
  1. 隐性人力资本是人力资本研究的新视角,是创新的源泉。

    Study on the Formation and Transformation of High Skilled Talents Implicit Human Capital ;

  2. 实际上对企业发展起关键性作用的因素是隐性人力资本。

    In fact , the player of key factor to the enterprises development is hidden human capital .

  3. 隐性人力资本的价值度量

    Hidden Human Capital Value Measuring

  4. 由于隐性人力资本在价值形成上的特殊性,因此对它的价值度量及其激励制度安排就成为企业可持续发展的关键。

    It is important to the enterprises lasting development how to arrangement incentive system by measuring hidden human capital .

  5. 人力资本价值的衡量企业隐性人力资本价值评估方法研究

    Determination of the Value of Human Resources Assets The Study on the Method of Measuring Hidden Human Capital in Enterprise

  6. 学习型组织的建立,不仅增加企业隐性人力资本价值,而且也增加了其显性人力资本价值。

    The establishment of learning organizations can increase not only the invisible human capital value , but also the visible human capital value of enterprises .

  7. 针对浙江民营企业的现状对企业家和员工隐性人力资本的特征和结构进行了探索,并得出了自己的见解。

    According to the present situation of zhejiang private enterprises , the article makes a exploration of the characteristics and structures of the entrepreneurs and employees , and then reach my own conclusions .

  8. 在知识经济的高度发展的社会背景下,人力资本特别是隐性人力资本所蕴含的能量和创造性的有效发挥,将成为生产力发展的强大动力。

    In the background of knowledge economy , the human capital , especially the implicit human capital contains energy and creativity into full play , will become the effective development of productive power .

  9. 利用隐性人力资本影响系数对资本资产定价模型进行调整,使其适用于人力资本的价值评估。

    The paper use analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) to evaluate the hidden human capital adjustment index , which is used to adjust the Capital Asset Pricing Model to evaluate the human capital .

  10. 学习型组织的建立不仅是企业的一项隐性人力资本投资活动,更重要的是一项显性人力资本投资活动,其投资主体不是企业而是企业员工。

    The establishment of learning organizations is the invisible human capital investment , more exact , the visible human capital investment of enterprises . The investment objective is not the enterprise , but the staff .

  11. 由此构建了本文理论基础:企业中人力资本价值是指企业中当期人力资本存量价值,即包括显性人力资本和隐性人力资本两部分,即是外在投资形成存量和在企业中干中学形成存量。

    So to construct theoretic base of the paper : In enterprise human capital value is current human capital existence value , to include two parts of obvious human capital and hidden human capital & formed existence value by having invested and by " learning-by-laboring " .