
chánɡ jiānɡ liú yù
  • Yangtze river basin;the drainage areas of the Yangtze River
  1. 其疫源地人口多或面积较大的主要在长江流域的湖南、江西、四川、贵州和湖北等省市区;

    The distribution of the enzootic areas were mainly in the drainage areas of the Yangtze River .

  2. 受寒潮影响,长江流域及其以北地区将有大风。

    The cold wave will bring strong gales to areas along the Yangtze River and north of the river , according to the NMC .

  3. 报告显示,长江流域在水质提升、水生物种多样性修复以及污染防控方面均取得明显成效。

    China has made notable progress in improving water quality , restoring aquatic biodiversity and controlling pollution in the Yangtze River basin , according to the report .

  4. 通知提出,长江流域禁捕是保护长江和加强生态文明建设的重要举措,沿江各地政府和各有关部门要细化完善各项政策措施,全面抓好落实。

    As the fishing ban in the Yangtze River basin is an important measure to protect the river and improve the ecological environment , local governments and related departments should roll out specific policies and measures to ensure its implementation , the circular said .

  5. 国务院办公厅日前印发通知,要求切实做好长江流域禁捕有关工作以及退捕渔民安置保障工作。

    China called for solid efforts to implement the fishing ban in the Yangtze River basin , and ensure the livelihoods of affected fishermen after they bid farewell to nets and boats , according to a circular released by the General Office of the State Council .

  6. 长江流域SO2与NOx可能有相同的来源,二者可能大部分来源于固定源排放。

    It is likely that SO_2 and NO_x come from same sources , most of them likely come from stationary source emissions .

  7. GRAPES中尺度模式对2005年长江流域重大灾害性降水天气过程预报性能的检验分析

    Validation of 2005 heavy rain events over the Yangtze River Basin forecast by grapes

  8. 正在进行的多目标地球化学调查成果显示,长江流域存在全流域的Cd异常。

    The results of the multi-purpose regional geochemical investigation show that there exist Cd anomalies spreading along the whole Changjiang River basin .

  9. 本文综合了国内外使用GIS网络分析技术的现状,并具体结合长江流域水资源保护决策支持系统项目,对于用有向网络模拟汉江流域的流域信息进行了深入分析;

    In this paper , we summarize the development on GIS Network Analysis , synthesize the Yangtze DSS project and lucubrate the simulation of drainage basin with GIS Network Analysis ;

  10. 分析计算了长江流域人均综合用水量、万元GDP用水量、农田灌溉平均用水量和人均生活用水量等用水指标,分析了二级区间用水指标的变化情况。

    This paper also analyzes and calculates the comprehensive per-capita water consumption indexes in the river basin , per-10000-yuan-GDP water consumption , unit-area average irrigation water consumption , per-capita domestic water consumption , etc.

  11. 青藏高原异常雪盖和ENSO在1998年长江流域洪涝中的作用

    The Role of the Anomalous Snow Cover over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and ENSO in the Great Floods of 1998 in the Changjiang River Valley

  12. 对2002年长江流域棉花区试的10个新品种进行了抗枯萎病(Fusariumwilt)鉴定,并从每个品种中各选择30个单株,分株计产,按株取样检验其纤维品质。

    Ten varieties ( strains and crosses ) participated in the cotton regional test of Yangtze River Valley in 2002 were tested for their resistibility to Fusarium wilt .

  13. 用相关和SVD方法分析讨论了不同季节全球海温异常与长江流域夏季降水的联系,并用合成分析探讨了这种相互联系的可能机制。

    Based on the correlation and SVD methods , the relationship between the summer rainfall in Changjiang River basin and the SSTA of different seasons are studied .

  14. 用MM5对长江流域的一次暴雨进行模拟考察其对行星边界层参数化的敏感性。

    MM5 was employed to investigate the sensitivity of the simulation to the planetary boundary layer ( PBL ) parameterizations through the simulation of a rainstorm over the Yangtzi River Basin .

  15. 黄河中游黄土的REE组成及流域物理风化决定了黄河沉积物的REE特征;而长江流域复杂的源岩与较强的化学风化控制了长江沉积物的REE组成特点。

    REE composition in loess in the middle Yellow river and extensive physical weathering in drainage basins have great influence on REE characteristics in the Yellow river sediments , whereas complex source rock and chemical weathering controlled the REE composition and distribution in the Yangtze river sediments .

  16. 通过ETA模式对98·7长江流域暴雨过程的数值试验研究,讨论了行星边界层过程对暴雨数值预报的影响,结果表明边界层过程在这次暴雨预报中有重要作用。

    The effects of planetary boundary layer processes on the prediction of heavy rain in the Yangtze River in July 1998 are studied by utilizing the ETA model . It is demonstrated that boundary layer is important in the forecast of heavy rain .

  17. 褐飞虱Nilaparvatalugens(Stal)是亚洲地区一种远距离迁飞性水稻害虫、也是我国长江流域及华南、西南广大稻区水稻上的最重要害虫。

    The brown planthopper , Nilaparvata lugens ( Stal ) is a long-distance migration of insect that is considered as a rice pest in Asia , and is also the most serious pest on rice in Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin , South and Southwest China .

  18. 利用NCARMM5V3对1999年6月长江流域的极端异常降水事件进行了模拟,主要研究不同水平和垂直分辨率对极端区域气候事件模拟的影响。

    The fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-NCAR Mesoscale Model Version 3 ( MM5V3 ) is used to simulate extreme heavy rain events over the Changjiang River Basin in June 1999 , and the effects of model 's horizontal and vertical resolution on the extreme climate events are investigated in detail .

  19. 长江流域粮食资源及生产发展方向

    Grain resource and trends of grain production development in Yangtze Valley

  20. 长江流域节水前景与措施浅析

    Analysis on water saving prospectives and methods in the Yangtze Basin

  21. 长江流域水功能区划概述

    A Summary of Water Functional Division of the Yangtze River Valley

  22. 长江流域经济增长的收敛性

    Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence in the Yangtze River Region

  23. 长江流域油菜施钾技术研究

    Study of potash application technique on rapeseed along Yangtze River area

  24. 巫文化与长江流域的民间壁画

    Culture of Wu series and the fresco of Yangtze River basin

  25. 浦东开放与长江流域的总体发展

    Pudong 's Opening Up to the Outside World and Overall Development

  26. 血吸虫对长江流域生态环境影响及对策

    Influence of schistosomiasis on Yangtze River catchment environment & countermeasure suggestion

  27. 长江流域生态修复工程的意义及对策

    Significance and Countermeasures of Yangze River Basin Self-Restoration Project of Ecology

  28. 长江流域新世纪可持续发展的重大问题

    New century significant problems of the Yangtze basin 's sustainable development

  29. 长江流域粮食供求预测研究

    Projection of the Grain Supply and Demand in the Yangtze Valley

  30. 长江流域棉区棉花发展研究

    On furthering the development of cotton plantation in the Yangtze Valley