
  1. 每次我教他吉他的时辰,阿谁下昼老是布满了阳光。

    Every time when I teach him guitar , it is always sunny afternoon .

  2. 接着我做了一件阿谁下昼看到我那大胆的小女儿所做过的事。

    Then I did what I 'd seen my brave little girl do that very afternoon .

  3. 摄影师r奥马尔阿巴西拍下照片几秒钟后,地铁列车撞向韩基石。

    Seconds after photographer R. Umar Abbasi captured the images , the train fatally struck ki .

  4. 本周一,58岁的韩基石在纽约时代广场附近的一处地铁站台上被人推了下去,自由摄影师奥马尔阿巴西拍下这一场景。

    A freelance photographer captured the image Monday after someone shoved the man , 58-year-old Ki-Suck Han , from a subway platform near Times Square .

  5. HPLC测定盐酸阿扑吗啡舌下片的有关物质

    Determination of related substances of Apomorphine hydrochloride sublingual tablet by HPLC

  6. 阿震:这下可好了。我的脸会更红

    My face will turn even redder !

  7. 方法:用含肾上腺素的阿替卡因粘膜下浸润麻醉,行拔髓术或开髓术。

    METHODS : We do extirpation of pulp or pulp opening under submucosal infiltration anesthesia with articaine containing adrenaline .

  8. 神阿、你降下大雨.你产业以色列疲乏的时候、你使他坚固。

    Thou , O God , didst send a plentiful rain , whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance , when it was weary .

  9. 耶路撒冷阿,要抖下尘土。起来坐在位上。锡安被掳的居民哪,要解开你颈项的锁链。

    Make yourself clean from the dust ; up ! And take the seat of your power , o jerusalem : the bands of your neck are loose , o prisoned daughter of zion .