
  • 网络Solder Ball;solder balling;balling
  1. 使用Matlabcom组件与Visualc联合编程技术设计了BGA封装用焊接锡球的形状参数测试与分析软件。

    Using Matlab com component and Visual C # technology to design solder ball shape parameter testing and analysis software .

  2. BGA封装锡球制备技术研究

    Research on Technology of Fabricating Solder Ball for BGA Packaging

  3. 对BGA封装技术中锡球焊接可靠性的研究

    BGA Assembly Technology Research for Solder Ball 's Reliability

  4. 用均匀液滴法制备的BGA锡球颗粒具有真圆度高,表面质量好,颗粒粒度均匀等特点,能直接得到满足使用要求的锡球,生产效率远胜于传统生产技术。

    UDS fabricated particles are with characteristics of good roundness , better exterior quality and monodispersity , and the quality is better than ones produced by traditional technologies , particularly in productivity .

  5. 在相同射出压力下,0.8mm锡球的自由液面接触角大于1.0mm锡球的自由液面接触角。

    The contact angle of free surface of the 0 . 8 nun 's solder ball is larger than that of the 1.0 mm 's solder ball under the same injection pressure .

  6. 硬盘磁头激光锡球焊接有限元分析

    Finite element analysis in tin-ball laser bonding on hard disk sliders

  7. 基于视觉系统的锡球焊接机器中定位和检测的改进

    The Improvement of SBB in Orientation and Detection Based on Vision System

  8. 一种新的利它素生物测定的人工卵&锡球

    Tin Bead of a New Artificial Egg of Kairomone Bioassay

  9. 于是,人们一齐动手,很快将锡球上的锡皮剥了个精光。

    The local people set to straightaway to destroy the tin ball .

  10. 产生的后果是:锡膏出现硬皮、硬块、难熔并产生大量锡球等。

    So it will result in rigidity skin & block and solder balls etc.

  11. 研究发现空心锡球有很高的反应活性。

    The results show that the hollow tin spheres have high catalytic reactivity .

  12. 介绍硬盘磁头激光锡球焊接的原理和优点;

    Introduces the principle of the tin-ball laser bonding on hard disk sliders and its merit .

  13. 处理完成后锡球的放置要合适,松松的粘在触点上。

    The balls should sit properly and are loosely adhered to the pads after this process .

  14. 又纯锡球与内含铜球之两种锡球结构,以锡球内含铜球结构具有较大的可靠度。

    The results show that between the pure solder and the copper core solder , the latter has better reliability .

  15. 分析结果揭示了锡球延时型保险丝相对于单丝型保险丝的延时保护作用和规律。

    The result reveals the protecting function and the rule of the stannum ball time-delay fuse compared with the single fuse .

  16. 这样会产生许多焊接缺陷,诸如锡球、润湿不良、破坏元器件、空洞、碳化等。

    This could cause a variety of solder defects , ranging from solder balling to non-wetting to damaged devices to voiding to charred residues .

  17. 文中主要探讨了覆晶封装底胶充填时,锡球、芯片及基板间的流动状况。

    In this paper we report the analysis of underfill encapsulation between the solder ball , micro-chip and substrate by experiment and3D mold flow simulation .

  18. 数值计算与实验结果表明,金属射流在惰性气体环境下受激振破碎形成均匀金属液滴束流,收取到了均匀尺寸的金属锡球状粉末。

    The results proved that the metal jet was broken up to form uniform droplet stream under periodic longitudinal vibration in inert gas , and the sphere uniform tin powders was collected .

  19. 统计分析了焊接缺陷主要是表现为锡球断路、焊锡过流、锡球分布不对称以及烧焦和锡溅,主要受锡球大小、焊盘相对位置以及有关加工参数的影响。

    By statistical analysis , the defects are tin-ball short , overflowing , dissymmetry , splash and scorch , which are mainly affected by the tin-ball size , pad positions , and process parameters .

  20. 当天晚上,九龙飞来,不见了锡球,便在太湖里四处寻找,闹腾了整整一夜,锡球还是不见踪影。

    That night the nine dragons come again . Failing to see the tin ball , they tumble about all night in Tai Lake in a frantic search for it , but to no avail .

  21. 这就是现在的九龙山。那锡球内的巨石,即今天的锡山。产生的后果是:锡膏出现硬皮、硬块、难熔并产生大量锡球等。

    This is today 's Jiu'Long'Shan or Nine Dragon Hill and the huge rock inside the tin ball has become today 's Xishan or Mount Xi . So it will result in rigidity skin & block and solder balls etc.