- 名the rising tone;second/rising tone in Standard Chinese

[the rising tone of the four tones in wodern standard Chines pronounciation] 升调;现代汉语四声中的第二声
Yangping and Shang tone 's tone sandhi can be considered the same .
The main difficulty lies in word second tone and third tone of confusion .
Study on synthetical recovery of tailing from the cleaning mill of placer gold at Yang-Ping-Guan
An Experimental Study of the Pronunciation Pattern of Chinese Two-syllabic Words with Rising Tone for Korean Chinese-Learning Beginners
Comprehensive Recovery of Lead-Zinc-Sulfur from A Guizhou Concentrator 's Lead-Zinc Tailings Study on synthetical recovery of tailing from the cleaning mill of placer gold at Yang-Ping-Guan
In161 BC , the waters of the barrier lake overflowed south to the old Qian River , forming large marshes in Yangpingguan Valley to the north of Mt Longmen .
Tonal bias mainly reflected in plus tail in the end of certain word , the word length is short of the fourth tone , confusion of the second tone and the third tone .
Second tone the beginning of the decline , third tone tune the rear of the rear position to rise to second tone , second tone and third tone leading to almost the same as the language map .
Experimental results show that : ( 1 ) tune domain range is narrow ;( 2 ) the tones acquisition order of ease of experimental results and perception ;( 3 ) length bias of falling highest second tone and third tone lower .
Adjusted relative to one word tone , two word tone Korean students more extensive errors : first tone downward trend , second tone can not go up , half third tone rise , not fall , fourth tone is in place high flat tone or not more down .