尔斯登和aig都广泛使用了这两种产品。

    Both products were widely used by Lehman , bear and AIG .

  10. 10月31日明富环球(MFGlobal)宣布破产,这是自2008年雷曼兄弟垮台以来的最大一起金融公司破产案。

    On October31st , in the biggest collapse of a financial firm since that of Lehman Brothers in2008 , MF Global went bankrupt .

  11. 其中一位是雷曼2008年初从竞争对手那里挖来的交易员“马克”(mark),雷曼当时向他做出了高额“担保奖金”的承诺。

    One of those was " mark " a trader poached from a rival in early 2008 with the promise of a big " guaranteed bonus " .

  12. 9月中旬,雷曼兄弟申请破产,而AIG接受了1200亿美元的政府贷款。

    Lehman filed for bankruptcy last month and AIG was rescued by $ 120bn government loan .

  13. 雷曼(Lehman)破产后发生的情况表明,正常的破产程序不适用于复杂的机构。

    What happened after Lehman 's failure showed that normal bankruptcy procedures do not work for complex institutions .

  14. 就在雷曼9月份申请破产保护几周前,她辞掉工作,去MIT继续学业。

    She quit her job to attend MIT just a couple of weeks before Lehman 's September bankruptcy filing .

  15. 而对于规模三倍于雷曼的花旗集团(citigroup)来说,这等于是被判了死刑。

    That surely would have been a death sentence for Citigroup , an institution three times larger than Lehman .

  16. 除了对抗雷曼,埃霍恩还出版了一本书,披露了关于联合资本公司(AlliedCapital)的更多信息&可能比这家商业发展公司里的任何员工所了解的都多。

    Mr Einhorn , apart from taking on Lehman , has published a book detailing more information about Allied Capital than probably anyone in that business development company was aware of .

  17. 上周整周时间,我一直在试图了解aig、雷曼、高盛(goldmansachs)和其它银行所发生的事。

    All last week I kept trying to understand what was going on with AIG , Lehman , Goldman and the other banks .

  18. 雷曼首席执行官迪克富尔德(dickfuld)表示,他对业绩感到“非常失望”。

    Dick Fuld , chief executive , said he was " very disappointed " with the results .

  19. 前美林(merrilllynch)高管表示,他们向监管机构揭发雷曼衡量流动性状况的方式,系出于竞争原因。

    Former Merrill Lynch officials said they contacted regulators about the way Lehman measured its liquidity position for competitive reasons .

  20. 雷曼倒闭后,美国政府立即启动了对货币市场基金的担保,以阻止ReservePrimaryFund的亏损在全行业引发挤兑。ReservePrimaryFund此前投资于雷曼债务。

    The money fund guarantees were put in place immediately after the Lehman collapse to stop a run on the sector triggered by losses at the Reserve Primary fund , which had invested in Lehman debt .

  21. 在美国银行(BoA)决定转而收购美林(MerrillLynch)之后,巴克莱银行成为雷曼仅剩的唯一竞购方。

    Barclays was the last remaining bidder for Lehman after Bank of America decided to pursue Merrill Lynch instead .

  22. 或许是美国财政部的错,特别是任凭雷曼兄弟(Lehman)倒闭的决定,引发了今天的恐慌局面。

    Maybe it was errors at the US Treasury , particularly the decision to let Lehman fail , that triggered today 's panic .

  23. 在2008年3月贝尔斯登(BearStearns)几近破产后,雷曼发现自己一些流动性最差的资产无法脱手。

    In the aftermath of the near-collapse of Bear Stearns in March 2008 , Lehman found itself unable to sell some of its most illiquid assets .

  24. 为庆祝雷曼(lehman)破产两周年,巴塞尔(basel)这座大山竭尽全力地分娩了一只老鼠。

    To celebrate the second anniversary of the fall of Lehman , the mountain of Basel has laboured mightily and brought forth a mouse .

  25. 但坦白的说,当时我们的增长战略颇为薄弱,尤其是在去年秋季的雷曼(Lehman)危机之后,他表示。

    But if I speak honestly then , especially after the Lehman shock last autumn , our growth strategy was weak , he says .

  26. 他特别想把摩根大通描绘成与贝尔斯登(BearStearns)、雷曼(Lehman)和其他投资银行那些“不诚信的家伙”有显著区别的公司。

    He specifically sought to paint his firm as distinctly different than those " cowboys " at Bear Stearns , Lehman and the other investment banks .

  27. 中国货币市场利率上周飙升至两位数以及银行间市场冻结时,有人曾经谈论北京方面是否即将迎来自己的雷曼时刻(Lehmanmoment)。

    When money market rates in China last week spiked to double digits and the interbank market froze , there had been talk about whether Beijing was nearing its Lehman moment .

  28. Amaranth衍生品违约所带来的系统性影响微不足道,而雷曼和美国国际集团的违约则造成了重大的冲击波。

    Amaranth 's derivative defaults had trivial systemic ripples , while those of Lehman and AIG created major shockwaves .

  29. 雷曼破产,美林(merrilllynch)出售,房利美、房地美和aig国有化,都是明显的标志性事件。

    The collapse of Lehman , the buy-up of Merrill Lynch and the nationalisations of Fannie , Freddie and AIG were obvious landmarks .

  30. 曾与雷曼竞争投行业务、并有过类似融资需求的高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)表示,他们从未利用此类交易。

    Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley , which competed with Lehman in investment banking and had similar funding needs , said they had never used such transactions .