
  • 网络collective decision making;group decision making;collective decision
  1. 支持集体决策的一种较好组合GDSS+AHP

    A Better Combination for Supporting Group Decision Making : GDSS + AHP

  2. 相比于其他同样基于集体决策机制的入侵检测系统,MAPIDS节省了更多的网络带宽和电池能耗,并且该系统不存在稀疏节点问题。

    In contrast to other intrusion detection system based on collective decision , MAPIDS saves more bandwidth and energy and it is immune to sparse nodes problem .

  3. 我对集体决策的看法是,不妨自己照照镜子。

    My idea of a group decision is to look in the mirror .

  4. 按法定程序办事,一人一票,集体决策。

    Each member on the committee has a vote and will make decisions collectively .

  5. 集体决策优于个人决策;

    Collective decision is better than personal one ;

  6. 如果他们进行集体决策,其贷款价值就会得到更好的保护。

    The value of their loans will be better protected if they take collective decisions .

  7. 这一检验的新颖之处在于,它将集体决策与要素的相对稀缺性相联系。

    A novelty of the test is to link collective decision with relative factor scarcities .

  8. 为了让集体决策正确的工作,每个人必须懂得“合理的疑虑”的意义。

    For consensus to work properly everyone must understand the meaning of " legitimate concerns " .

  9. 由大股东来对企业进行控制往往可解决集体决策过程中的奥尔森困境,节约决策费用和交易成本。

    The major shareholders control the enterprise often resolves " Olsen dilemma ", saving decision-making and transaction costs .

  10. 在一个集体决策的问题上,包容立场的多样性会让你很难被攻击。

    On a contentious issue , embracing a variety of positions will make you more difficult to attack .

  11. 法国人大都重视个人的力量,很少有集体决策的情况。

    Most French people think much of individual power and abilities , so there is seldom collective decision-making .

  12. 董事会集体决策优于主要经营者一人决策的数学论证

    The Mathematical Proof of the Superiority of Collective Decision by Board of Directors to Individual Decision by Main Operator

  13. 公共选择最早是由布坎南提出的,它是政治学的经济理论,它运用新古典经济学的分析工具来研究集体决策的政治过程。

    It is politics economic theory and it uses neoclassic economic analysis tool to study the collective policy-making political process .

  14. 凡涉及公司重大利益的事项应由董事会集体决策。

    All matters related to material interests of the company shall be submitted to the board of directors for collective decision .

  15. 荷兰文件共享公司WeTransfer委托开展的这项调查证实了这种集体决策形式的风险。

    The survey , commissioned by the Dutch file-sharing company WeTransfer , attests to the perils of this form of groupthink .

  16. 有时候这种做法很管用,比如在华尔街,投资公司允许个人独立决定股票投资,无需集体决策。

    Sometimes that works , like on Wall Street , where investment companies allow individuals to independently wager on stocks to avoid groupthink .

  17. 此外,将权限集中到一家机构也存在风险缺乏意见的差异化、出现水平低下的集体决策并最终失败。

    Moreover , the centralisation of authority in one institution carries its own risks of insufficient airing of differences , groupthink and ultimate failure .

  18. 在这个方面没有通用的解决方案,业务分析师、架构师和IT人员必须根据价值和成本做出集体决策。

    There is no one size fits all and business analysts , architects and IT staff must make a collective decision based on business value and cost .

  19. 但是,在集体决策程度或者机械替代劳动程度不高的情况下,人力资本的作用在就可能明显表现出来。

    However , in the different of circumstances of collective decision-making-making level and machinery to replace labor level , the effect of manpower capital will be apparent .

  20. 本文以中国农村为背景,试图发展一种可以检验集体决策过程是理性模型还是政治模型的方法。

    A strategy is developed to empirically test the rational model against the political model of collective decision in the context of land tenure choice in rural China .

  21. 个人决策和群体决策(集体决策)相比各有其优缺点,总的发展趋势是群体决策在决策中占有越来越重要的地位。

    There are advantages and disadvantages in both personal and group decision-making , the general trend is that group decision making is getting more preference over the personal .

  22. 由于决策的多重性和每个决策者在集体决策层中的地位和重要程度的不同,多方案时的集体决策机制要比简单的投票复杂得多。

    The collective decision made from multi-plans is much more complex than voting because of multiplicity of the decision and the different status and importance of each decision maker .

  23. 加快建立和完善重大问题集体决策制度、专家咨询制度、社会公示和社会听证制度、决策责任制度。

    We also should speed up to establish and improve the collective decision-making system , experts ' advice system , publicity and public hearing system and responsibility system of decision-making .

  24. 世界面临国际安全体系遭受重创、国际集体决策体制弱化、国际法体制受到冲击、全球化负面影响突出等严峻挑战。

    The world is faced with grave challenges like damaged international security system , weakening of international collective decision-making regime , undermined international legal system and negative impacts of globalization .

  25. 要合理界定政府的决策权限,进一步健全重大事项集体决策、专家咨询、社会公示与听证、决策评估等制度。

    To rationally define the government decision-making authority , to further improve the collective decision on major issues , expert consultation , public hearings , and decision making evaluation system .

  26. 整个土地储备招投标过程、协议内容和协议的签订都是经集体决策、都是公开、公平、公正的。

    A land bank as a whole bidding process , the contents of the agreement and the agreement is signed by the collective decision-making , is an open , fair and impartial .

  27. 加强民营企业现代企业制度建设,要在民营企业内形成集体决策机制和竞争机制,要建立健全劳动制度和财务制度,要任人唯贤并建立监督机构。

    For the purpose , it is indispensable to forge collectively decision-making mechanism and competitive institution , to improve working and accounting system , to appoint people by abilities and establish supervisory organs inside corporations .

  28. 为了进一步发展的需要,民营企业在第二次创业的过程中,选择了制度管理模式,股份公司的外在形式、集体决策的机制、利益共享的分配方式以及职业经理人的引进成为主要特征。

    In the second creation of private enterprise , they chose system management model outer character of stock company , committee making policy , contribution of profit sharing and occupational manager appointment as the major characters .

  29. 目前的银行贷审委集体决策的体制往往导致贷款责任难以划分,集体负责实际变成无人负责。

    At present , state-owned commercial banks make loan decisions collectively by a loan review committee , which easily makes it difficult to determine responsibility , collective responsibility degenerated into irresponsibility by each member of the committee .

  30. 本文的创新之处在于:(1)对代理成本与集体决策成本两个概念全面进行分析和比较,提出了增强效应和消长效应的新观点。

    This paper contains the following contributions : ( 1 ) Thoroughly analyzes and compares the two concepts agent cost and collective decision-making cost , and brings forward two new concepts Enhancement Effect and Ebb and Flow Effect .