
cháng chu
  • forte;good qualities;strong points;merit points;virtue;merit;plus
长处 [cháng chù]
  • [merit points;good qualities] 指某个方面的优点,特长或优势

长处[cháng chu]
  1. 爱一个人人最吸引自己的并非是长处,恰恰是她的缺点。

    Love is a most attract everyone is his forte , exactly is her faults .

  2. 沟通技巧是一个重要的长处和他们添加一个非常重要的方面,你的个性。

    Communication skills are an important forte and they add a very important dimension to your personality .

  3. 我想知道你有哪些长处以及不足。

    I want to acquaint myself with your strengths and weaknesses .

  4. 最关键的问题是这不能使每个人充分发挥自己的长处。

    The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of everybody .

  5. 她想知道你有哪些长处以及不足。

    She wants to acquaint herself with your strengths and weaknesses .

  6. 每人都有自己的长处和短处。

    Everyone has his own strong and weak points .

  7. 人各有长处和短处。

    Every man has his strong and weak points .

  8. 他有许多长处。

    He has many good qualities .

  9. 你还有一个长处是多才多艺,但不要揽事太多而太露锋芒。

    Versatility is another of your strong points , but don 't overdo it by having too many irons in the fire .

  10. 她善于利用她精于计算的长处。

    She put 〔 turned 〕 her computing skills to good account .

  11. 学习别人的长处,克服自己的弱点。

    Emulate others'strong points and overcome one 's own weaknesses .

  12. 她的长处之一就是绝对可靠。

    One of her many merits is absolute reliability .

  13. 我的英语老师总是尽力让我将自己的长处发挥出来。

    My English teacher always tries her best to bring out the best in me .

  14. 对你来说,这是一个练习新技能、发掘自己长处和尝试爱好的好时机。

    This is a great time for you to practice new skills and discover what you 're good at and try what you love doing .

  15. 他们无视她的各种长处

    They do not recognize her many excellences .

  16. 知道你的长处,并善加利用,一人就可当万人。

    Know your strengths , use them wisely and one man can be worth ten thousand .

  17. 曹商满脸得意地去见庄子,并夸耀到:“说服大王国君,不辱本国国君主的使命,跟随的马车有百辆之多,这是我的长处。”

    He went to visit Zhuang Zi complacently3 , and boasted , " To convince the king of the powerful country , accomplish the mission assigned by the king of homeland , and to be followed by hundreds of carriages is my strongpoint . "

  18. 按照《国际地层指南》的要求,修水、乐平P\T界线剖面之长处有可能弥补长兴P\T界线剖面之不足。

    According to the requirements of International Stratigraphic Guide , these defects can be remedied by the Xiushui-Leping profile .

  19. 界面操作风格吸取了国际上CAMPUS软件的长处。

    The style of the operation interface has taken advantage of CAMPUS , the famous international software .

  20. 一个强大的J2EE应用程序会充分利用它所有组件的长处。

    A strong J2EE application takes advantage of strengths of all of its components .

  21. 流程引擎(processengines)的长处在于支持长运行流程的能力,在这里,动作可以花很长的时间来完成。

    The strength of the process engines is the ability to support long-running processes , where actions can take a long time to complete .

  22. 首先,看来“ducktyping”是Ruby一大长处。

    Originally , it seemed that " duck typing " is Ruby 's big advantage .

  23. RUP的一个长处是它关注在降低风险上。

    A strong benefit of the RUP was its focus on mitigating risk .

  24. 他们说,NC的长处是它解决了与拥有和管理PC机有关的令人头痛的问题。

    The beauty of the NC , they say , is that it addresses the headaches associated with owning and managing a PC.

  25. Web界和客户界都有它们的长处,我想我们已经看到它们都逐渐往彼此性能方向发展。

    The web world and the client world both have their strengths , and I think we have seen both of them gradually grow towards one another in term of capabilities .

  26. 在CPU和ASIC应用有长处但存在不足的基础上,产生了网络处理器技术。

    Based on the practical advantages and disadvantages of CPU and ASIC , the network processor technology was issued .

  27. 由于TPU是极性聚合物,使用较大量时,出现和PP相容性的问题,使二者的长处不能在共混物中充分发挥。

    TPU is a polar polymer . When its content increases in blends , it became incompatible with PP.

  28. 接着分析比较了三种主流的分布式对象模型的体系结构及其各自的缺点和长处,较为详细的介绍了EJB组件技术。

    Secondly , the characteristic of three popular distributed object models are compared and the EJB is introduced particularly in the paper .

  29. LotusApproach3.0是真正意义上的面向最终用户的关系型数据库,其最大长处是易学易用性。

    Lotus Approach 3.0 is a really and truly oriented end-user relational database , its predominant merit is easy to learn and easy to use .

  30. 您们许多人都已经熟悉了XML的一般优点以及DITA尤其是在创建技术内容时的长处。

    Many of you are already familiar with the advantages of XML in general and DITA in particular for creating technical content .