
  1. 从人力资本整合的视角构建了产业集群竞争力的评价指标体系。

    Building evaluation index system on industrial clusters competitiveness from the perspective human capital integration .

  2. 从制度安排上提出了人力资本整合的保证措施。

    Put forward to ensure the integration of human capital measures from the institutional arrangements .

  3. 尝试性地构建了人力资本整合提升产业集群竞争力的分析框架。

    Try to build the analysis framework human capital integration to enhance the industrial cluster competitiveness .

  4. 在此基础上,论述了并购中人力资本整合的原则及具体对策。

    On this basis , thesis discusses the principals and strategy in the process of human capital integration .

  5. 本文认为人力资本整合提升产业集群竞争力,必须建立一系列的保障制度。

    We must establish a system of safeguards , enhancing the industrial clusters competitiveness form human capital integration perspective .

  6. 其次,从人力资本整合的视角构建了产业集群竞争力的评价指标体系,并用层次分析法对各级指标权重进行了比较。

    Secondly , built evaluation index system from the perspective of human capital integration , and at all levels with the AHP weights were compared .

  7. 人力资本整合,是指组织在动态复杂环境下,通过优化人力资本结构,产生新的资源结构,创造组织的动态竞争优势。

    Human capital integration refers to dynamic competitive advantage in a dynamic complex environment , depend on optimizing the human capital structure and creating new resource structure .

  8. 本文论述的人力资本整合提升产业集群竞争力的问题,仅限于产业集群内,产业集群之间如何通过人力资本整合提升产业集群竞争力的问题,不在本文的讨论范围内。

    This article discusses the human capital integration enhance the industrial clusters competitiveness within industrial clusters , between the human capital to enhance how the competitiveness of industrial clusters , not within the scope of this article .

  9. 组织之间人力资本动态整合,本文分析了组织之间隐性知识传播和知识整合与产业集群竞争力的关系,提出了知识整合提升产业集群竞争力的组织手段。

    The paper analyzes the relationship about Tacit Knowledge dissemination and integration among industrial cluster organization , propose to enhance the industrial clusters competitiveness of organizational means .

  10. 而通过社会资本对人力资本的整合,可以使企业形成内生特质,获得持久竞争力。

    And through the integration of the human capital by the social capital , the firm can form the endogenous idiosyncrasy and keep the permanence competitive ability .

  11. 第二、把民营企业人才资源开发提升到战略高度。优先开发人才资源,提升人力资本,整合人才资源,调整人才结构;

    The second , human development of not-stated enterprises should be promoted to the strategic height , we actually take it in the place that is prior to expanding , and promoting human capital , and conforming human resource , and adjusting human restructure ;

  12. 无形资产和人力资本的计量与整合

    Measuring and Assembling of Intangible Asset and Human Capital

  13. 本章首先对人力资本及人力资本整合的研究现状、产业集群及产业集群竞争力的研究现状、人力资本水平与产业集群竞争力的相关性研究综述进行了梳理。

    This chapter first general introduce their relationship about human capital and human capital integration , industry clusters and industrial cluster competitiveness , human capital and industrial cluster competitiveness .

  14. 校企联合办学既是目前我国中等职业教育办学模式的主要方向,也是企业进行人力资本投资、有效整合校企资源促进人才培养的根本途径。

    Presently , school-enterprise jointly education is the main trend of our middling vocational school running model and also is the ultimate approach for enterprises to do human resource investment and to integrate resources of schools and enterprises to promote the talents training .

  15. 首先分析了产业集群竞争力与人力资本水平具有典型相关,从人力资本整合的视角研究产业集群竞争力具有了一定的基础。

    First , the industrial clusters competitiveness and level of human capital is Canonical correlation , it is a foundation analyzing industrial clusters competitiveness from the perspective of human capital integration .

  16. 高科技企业人力资本投资主要包括人力资本引进等初始投入、继续学习投入和人力资本价值整合投入三个方面。

    Human capital investment in high-tech enterprises is composed of initial investment , learning investment and integration investment .