
  • 网络intercropping
  1. 合理的间作套种可以提高作物产量,减轻农作物病虫害的发生。

    Rational intercropping can improve crop yields and decrease occurrence of pests and diseases .

  2. 据此,实行间作套种,增种爬地作物,也是减少坡耕地水土流失的有效措施。

    Thereforce , adopting intercropping and interplanting , increasing crawling crop can efficiently decrease soil loss from sloping farmland .

  3. 间作套种,带型是关键。

    Strip patterns are the key link to the relay-intercropping .

  4. 大力发展间作套种提高灌区综合效益

    Energetic Development of Intercropping and Increase of Multiple Benefits in Jingtai Irrigating Zones

  5. 固原半干旱灌溉农田作物间作套种的综合效益研究

    The Integrated Benefits from Intercropping on Irrigated Farmland in Semi-arid Area of Guyuan

  6. 麦、瓜、棉、豆间作套种栽培技术

    Brief Introduction to Interplanting Practice with Wheat , Melon , Cotton and Soybean

  7. 河西走廊灌区间作套种下甜菜规范化栽培技术研究

    A Study on Standardized Culture of Sugarbeet Relay-Inter Cropping in the Irrigation Areas of Hexi Corridor

  8. 简要介绍这四种作物的间作套种技术及获得高产、高效的技术关键。

    This paper introduced the interplanting technology of these crops and key practices to get high yield and benefits .

  9. 陕南秦巴山区川道治理调查报告沟谷川道地应实行间作套种;

    Investigation on River Plain Harness of Qin-Ba Mountain Areas of South Shaanxi Province interplanting is practised in the gully and valley lands ;

  10. 采用间作套种与单种相结合的方式人工栽培野生薇菜成活率高、出苗多、整齐、粗壮。

    The cultivation of wild Osmunda japonica Thumb alone or intercropped with other crops resulted in high survival rate and germination rate of the healthy seedlings .

  11. 从开展河南农业高效利用研究的必要性及更合理利用气候资源的角度出发,提出间作套种的三熟制高效农业资源利用模式。

    In view of promoting research on high efficiency agriculture development and rational utilization of resources , a triple harvest intercropping model is developed for Henan Province .

  12. 使用间作套种、普通地膜和液态地膜等措施对黄土丘陵地区的大垄沟种植方式进行了改良和优化。

    Inter-cropping , plastic film mulching and liquid film mulching were adopted to improve and optimize the farming practice characterized by large-size ridges and furrows in hilly loess regions .

  13. 对30余种间作套种组合种植作物的耗水量、产量、产值及其根区土壤含水量进行了分析研究。

    Evapotranspiration , yield , production value , and soil moisture in root zone for 30 kinds of intercropping systems under different irrigation water application were studied in this paper .

  14. 在山西省15个试验站点,采用田间小区试验方法,对30种间作套种组合种植模式进行了历时6年的灌溉试验研究。

    Irrigation experimental study of 6 years had been carried out for 30 varieties of interplantation crop combination patterns in 15 sites and stations in Shanxi province by using field plot test .

  15. 其节水增产的机理为:间作套种作物需水高峰期不同步和相邻条带间根层土壤水分的相互调节,在一定程度上缓解了作物受旱程度;

    Mechanism of water saving is the different periods of water requirement for various crops and mutual adjustment of root layer soil moisture at adjacent stripes , which alleviates the drought in some extent ;

  16. 研究了风沙化土地葡萄园土壤温度、光照强度、风况及土壤机械组成、养分与水分状况等环境效应,为葡萄园间作套种及设施高效栽培提供理论依据。

    The environmental efficiencies of factors such as soil temperature , intensity of illu-minance , wind in sand grapery , and composition , water and nutrient of soil , are analyzed . The results are conductive to intercropping , interplanting and facility planting in sand grapery .

  17. 在陕西关中平原较高水肥条件下,间作套种的产量、产值和产能分别比单作复种增加10&15%、14%和10%。

    Under the conditions of higher soil fertility and moisture in Guan - zhong Plain , the relay-intercropping productivity is much higher than that of the sequential cropping with its yields , productive value and productive energy increased by 10-15 % . 15 % and 10 % respectively .

  18. 针对宁南半干旱区一熟有余、两熟不足的气候条件,在灌溉农田开展了以间作套种为主的高效多熟种植模式试验研究。

    Based on the situation of heat resources were enough for one crop but insufficient for two crops per annum in the semi arid areas of South Ningxia , an experiment on the multiple cropping patterns with high efficiency has been conducted in the irrigated farmland by using intercropping .

  19. 红壤旱地不同农田生态系统结构对玉米病虫害的影响研究表明,间作、套种可减轻玉米病虫害。

    Maize diseases and pests of field ecosystems under different structures on dryland red soil are studied . The results show that intercropping and interplanting can reduce the invasion risk of maize pathogens and pests .