
chú chì qī jiān
  • scheduled period
  1. 简析除斥期间可撤销合同的效力

    A Brief Analysis of the Effect of Voidable Contract in Scheduled Period

  2. 对合同解除权的时间限制有二,一是除斥期间,二是催告制度。

    Right to terminate a contract time limit has two , one is a scheduled period , two is a warning system .

  3. 规定保险人合同解除权的除斥期间。

    To provide a scheduled period of insurers'right of rescinding insurance contracts .

  4. 申请违约金调整的期限应当适用诉讼时效制度,而不能适用除斥期间。

    The deadline of applying for adjustment of liquidated damages should use statute of limitation , but not Aus .

  5. 另外对于除斥期间的起算,笔者认为应自解除权发生之日起算。

    In addition to the scheduled period of starting , the author thinks to should since the termination date of occurrence .

  6. 该期间既不同于民法中的时效,也不同于除斥期间。

    The maritime lien time is different not only with the prescription but also with the removal prescription in civil law .

  7. 摘要保证期间既不属于诉讼时效,也不是除斥期间,而是一种独立的期间形态,即为失权期间。

    Guarantee period neither belongs to litigation validity , nor is it the period during which a certain right is valid .

  8. 此外,本节还探讨了国际航空条约规定的两年期间的性质,从近期的司法实践看,各国普遍将此期间视为绝对的、不可变的权利除斥期间。

    In addition , recent judicial practice reveals that the " two years period " provided by international aviation treaties is absolute and immutable .

  9. 它既不同于消灭时效又不同于除斥期间,而是一种独特的时效制度。

    It is different from the prescription of eliminating as well as the period of immunity , but a kind of unique prescription system .

  10. 本部分首先建议对赠与合同中的任意撤销权规定除斥期间。

    First of all , this part of the proposed grant contracts in addition to the provisions of the right to remove any exclusion period .

  11. 在我国,可以采用抵押权的独立时效或除斥期间制度对抵押权的行使时间进行必要限制。

    In our country , we can adopt independent prescroption of hypothec or scheduled period enforcement time in hypothec carry on essential to restrain from during upbraiding .

  12. 现有理论通说认为债权申报期限是除斥期间、公司注销后股东不再承担责任。

    The current theory claims that consequential existing debt is the deadline scheduled period , and shareholders no longer bear any responsibilities after the cancellation of the company .

  13. 从理论上分析保证责任期间的性质为除斥期间,而非诉讼时效期间。诉讼时效与除斥期间区分标准之再探索

    Nature of period of liability for guaranty is theoretically analyzed . A Probe into a Line of Distinction between Procedural Prescription and the terms of Validity of Right

  14. 诉讼时效是我国民事法律制度的一个重要概念,它不同于除斥期间。

    Prescribed period for litigation is an important aspect in the civil law system in our country , different from the period w'nen some right is supposed to exsist .

  15. 可撤销合同在除斥期间,既非有效合同,亦非效力待定合同,更不是无效合同,而是一种相对有效的效力不完全的另类合同。

    Voidable contract , in scheduled period , is not a valid contract , nor are prospect valid contract and voidable contract but a relatively valid contract with incomplete validity .

  16. 约定保证期间既非诉讼时效期间,亦非除斥期间,《担保法》第25条第2款以及第26条第2款均为有利于债权人之解释性规定。

    The contractual guarantee period is neither period of prescription nor period of exclusion in nature . Article 25.2 and article 26.2 of the PRC Security Law are both interpretative provisions which are beneficial to the creditor .

  17. 本部分首先指出赠与合同中的任意撤销权的理论基础有问题,主要是任意撤销权无除斥期间规定。

    First of all , that this part of the grant contract of the right to remove any theoretical basis for a problem , mainly the right to withdraw without any addition to the exclusion provisions of the period .

  18. 如:告知义务主体是否仅限于投保人,告知义务的履行范围如何界定?行使解除权如何适用除斥期间?凡此问题,均需明了。

    For example : Whether the subject to perform the disclosure duty is only restricted in the applicant , how does the fulfillment disclosure duty scope limit ? How to use the period of immunity suitably when rescind the insurance contract ? Every these question , must understand .

  19. 从评价功能的角度来看,围绕着现有民事法律规范的一些争执,诸如法人、过错的本质,诉讼时效与除斥期间的区别等等,也可以迎刃而解了&或许它们原本就不是问题。

    From the view of assess function , some debates on existing civil rules such as legal person , the nature of fault , the difference between prescription of action and the duration of expiration , can be settled easily , maybe some are not problems at all .