
  • 网络ADT;alternative day therapy;alternate day therapy
  1. 结论雷贝拉唑钠肠溶片隔日疗法可以作为胃食管反流病维持治疗的首选方案。

    Conclusion Rabeprazole sodium enteric coated tablets every other day therapy can be used as gastroesophageal reflux disease maintenance therapy of first choice in China .

  2. 结果治疗前后对比,在临床症状的控制和化验指标的改善上均较显著,且优于单一药物冲击或传统的强的松口服与环磷酰胺隔日注射疗法。

    Results The comparison of results before and after the treatment showed great improvement in laboratory indexes and clinical symptoms , and the effects were superior to single medicine pulse or traditional oral prednison with CTX injection treatment with every other day .