
  1. 赤眉军进人长安后,长安已残破不堪。

    When the Red Eyebrows entered Chang " an , it had been utterly dilapidated .

  2. 因而,在一定程度上说,长安文化或长安学,不但是“中国学”的一个有机组成部分,而且是“中国学”的一个重要窗口。

    Therefore , to a certain extent , Chang'an culture not only is the organic heart of Sinology or Chinese Studies , but it also forms an important window for Chinese studies .

  3. 公元24年,绿林军攻破长安。此时,长安城里的起义已蓄势待发。

    In 24 , the Green Wood army broke into Chang " an , where people were also ready to rise in revolt .