
  • 网络scale-corrosion inhibitor
  1. 新型阻垢缓蚀剂XD-2在循环冷却水中的性能研究

    Performance of new XD-2 scale-corrosion inhibitor in circulating cooling system

  2. 用于高硬度高碱度水质的阻垢缓蚀剂ZPS-03的性能研究

    The study on the properties of zps-03 type scale-corrosion inhibitor in water with higher hardness and basicity

  3. 试验证明,HPDP是一种优良的阻垢缓蚀剂,适用于高温、高碱、高pH、高浓缩倍数的循环冷却水处理,具有广阔的应用前景。

    It can be used in high temperature , high alkaline , high pH and high concentration multiple circulat-ing water .

  4. TRT系统使用阻垢缓蚀剂的研究

    Research on TRT System After Use of Anti-scale Reagent

  5. 运用量子化学(QC)、分子动力学(MD)方法研究了循环冷却水常用阻垢缓蚀剂的作用机理,共分两大部分。

    Quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics methods are used to study the operation mechanism of scale and corrosion inhibitors of circulating cooling water system in the dissertation .

  6. 聚环氧琥珀酸(PESA)是一种新型的无磷有机阻垢缓蚀剂。

    Polyepoxysuccinic acid ( PESA ) is a new kind of scale and corrosion inhibitor which does not contain phosphorus .

  7. 考察了加氢裂化装置高压空冷器加工高硫原油后出现的腐蚀问题,并进行了加注SYDY-101加氢裂化阻垢缓蚀剂的工业试验。

    The corrosion happened on the high-pressure air cooler of the hydrocracking unit when processing sour crude was investigated , and corrosion inhibitor SYDY-101 was added for solving the problem .

  8. 钼膦系阻垢缓蚀剂SK-107在合成氨系统中的应用

    Application of Mo-P series scale and corrosion inhibitor SK-107 to the synthetic ammonia system

  9. VAF-1常减压阻垢缓蚀剂的研究与评价

    Study on VAF-1 coking and corrosion inhibitor for atmospheric and vacuum distillation tower

  10. 全有机阻垢缓蚀剂ZS-401B在热电系统的成功应用

    Application of All-organic Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor ZS-401B in Circular Cooling Water in Luxi Thermal Power Plant

  11. 含膦酰基的聚MA-AA-AMD阻垢缓蚀剂的制备及应用研究

    Preparation of a New Kind of Poly ( MA-AA-AMD ) Scale Inhibitor Containing the Phosphonyl Group and Its Application Research

  12. 低磷低锌复合阻垢缓蚀剂JA-211B在炼铁高炉净循环冷却水中的应用

    Application of a scale-corrosion inhibitor with low concentration of phosphate and zinc in a blast furnace clear recirculating cooling water system

  13. 研究了腐植酸钠(HA-Na)与市售的含磷阻垢缓蚀剂复配产品的阻垢和缓蚀性能。

    The scale inhibiting and corrosion inhibiting abilities of humic acid sodium ( HA-Na ) and the combinations of phosphorus-containing scale-corrosion inhibitors sold in markets are studied .

  14. 以EDTMP(S)为主要原料复配的GK&102水处理剂应用表明,EDTMP(S)是一种优良的阻垢缓蚀剂。

    The application of GK-102 water treatment agent formulated based on EDTMP ( S ) shows that EDTMP ( S ) is an excellent scale and corrosion inhibitor .

  15. 本文总结介绍了含膦羧酸共聚物TS-617组份的阻垢缓蚀剂在灰水回收系统中稳定处理的实验方法及情况。

    A method for stable treatment of ash-containing recycling water in coal-burning power plant using phosphono-carboxylic acid TS-617 copolymer as corrosion and scale inhibitor was described .

  16. 最后研究了微生物分散剂与常用类阻垢缓蚀剂的伍配性,发现TX-30、曲拉通X-100具有良好的伍配性,而1427易于共聚物类阻垢缓蚀剂反应生成沉淀。

    Finally , compatibility of micro-dispersant and common corrosion inhibitor is studied . The results find that TX-30 , Triton X-100 have a good compatibility , but 1427 and corrosion inhibitor of copolymers are easier to precipitate .

  17. 研究结果表明:该阻垢缓蚀剂在试验用模拟水条件下,对碳钢和黄铜均有明显缓蚀作用,且其缓蚀效果与传统水质稳定剂SPC-405相当。

    Under the test condition , this water stabilizer exhibited good corrosion inhibition effect both on steel and brass , which could catch up with the traditional water stabilizer SPC-405 .

  18. 该系统选用的JC-463型阻垢缓蚀剂对环境污染小,具有阻垢、缓蚀、分散等多种作用;

    , Ltd. The scaling corrosion inhibitor JC-463 used in this system causes less environmental pollution and has many functions such as and - scaling , corrosion inhibiting and dispersing .

  19. 结果表明,SYDY-101加氢裂化阻垢缓蚀剂能有效地阻止和延缓空冷设备及管线因硫含量过高而引起的腐蚀。

    The result showed that the said corrosion inhibitor could effectively inhibit and retard the corrosion of the air cooler and pipes which caused by the high-sulfur content of the oil .

  20. 新型全有机配方TZ-318(Ⅲ)阻垢缓蚀剂用于大型火力发电厂循环冷却水处理,解决了凝汽器铜管的结垢、腐蚀问题。

    A new all-organic formulation TZ-318 ( III ) scale and corrosion inhibitor is used in the circulating water of a large heat power plant . It solves scale and corrosion problems in the condenser copper pipe .

  21. 文章报道了宝钢集团上海梅山钢铁股份有限公司2炼铁高炉净循环冷却水用低磷低锌阻垢缓蚀剂JA-211B的试验开发和应用情况。

    Development and in-situ application of scale-corrosion inhibitor JA-211B with low concentration of phosphate and zinc in 2 ~ # blast furnace clear recirculating cooling water system of Shanghai Meishan Iron and Steel Corporation Ltd. of Bao Steel Group are introduced .

  22. 有机阻垢缓蚀剂作用机理的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on the Operation Mechanism of Scale and Corrosion Inhibitors

  23. 仪器分析在聚合物类阻垢缓蚀剂研究中的应用

    Application of Instrumental Analysis in the Research of Polymeric Scale-Inhibitors and Corrosion-Inhibitors

  24. 活性氧杀菌剂的合成及与常用阻垢缓蚀剂的相容性研究

    Synthesis and compatibility of active oxygen disinfectant with scale and corrosion inhibitors

  25. 新型高效复合阻垢缓蚀剂RP&100的研制和性能评定

    Development and performance Assessment of New Type High-efficiency Compound Fouling-resistant Corrosion Inhibitor RP-100

  26. 一种新型低磷阻垢缓蚀剂的试验分析

    Testing Analysis of a New Type of the Anti-scale and Corrosion Inhibitor with Low Phosphorus

  27. 发电厂循环水阻垢缓蚀剂动态模拟试验研究

    Study on Antiincrustation Corrosion Inhibitor in Circulating Cooling Water of Power Plant by Dynamic Simulation Test

  28. 绿色化学品与无磷阻垢缓蚀剂

    Green-chemical Product and Phosphorus-Free Corrosion-Inhibition

  29. 聚天门冬氨酸是新一代可生物降解的绿色阻垢缓蚀剂。

    Poly ( aspartic acid ) is a new kind of biodegradable scale inhibitor and corrosion inhibitor .

  30. 含膦羧酸共聚物的阻垢缓蚀剂在燃煤电厂灰水回收系统稳定处理的应用研究

    Application of phosphono-carboxylic acid ts-617 as corrosion and scale inhibitor for stable treatment of ash-containing recycling water in coal-burning power plant