
  • 网络rmb internationalization;Renminbi internationalization
  1. 人民币国际化对中国进出口贸易影响的动态CGE研究

    A Dynamic CGE Analysis of the Effect of RMB Internationalization on China 's Import and Export

  2. 具体包括:加快人民币国际化进程;推动QDII的发展,鼓励民间对外投资;合理利用FDI,提高FDI使用率;推动我国证券市场的发展。

    The specifics include : to make the process of RMB internationalization more rapid ; to promote development of QDII and encourage private capital to invest abroad ; to improve the utilization of FDI ; to promote development of Chinese securities market .

  3. 金融市场是金融决战的大舞台,WTO对我国金融业的影响又都集中在金融市场,其焦点在于金融价格的自由化,即利率市场化、汇率自由化、证券价格合理化和人民币国际化。

    WTO 's effects occur in the financial market , especially in the price freedom .

  4. 本文正是选取这一切入点对人民币国际化和人民币FDI的互动机理进行研究。

    This paper chose the RMB foreign direct investment as a starting point to discuss the development of RMB internationalization .

  5. 世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐立克(robertzoellick)表示,这种现象可能有一些益处,比如缓解全球资本流动失衡和促进人民币国际化。

    Robert Zoellick , World Bank President , says the phenomenon could have benefits such as easing imbalances in global capital flows and encouraging internationalisation of the renminbi .

  6. ifc在帮助中国推动人民币国际化方面一直十分活跃。

    The IFC has been active in helping China to internationalise its currency .

  7. KenWeiWong说,随着人民币国际化程度的提高,他预计有更多央行会参与离岸人民币市场。

    Mr. Wong said he expects more central banks to participate in the offshore yuan market as the Chinese currency becomes more internationalized .

  8. 上周,中国与欧洲央行(ECB)签署了一项货币互换协议,这是推动人民币国际化的又一步。

    Last week , it made another move to promote international use of the renminbi , signing a swap agreement with the European Central Bank .

  9. 这是推动人民币国际化的不可分割的组成部分,瑞银(UBS)中国区首席经济学家汪涛表示。

    This is an integral part of pushing the internationalisation of the renminbi , said Wang Tao , chief China economist at UBS .

  10. 一篮子货币、特别提款权(SDR)乃至人民币国际化,种种建议相继出笼,惟独不提明显可以取代美元的欧元。

    Currency baskets , SDRs , even internationalisation of the renminbi , have been mooted , but not the obvious alternative .

  11. 汇丰银行(hsbc)表示,中国已启动一项人民币国际化的重大计划,进程可能快于许多人的预期。

    China has kick-started a major plan to internationalise the renminbi and the process is likely to be faster than many expect , according to HSBC .

  12. 中国内地决策者迫切希望推动人民币国际化,但他们也想确保这个过程处于自己的掌控之中。渣打银行(StandardChartered)东北亚全球市场主管GeneKim表示,监管规定正不时发生变化。

    Chinese policy makers are eager to internationalise the renminbi but they also want to make sure that process is under control , says Gene Kim , head of global markets for northeast Asia at Standard Chartered bank .

  13. 这一里程碑式的交易是人民币国际化进程中的又一步,将为人民币增添又一个重要的资产类别,汇丰环球资本融资主管利子琛(SpencerLake)表示。

    This landmark transaction is another step in the internationalisation of the renminbi and will add another important asset class to the currency , said Spencer Lake , global head of capital financing at HSBC .

  14. 这些国家应鼓励中国加入论坛,并在采取措施将人民币国际化和逐步开放资本账户后,最终加入SDR。

    This group should offer China the incentive to join the forum and eventually the SDR after it takes steps to internationalise the renminbi and moves towards an open capital account .

  15. 人民币国际化进程中的货币反替代研究

    Research on Currency Anti-Substitution of RMB in the Process of Internationalization

  16. 第六章完善人民币国际化宏观管理的政策建议。

    Chapter six is macro management mode of the RMB internationalization .

  17. 以上各方面,为我国推进人民币国际化创造了条件。

    The said factors provide conditions for the internationalization of RMB .

  18. 第三,推进人民币国际化进程。

    Thirdly , promote the process of internationalization of the RMB .

  19. 人民币国际化的路径选择

    A Selection for the Path of the Internationalization of RMB

  20. 最后提出了人民币国际化的渐进式对策。

    Finally putting forward the progressive countermeasure of the internationalization of RMB .

  21. 人民币国际化成为了必然的趋势。

    RMB internationalization has become an inevitable trend as well .

  22. 第四部分是人民币国际化的现状和制约因素。

    The fourth part is about RMB internationalization situation and restriction factor .

  23. 再次,本文对人民币国际化的现状和推进国际化进程中的制约因素进行了分析。

    Again , the paper analyzes its present situation and limiting factors .

  24. 中国采取新措施推动人民币国际化。

    China new move to boost yuan 's overseas use .

  25. 发挥资本市场在助推人民币国际化进程中的作用

    Activate the Role of Capital Market in Promoting RMB Internationalization

  26. 人民币国际化和中国的金融开放是相辅相成的,中国金融的开放正在有序的进行。

    At present , Chinese financial opening is carrying on .

  27. 国际货币体系错配与人民币国际化框架的创构

    Mismatch of International Monetary System & Creating Framework for Internationalization of RMB

  28. 人民币国际化观点述评及其走向分析

    Review the Internationalization of RMB and Analysis on the Trend of Its Development

  29. 人民币国际化的约束条件分析

    Analysis on the Restraint Conditions of RMB 's Internationalization

  30. 第五部分是人民币国际化总体战略和路径安排。

    The fifth part is the overall strategy and path of RMB internationalization .