
  • 网络Random survey;random investigation;a spot investigation;RCT
  1. 本文为此作了一次随机调查,对调查材料的统计分析表明,单字试题中语素字的出错率大约是词字的2倍。

    A random investigation demonstrates that the proportion of faults of morpheme characters doubles that of word characters in the Character Question .

  2. 后经随机调查发现,现阶段油轮转换装油现象非常突出。

    It was discovered later on through random investigation that the problem with " Transitional Loading of Oil " for oil tankers has been striking in the current stage .

  3. [方法]随机调查浙江省农村基层卫技人员,采用Access建立数据库、SPSS10.0进行统计处理。

    Method : Using Access to build up a database and treat it statistically by SPSS 10.0 to investigate rural health professional in Zhejiang Province at random .

  4. 方法以问卷形式随机调查我院内科医生、护士100名;调查我院门诊2型糖尿病(DM)病人100例。

    Methods Randomly investigate 100 physicians and nurses of our hospital , investigate diabetic out-patients of our hospital in the form of questionnaire .

  5. 采用问卷调查的方法,选用国内修订的马斯拉奇工作倦怠量表通用版(MBI-GS),对烟台地区不同类型图书馆的275名图书馆员进行随机调查。

    By means of individual questionnaires of MBI-GS , a randomized survey was carried out on275 libra'rians from different types of libraries in Yantai area .

  6. 结果:共随机调查了中国现场流行病学培训项目(CFETP)成员13人和部分省市各级疾病预防和控制中心(CDC)人员(省级16人,市级44人,区级33人),共计106人。

    Results : One hundred and six persons were investigated , including Chinese field epidemiological training program ( CFETP ) members , workers of CDC of province , municipality and district levels .

  7. 方法:采用社会心理行为学方法,随机调查有婚前性生活史者510人。

    Methods : The survey adopted the society psychology behavior methodology .

  8. 产品设计中抽样随机调查方法的应用

    Methods : Spot check . Spot Check and its Application in Product Design

  9. 方法采用随机调查的方法开展医院平均住院日研究。

    Methods The mean administration days were studied by means of mechanical random sampling .

  10. 方法采用问卷调查和体格检查相结合的方法随机调查驻皖部队离退休干部767例。

    Methods 767 veteran cadres were epidemiological studied with questionnaire combine together the physical examination .

  11. 在随机调查的53个住院病人中有54.7%的患者有此不良反应。

    A-mong the53 admitted patients selected at random , 54.7 % had the adverse reaction .

  12. 事后,在本文作者的随机调查中,对两位大法官的精彩演讲有口皆碑、评价甚隆。

    In a random survey of the author , all the students highly appraised the speeches .

  13. 方法在我院普通门诊病人中按就诊比例及不同年龄段随机调查1054例,进行血压检测和问卷调查。

    Methods A survey of1054 outpatients with different ages was earriedout by blood pressure measurement and answer of questionnaires .

  14. 2002年由丹麦研究员做了一项随机调查,24个健康志愿者予一度烧伤并且进行了不同的治疗。

    In one randomized study by Danish researchers in2002,24 healthy volunteers were inflicted with first-degree burns and subjected to different treatments .

  15. 方法:采用自制调查表以问卷调查和个别面谈方式随机调查了北京市居民10877人,对其用药率及用药情况进行统计分析。

    Methods : 10877 Beijng citizens were enrolled in our study by questionaire or interview for statistic analysis of the above medicine utilization .

  16. 为了解现实中的情况,笔者针对就业弱势群体进行随机调查。

    For the understanding reality 's in situation , the author carries on the stochastic investigation in view of the employment minority groups .

  17. 该随机调查部分是双盲性的:医疗机构的工作人员不知道每个参与家庭受到何种治疗,因为他们分发的是装有注射剂的密封信封。

    The randomized study was partially double-blinded : Medical staff did not know what treatment each participating family received when distributing their sealed syringe-containing envelope .

  18. 方法用症状自评量表随机调查广州中医药大学中医学专业七年制学生178人和五年制学生170人。

    Method : Symptom self-evaluation method was used among the randomly selected 178 students of the 7-year program and 170 students of the 5-year program .

  19. 笔者随机调查上海市三所初中及四所高中的537名学生以及相关学科25名教师。

    537 students from three junior and four senior high schools in Shanghai were selected for random and 25 teachers in relevant subjects have been investigated .

  20. 方法:采用非试验性描述性研究,自行设计问卷随机调查了天津5所医院急诊科医护人员76名,其中医生33名,护士43名。

    Method : Conducted a non-designing questionnaire and randomly questioning 76 medical workers from five hospitals in Tianjing city , of whom 33 doctors and nurses .

  21. 如果你在曼哈顿随机调查100名25至30岁间的人,一半以上的女性收入高于男性。

    If you were to stop 100 people ages 25 to 30 in Manhattan , more than half the women would make more money than the men .

  22. 为了解城市居民对社区护理的了解程度、需求情况及其影响因素,以问卷的方式随机调查296户居民。

    In order to study the understanding and requirements of community nursing by the urban residents and related factors , 296 families were randomly investigated by questionnaire .

  23. 作者用无记名问卷方式,随机调查了该院60名护士,旨在探讨护士对差错的归因,并试图作出相应的理论分析及管理对策。

    Authors randomly investigated 60 nurses by confidential questionnaire to explore what nurses would attribute nursing mistakes to and try to make accordingly theoretical analysis and management strategies .

  24. 随机调查108例前列腺增生激光手术患者的生活,生命活动与的关系。

    It was , at random , investigated that a causal relationship between life and life action of108 patients with BPH , who accepted laser prostatectomy , and BPH .

  25. 方法:采用《幸福感指数量表》和《内控性、有势力的他人和机遇量表》随机调查312名硕士生。

    Methods : 312 graduate students were measured by " Internality , Powerful Other , and Chance Scale " and " Index of Well-being , Index of General Affect " .

  26. 结果1.一般特征:随机调查某区3个建筑工地,现况调查涉及630人,定性研究的深入访谈涉及18人。

    Results 1 . General Characteristics : random survey was did in 3 construction sites , status survey covered 630 people , in-depth interviews of qualitative research covered 18 people .

  27. 1998年,随机调查了上述4县中的1个县41114人。

    The second survey was carried out for filarial chyluria in one of above four counties surveyed in year 1998 , and a total of 41 114 persons were randomly examined .

  28. 主要采用对比,归纳的方法分析共性问题,通过随机调查、分析结果列表的形式增强说服力,借助管理学模型分析建立新体系。

    Mainly contrast , inductive methods to analyze common problems , through random surveys , the results list in the form of more convincing , with a new model of management system .

  29. 对照组为武汉市另一三甲医院内体检中心随机调查的个体,自身免疫疾病、血液疾病、曾经患过恶性肿瘤均排除在外。

    The control group from random survey individuals in Medical center of another three-level hospital in Wuhan , autoimmune disease , blood disease , have been suffering from malignant tumors were excluded .

  30. 方法:1980-08/2004-08随机调查了来院门诊和住院患泪道阻塞的患者及家系中患泪道疾病的情况,分别绘制家系图。

    · METHODS : From August 1980 to August 2004 , the lacrimal duct occlusion suffering status of the outpatients in our hospital was randomly researched , and their family trees were drawn .