
xiàn zhì yīn zǐ
  • Limiting factor;restriction factor
  1. 目前,世界上下潜最深的潜水器是“深潜限制因子”号,去年曾下潜至10927米的深度。

    The world 's current deepest diving manned submersible is DSV Limiting Factor , which reached 10927 meters last year .

  2. 在藻类生长旺盛的7、8两月,P浓度成为主要限制因子;

    In July and August , P was the main limitation .

  3. 研究结果表明P缺乏是马占相思中龄林生长的主要限制因子。

    Results indicate that P deficiency was a main limit for the plantation productivity .

  4. N是第一限制因子。

    N is the first limit factor .

  5. GIS开发的限制因子分析

    Analysis on Restrictive Factors of GIS Development

  6. 分析表明pH值和有效态重金属含量可能是新植物定居的限制因子。

    The pH and contents of available heavy metals were likely to be the limiting factors for plant settlement .

  7. 以水体富营养化的限制因子P为例,探讨并介绍了一种对农田生态系统非点源污染敏感性的空间分布进行评价的方法。

    An approach for assessing spatial distribution of agricultural non point source pollution in farm ecosystems , taking P as an example , is introduced .

  8. 污染土壤植被重建的限制因子包括重金属毒性、P和K的有效性。

    The constraints of revegetation on contaminated soil were the toxicity of heavy metals and the low contents of available P and K.

  9. 空气CO2浓度,细胞间隙CO2浓度与光合速率是一致的,在高CO2浓度下,气孔导度一般不是光合速率的限制因子。

    Generally the stomatal conductance was not a factor to inhibit photosynthetic at high CO_2 concentrations .

  10. 相对来说,全氮含量总体较低是金坛市土壤肥力的主要限制因子,pH值较低和速效磷水平较低是部分地区土壤生产力的主要限制性因子;

    The low pH and available phosphorus content may be comparative limiting factors of soil fertility in some area of Jintan county .

  11. 研究表明,黑龙江省主要土壤养分限制因子是N、P、K,其次是S和Zn,此外,个别土壤表现缺Mg和CU。

    The results showed that the mam limiting factors of soil nutrients in the main kind of soil in the Heilongjiang province were N.

  12. 4与最佳植茶区相比较,适宜区存在一些轻度限制因子,主要包括土壤pH,碱解氮、速效钾含量;

    Compared with the first class , soil pH , available nitrogen and potassium were the slightly limited factors of the second class .

  13. 在营养盐加富试验中,加入含有P系列的浮游植物增殖速度最快,揭示P是此时大鹏澳浮游植物的潜在限制因子。

    In the nutrient addition experiment , faster growth rates were found with additional P , suggesting that P was the potential limiting nutrient in the Dapeng'ao at that time .

  14. 分析表明,单模光纤的Rayleigh散射损耗与功率限制因子密切相关;

    There is a strong correlation between the Rayleigh scattering loss and the power confinement factor .

  15. a.强烈的风沙活动是流动沙地植物定居的限制因子。

    Strong and fluent activity of wind and sand is the key factor for plant species to settle in sandy-land .

  16. 绝大部分土壤速效钾含量低于150mg/kg,钾是本区域优质烤烟生产的主要限制因子。

    Potassium is the main limit nutrient in this district for tobacco production .

  17. 通过N/P值分析,表明了N为该湾秋冬季节初级生产力的限制因子,而P则为该湾春夏季节初级生产力的限制因子。

    The analysis by N / P ratio showed that N was a limited factor on the primary productivity in autumn and winter , but P was in spring and summer .

  18. 该养殖水环境中氮磷营养盐含量均超过富营养化阈值,因而已无法判断浮游植物生长的限制因子;(4)叶绿素a与IN含量成显著负相关,而与IP含量的相关性不显著。

    The content of nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients exceeded the eutrophication threshold , therefore , it could not be judged which was the main restrict factor of phytoplankton growth .

  19. 常绿针叶林和常绿阔叶林中Mg的利用效率高,表明Mg可能是这2种风景林生长的限制因子。

    A high Mg use efficiency in evergreen coniferous forest and evergreen broadleaved forest indicates that Mg may be in a limited supply in the two scenic forests .

  20. N是该生态系中浮游植物的限制因子,P限制状况只有在珊瑚礁生长带较深的海域出现,Si呈相对富足状态。

    N is the restrictive factor for plant plankton in this ecosystem , P is restrictive only in the deeper waters with coral reef growth zones , Si is relatively abundant .

  21. 另外还探讨了水化因子的变化特点,N、P的分布变化规律,浮游生物、初级生产力与营养盐限制因子的关系。

    In addition , the changeable characteristics of the water-chemistry factors , the distributing rule of the N and P , the relation between limited nutritive salt and plankton and primary productivity were discussed .

  22. 水稻是中国乃至世界的主要粮食作物之一,而氮(N)是其生产的重要限制因子。

    Rice is one of the most important crops both in China and in the world , and its growth and development are largely depending on the supply of nitrogen ( N ) .

  23. 盆栽试验和田间试验的结果表明,N、P、Zn和Mn是淡灰钙土上春小麦产量的土壤限制因子。

    Pot and field experiments revealed that the nutrients of N , P , Zn , and Mn were the main limiting factors for wheat yields on light Sierozem in Ningxia .

  24. 结论得到生产实际验证,说明运用决策树和GIS图层叠置分析方法挖掘产量限制因子在技术上可行。

    It is believable that the method of analysis yield-limiting factors based on the decision-making tree and GIS overlay is practical in similar areas like Ningxia according to the theoretical research and its application .

  25. 氮磷污染近年来有加重趋势,氮磷比大致呈逐年增加趋势,P成为近年来渤海湾浮游植物生长的限制因子。

    The pollution of N and P has being heavier in recent years and the rate of N and P increases year by year . P has been the limitation factor of phytoplankton growth in Bohai Bay in recent years .

  26. 探讨了集约化猪场废水厌氧消化后,SBR法生物脱氮除磷效果及限制因子。

    The biological removal effect of nitrogen and phosphorus and limiting factor of SBR technique after anaerobic digestion of centralized swine wastewater were investigated and studied .

  27. 在天气晴好、光合旺盛、通风受阻时,棚内CO2匮乏可成为光合作用的主要限制因子。

    The insufficiency of CO 2 in the greenhouse might become the primary restrictive factor for photosynthesis especially in sunny days when photosynthesis was vigorous and the greenhouse was badly ventilated .

  28. CO2主要排放期出现在温度较高的6&8月份,温度是该地区CO2排放的主要限制因子。

    The greater CO2 flux period appeared in June ~ August , and temperature was a main limited factor to influence CO2 emission in black soil region in North - east China .

  29. 结果表明:宜春油茶幼林土壤养分限制因子为N、P、Ca,盆栽不施N、P、Ca作物分别减产63.97%、61.32%和19.08%。

    The result displayed that the main nutrients limiting factors of young oil-tea soil were N , P , Ca and the yields would be reduced by 63.97 % , 61.32 % and 19.08 % without N , P , Ca.

  30. 通过1996~1998年的试验观测得出,在川中紫色丘陵区,最主要的肥料限制因子是N,其次是P,而钾在此地区也有一定的增产效果。

    The result of trial of 1996 1998 indicated that the key factor controlling crop yield was N , followed by P in the purple hill area in Sichuan , while crop yield can also be increased by applying K in this area .