
xiàn dìnɡ kōnɡ jiān
  • Limited space;restricted envelope
  1. 在限定空间范围内,采用CAD/CAE技术设计了垂直高速旋转式水松纸切割装置(VerticalHigh-speedRotaryTippingpaper-cuttingDevice,简称VHRTD)。

    A vertical high-speed rotary tipping paper-cutting device ( VHRTD ) is designed by using of CAD / CAE technology in limited scope .

  2. 纳米圆柱孔材料的限定空间内流体的吸附及相行为

    Adsorption and Phase Behavior of Fluids in Confinement of Nano-cylindrical Materials

  3. 此外,纳米介孔材料及其限定空间内的流体构成了化工中的复杂体系。

    Porous nano-materials and confined fluids constitute complicated systems in chemical engineering field .

  4. 限定空间无线电监控系统的设计

    The Design of the Space-Limitation Wireless Monitoring System

  5. 体验设计&非限定空间的感受与限定空间中的表达

    Experiencing Design : Feelings in the Nonrestrictive Space and Expressions in the Restrictive Space

  6. 限定空间和相对单一条件下的结果表明,啮齿类α多样性与生境结构复杂性呈正相关,而与生境生产力特征呈负相关。

    Results provided in a limited spatial scale with relatively uniform conditions show that rodents ' α - diversity correlates positively with habitat structural complexity and negatively with characteristics of habitat productivity .

  7. 矩形隧道和矩形棚洞属于特殊限定空间,为保证其中无线通信的正常进行,需对其中的电磁传播特点进行研究并解决其无线信号覆盖的问题。

    Normal tunnel and hangar tunnel belongs to the special limited space , in order to ensure the communication can use in these special areas , so we need to study the electromagnetic propagation characteristics and solve the wireless signal coverage problem .

  8. 例如,PHP名称空间的最佳实践之一是,在代码中使用绝对引用完全限定名称空间,而不是相对引用。

    For example , it is a best practice with PHP namespaces to fully qualify your namespaces within your code using with absolute references rather than relative references .

  9. 用户可以限定磁盘空间和网络带宽的使用率。

    Users can specify limits on disk usage and network bandwidth .

  10. 为什么要是使用限定的空间?

    Why use those confined spaces ?

  11. 功能本体是利用本体的方法去定义功能空间中的概念性词汇以规范说明和限定功能空间。

    Function ontology can be used to define the conceptual vocabulary of functional space and limit the function space .

  12. 成像孔径内的最大炮检距地震道应限定其空间分辨率大于等于1/2;

    The limited spatial resolution ratio of the seismic trace with maximum offset in imaging aperture is 1 / 2 ;

  13. 实空间是指实体所占据的空间;虚空间是指实体所限定的空间。

    Space of entity is the space occupied by entity , while space of emptiness is the space limited by the entity .

  14. 为改善这一状况首先以人类自身的尺度为标准依据人控制环境的范围和认知能力来限定居住空间规模。

    To improve the situation , first , people should prescribe living space limit according to their ability of controlling the environment and the cognitive ability .

  15. 如何利用竹材的结构,并在这个基础上怎样处理竹材的方式将会影响限定室内空间的表面形式。

    How to use the structure of the bamboo , and on this foundation how to handle the way of the bamboo material will affect the surface form indoors .

  16. 第三章以人们在医院建筑中的需求为基点,分析外部空间环境的构成,包括空间限定、空间尺度、绿化栽植和环境设施;

    Part three analyses the construction of exterior space environment , including space limits , space scale , planting and circumstance setting , based on the need of people in hospital buildings .

  17. 量子不可克隆定理是由量子力学基本限定希尔伯特空间的线性性而得到的,它指出:不可能准确地复制任意未知量子态。

    The deviation of the theorem is based on the basic constraint in quantum mechanics-the linearity of the Hilbert space . It points out that it is impossible to exactly copy an arbitrary unknown quantum state .

  18. 织物材料被广泛应用于室内空间设计中,当它在某个限定的空间,受到外力的作用而发生应激反应时,会呈现出常规形态或非常规形态(即应激形态)。

    Fabric materials are widely used in the design of the interior space , in a limited space , by the action of external forces and stress response occurs , will be showing a conventional form or non-conventional forms (" stress species ") .

  19. 当W3C词汇表同时指定了元素和属性时,通常只要属性出现在受限的元素中,它就不需要将它们限定于名称空间。

    When a W3C vocabulary specifies both elements and attributes , it typically will not require that the attributes be qualified to the namespace as long as they occur on elements that are qualified .

  20. 在对象名称中为分类服务限定符保留空间。

    Reserve space in object names for a class-of-service qualifier .

  21. 边缘空间对空间领域进行了限定,核心空间因边缘的存在而确立。

    The fringe space confined the realm , defined the central space .

  22. 因为油画是以最直观的色彩形式出现在人们面前的,说的极端一点,油画在真正意义上说是色彩效应在所限定的平面空间中的构成。

    Because the oil painting appears by the most direct-viewing color form in front of people , saying in the true sense is the color effect , in defined in plane space constitution .

  23. 从植物空间的植物要素、空间要素、空间形态的限定要素、空间的类型等方面深入分析植物对景观空间营造的影响。

    From the plant space plant elements , the elements of space , limited elements of the spatial form , the type of space-depth analysis of the impact of plants on the landscape space to create .

  24. 结合珠江三角洲商品住宅区的实例,着重探讨了住宅区小广场的尺度、空间限定手法、空间形式及其与住宅区道路的关系、居民行为与小广场细部设计等内容。

    Through case studies around the Pearl River Delta , this paper discussed such small plaza in its scale , spatial qualification as well as its relationship with residents ' behavior so as to summarize some designing details .

  25. 限定两个输入空间映射的类属空间包含两输入空间的共有结构,进而广告双关中激活的两输入空间通过类属空间的限定投射到整合空间。

    The generic space , which defines the mappings of the two input spaces , has the common or shared structures of the input spaces .

  26. 对于公共空间的使用,我们一直存在在被动的状态,原因首先是建设者已经限定了使用者对空间的使用方式;再者是使用者在早已被设定好的环境中,丧失了主动创造的机会。

    The use of the public space , we always exist in the passive state , the first reason is the builder has restricted use of space users ; moreover is the user has already been set up in the environment , the loss of the initiative to create opportunities .

  27. 提出过渡空间的限定是由界面限定和空间限定共同限定的。

    Transition space limit is limited jointly by interface is limited and the space is limited .