
  1. 法国室内设计师亨利·波桑纳斯(HenryPersonnaz)有个小小的雅好,就是在圣图安担任私人伴游。

    Henry Personnaz , a French interior designer , has made a hobby of giving small private tours of St. - Ouen .

  2. 以诗艺论,任兄雅好凝炼,不拘字义文法之桎梏,不落赘词冗句之窠臼,真知诗之三昧者。

    Technically , Ren 's preference to condensed , succinct phrasal utterances instead of to drawn-out , grammatically viable sentences shows how well he grasps the quintessence of poetry .

  3. 三曹的生命意识表现出对群体生命的关注、对死亡的理性态度、对生命密度和厚度的不懈追求的共同特征,在艺术手法上也有着共同的表达方式:雅好乐府。

    Three life consciousness showed groups life concern , on the death of a rational attitude to life , density and thickness of the relentless pursuit of the common features , in the artistic technique is also common expressions : good music .

  4. 当前,应该对中华民族大家庭各民族文化遗产进行保护和抢救,鼓励发展雅文化,建设好大学校园文化,建设好地方文化。

    At present , it 's urgent to protect and rescue the heritages of the different cultures of the nationalities in the big family of Chinese nation , to encourage proper culture , to well construct college culture on campus and local culture .