
  • 网络Land-based pollution;LBSMP
  1. 诸河口水体中N和P含量均达到水体富营养化危险负荷,可见陆源污染是渤海湾富营养化日趋严重、赤潮日趋增多的主要原因。

    The concentrations of N and P in estuaries are all reached to the dangerous loads of eutrophication in waters , which indicates terrestrial pollution is the main reason for the growing eutrophication and red tide in Bohai Bay .

  2. 海洋环境中内分泌扰乱化学物质(即“内分泌干扰物”,EDCs)主要来源于陆源污染和海上排污。

    The main sources of endocrine disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) in the marine environment are from inland pollution and shipping sewage .

  3. 研究结果表明:(1)深圳市近海水体主要受到沿岸陆源污染和海上交通污染的影响,主要超标物为无机氮(TIN)和PO4-P。

    The results showed that ( 1 ) the major pollution resources were from the land and water-borne transportation pollution in the coast of Shenzhen City , and the major pollution factors were TIN and PO_4-P ;

  4. 陆源污染是影响海域污染的主要因素。

    The main factor affecting the ocean pollution comes from the land .

  5. 珠江三角洲陆源污染和香港水域排污对伶仃洋的影响

    Water quality variation in Lingding sea influenced by Pearl River delta and Hong Kong sea area

  6. 胶州湾异养细菌及大肠菌群的分布及对陆源污染的指示

    Distribution of heterotrophic bacteria and coliform in Jiaozhou Bay and its indication to pollution from land

  7. 这意味着陆源污染和人群活动对近岸海区大气的影响。

    It means that there was the influence of land pollution and human activity on the nearshore waters .

  8. 陆源污染不仅影响我们当代生存环境,也会影响社会的可持续发展。

    Land-based sources of pollution not only affects our contemporary social and environmental but also affect the sustainable development of society .

  9. 湖泊作为容纳和净化陆源污染的自然生态系统,在全球氮循环中发挥着重要作用。

    Lake is a natural ecological system and plays a major role both in accepting and purifying terrestrial pollution and in the global nitrogen cycling .

  10. 关于因勘探和开发大陆架而造成的海洋污染议定书保护东南太平洋地区免受陆源污染议定书

    Protocol Concerning Marine Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf Protocol for the Protection of the South-East Pacific against Pollution from Land-based Sources

  11. 既然从哲学层面挖掘出了陆源污染问题产生的根源,那就应该从哲学上寻求解决之道。

    Since we dig out the root causes of land-based sources of pollution problems from the philosophical side , we should seek the solution from the philosophical .

  12. 不能从哲学的高度探究陆源污染的原因,就不能从根本上解决陆源污染问题,这样的发展也是不可持续的。

    Without a philosophical perspective to explore the land-based sources of pollution problems , we can not solve the problem thoroughly . This development is not sustainable .

  13. 近海污染与富营养化的日益严重,是一个世界性问题,而陆源污染是造成这个问题的主要原因。

    Offing pollution and eutrophication is more and more serious , which has been a world problem . The main reason for this problem is land-based pollution .

  14. 对渤海陆源污染的调查与研究,分析海洋污染的防治机理与方法,对我国近海生态环境与资源的保护和可持续利用都具有重要的实践意义。

    Research Bohai land-based pollution and analyze the mechanism and method of pollution prevention and cure , which has important meaning for protecting marine environment and keeping resource continuable improvement .

  15. 短期内这种发展模式可能会带来一定的经济效益,但是长此以往必然会对生态环境造成破坏,进而引发一系列的陆源污染问题。

    This pattern of development in the short term may bring some economic benefits , but within long-term must have a social environment damage , bringing a series of land-based sources of pollution problems .

  16. 因为生态技术的补充,在应用科技的过程中既不损害社会环境,又能充分的发挥作用,从而对陆源污染产生的源头方面进行必要的防治。

    Let the technology do no harm to the social environment in the application process , and can fully play its role in order to make the necessary land-based sources of pollution source prevention .

  17. 文章从陆源污染和海洋经济发展两方面分析了形成这一局面的直接原因,从发展规划、管理体制、海洋环境意识、绿色生产技术及资金和成本等方面剖析了其深层次原因。

    The direct reasons for this are analyzed from the two perspectives of land pollution and marine economic development and the deeper reasons are explored from the perspectives of development plan , management mechanics , marine environment conception , green production technology , capital and cost .

  18. 现阶段,我国陆源污染问题日益严重,表面上原因是社会发展过程中的人类的生活生产活动造成的,但是其深层的根源包括许多哲学问题,主要在于错误的价值理念的指导。

    Nowadays , land-based sources of pollution is a growing problem in China . On the surface , we may consider the misused development process caused the problem . But its deep roots , is a philosophical question . The reason mainly due to wrong guidance values .

  19. 防止陆源海洋污染巴黎委员会保护地中海免受陆源污染议定书草案

    Paris Commission Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources , draft

  20. 沿海地方人民政府环境保护部门主管防止海岸工程和陆源污染物污染损害的环境保护工作等等。

    And environmental protection organs of the local people 's governments in coastal areas are responsible for the environmental protection work of preventing pollution damage resulting from coastal construction projects and land-sourced pollutants .

  21. 苏北盐城海岸带陆源氮磷污染负荷估算初探

    Estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution loads from inland in the coastal zone of Yancheng , Jiangsu

  22. 本文探讨采样策略在搜寻污染场址中高污染区之能力。陆源造成的海洋污染

    In this paper , objective of sampling is to determine where " hot spots " are present . marine pollution from land-based source

  23. 根据近年来国内外对茶叶铅污染研究的相关报道,综述了茶叶中铅污染的主要来源。陆源造成的海洋污染

    A review with 15 references is given on the factors result in lead contamination in tea leaves based on the related researches of recent years . marine pollution from land-based source