
  1. 本文介绍了烧结厂原料系统用GD型三电极电除尘器设备的性能参数及规格,并对该除尘器的结构特点及其功能进行了比较详细的分析论述。

    In this paper , the author introduced the parameters of performance and technical specification of GD type three-electrod precipitator , and analyzed the structural features and functions in detail .

  2. 电除尘器设备远程故障诊断技术的研究与实现

    Study and application on remote trouble diagnosis technique to electrostatic precipitator

  3. 燃煤电厂除尘器设备更新改造时,影响土建基础处理方案的因素较多,要确定适用、安全、经济的处理方案应多方面比较,全方位考虑。

    Comparing practicality , safety and economy on the rebuilding base of the dust catch .

  4. 电除尘器监控设备新设计思路与实践

    A New Supervisory Control Device Design Concept and Its Practice in Electric Dust Clearer

  5. 该新型立窑袋式除尘器的设备投资比其它型号立窑除尘设备低20%左右。

    The equipment investment of SKB new type shift kiln bag filter is about 20 percent below other types .

  6. 中频电源既能满足环保方面的迫切需求,又能短时间内形成生产规模,是理想的静电除尘器电源设备的过渡方案。

    The intermediate frequency power supply not only can meets the urgent needs of environmental protection , but also can be produced in large numbers within a short time , it is a good transition program of electrostatic precipitator power supply .

  7. GD型三电极电除尘器系统及设备常见故障

    GD Type Three Electrode Duster System and the Commonly Seen Troubles in Operation

  8. 硫酸工业电除尘器的供电设备

    Electric supply installation of electric dust remover in sulphuric acid industry

  9. 电除尘器配套电控设备,用于工业烟气的净化。

    E.S.P Electrical Control equipments , Used to clear industrial fume .

  10. 电除尘器中低压设备可编程序控制系统

    The programmable control system of the low-voltage installation in the electrostatic precipitator

  11. 除部分主体设备外,蒸发冷喷嘴、静电除尘器高压电气设备、轴流风机及控制系统等关键设备从国外引进。

    The key facilities such as the evaporative cooling spray nozzle , high voltage electric equipment for the electrostatic cleaner , the fan and its control system are imported from abroad , with part body exception .

  12. 本文还分析了电除尘器高压供电设备与低压控制设备提效节能的技术措施,提出了节能减排技术方案,为火电厂电除尘器的设计、调试、运行和提效节能提供参考依据。

    The paper has analyzed efficiency enhancing energy-saving technical measures of high-voltage current supply device and the low voltage control device , then proposed the technical schemes . It should be provided some references for designing , debugging , operation and efficiency-raising energy-saving of EP in thermal power plants .

  13. 论述了GD型三电极电除尘器的系统及设备运行中的常见故障及进一步完善的措施。

    Discussions are conducted on GD type three electrode duster system and the commonly seen troubles in operation and some improvements are put forward .

  14. 另一方面,将设计的电除尘器高低压供电设备控制系统方案在印度项目现场进行实施应用。

    On the other hand , the designed control system of ESP high-voltage and low-voltage power supply equipment is applied onsite in India .

  15. 详细介绍冷却转筒、引风机,圆布袋除尘器工艺参数及设备尺寸的确定。

    It is described in detail how to determine the technological parameter and size of equipment , such as rotary drum , induced draft fan , circular bag type dust collector .

  16. 并对这种废气的治理提出了采用湿式除尘器与气液吸收设备相组合的装置&文丘里除尘器及改进的玻璃钢酸雾净化塔净化方案。

    It is recommended that the Venturi Dust collector and improved fibreglass epoxy acid mist cleaning tower & wet dust collector gathering and liquid-gas absorption device combination could be used for waste gases cleaning .

  17. 电除尘器是消烟除尘设备中一种重要的环保设备,对于保护和改善环境、使粉尘排放符合国家有关标准、保障民众的身体健康及实现可持续性发展都有非常重要的意义。

    E · P is an major environmental equipment for the environment protection , and it also has a very important significance in making dust emissions consistent with the relevant state standards , ensuring the public health and the achievement of sustainable development .

  18. 在大气污染物的治理中,除尘设备是非常重要的净化手段,传统的高效除尘器有设备投入大、运行成本高的缺点。

    There is no doubt that variety of dust collectors play important role in the governance of controlling the atmosphere quality . Original high efficient dust collectors have some defects , such as big investment in equipment , high operational cost .

  19. 但是电除尘器长期使用后除尘效率开始下降,运行故障率变高,而故障的种类原因十分复杂,除尘器设备又处于高电压密闭的环境,这些情况使运行人员很难及时发现并处理故障。

    If the static duster has been used for a long time , mechanical failures were frequently found . Further more the causes of those faults are very complicated and the equipments of static duster are in closed surroundings .